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Walton last won the day on May 7 2022

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Baetis Nymph

Baetis Nymph (3/10)



  1. https://globalnews.ca/news/9067636/alberta-angling-fish-warm-waterways-low-flow/amp/
  2. Hi everyoneI’m looking for some information on a bamboo rod and am hoping some of you might have some insight. I’m not a bamboo aficionado but I have a friend who has a rod that belonged to her late husband and she wants to know if it’s worth much or how much she should ask if she’s selling it.It appears to be a south bend rod that may have been refinished at one time with the exception of the grip and reel seat.It has a label near the grip but it is well worn to the point all I can make out is south bend.Its a three piece rod, appears straight, and if I were to guess I would say it’s about a 5 weight. 9 feet long I think. I can email pics if you need.ThanksKen
  3. Blonde Wulff
  4. A variety of great Greenwells patterns here for anyone interested. Some other great patterns too especially for winged wets and soft hackles: https://www.flytierspage.com/aconba/aconba.htm
  5. Soft hackles
  6. Coho Blue.
  7. Thank you.
  8. Does anyone know of a soft hackle pattern for a Greenwells Glory? I’ve been tying wets with varying degrees of success but would love to find a good soft hackle pattern. Also looking for any suggestions on body colour if I don’t have cobblers wax and silk thread. I’ve been using olive stretch floss and it looks pretty good. Thanks
  9. BWO
  10. Emergency crews called out to the weir in Harvie Passage today for reports of a man standing in the middle of the river. Turns out - he was just fishing. True story.
  11. https://globalnews.ca/news/7721674/coal-teck-fined-contaminating-bc-rivers/
  12. Too little, too late: “Pause” on new coal leases fails to address ongoing threat of coal development in Alberta’s Rocky Mountains. January 18th, 2021 CPAWS Southern and Northern Alberta chapters are concerned that the Minister of Energy has not heard the real concerns of Albertans on new coal developments in the Eastern Slopes of the Rockies. Today the Minister of Energy announced the suspension of mineral lease auctions for coal in areas that were protected from open pit coal mining by Alberta’s now-defunct Coal Policy - formerly known as Category 2 lands. But conservationists are concerned the announcement is too little, too late. “While this is a step in the right direction, this ‘pause’ will have little effect on the ability of existing leases to be explored and developed for coal in the region,” says Katie Morrison, Conservation Director with CPAWS Southern Alberta. “There are more than 840,000 hectares of coal leases and rights in the Eastern Slopes. This area includes around 420,000 hectares within lands formerly protected as Category 2 (an area approximately the size of Kananaskis Country) that are now, and still with today’s announcement, open for development as open-pit coal mines. These areas continue to be open and at risk from coal exploration and mine development.” Since the cancellation of Alberta’s Coal Policy in June 2020, there has been an influx of coal exploration development - building of new roads and deep drill pits - in some of Alberta’s most environmentally sensitive areas. These areas are the source of Alberta’s water and contain habitat for species at risk such as grizzly bears, caribou, and native trout. They also include some of Alberta’s most iconic scenic landscapes, which are important areas for local economic drivers such as ranching and outdoor recreation. Today’s announcement does nothing to address the impact coal exploration is having on these sensitive areas, nor the ability of the companies on these lands or other existing leases in Category 2 lands to continue moving forward with mine development. Cancelling the newest 11 leases changes very little with regards to the scale of the impact the removal of the Coal Policy has on Alberta's Eastern Slopes. The 11 leases referenced in the government press release were small, covering only 1800 hectares (0.002% of the area that has already been leased). “Whether or not the coal leases were existing or new, open-pit coal mines are now allowed in Alberta’s headwaters where they previously were not,” says Morrison. “We have heard from thousands of Albertans who have been very clear that they do not support coal exploration or mine development in Alberta’s Rocky Mountains,” adds Chris Smith, Parks Coordinator with CPAWS Northern Alberta. “The Minister’s announcement in no way addresses these concerns. We are asking the Government of Alberta to fully reinstate the Coal Policy, hold public consultations on the issue, and permanently prohibit new coal proposals, exploration, and open-pit mines in these important areas.”
  13. Coal leases: Minister Savage January 18, 2021 Minister of Energy Sonya Savage issued the following statement on the decision to cancel 11 recently issued coal leases and pause any future coal lease sales in former Category 2 lands: “We have listened carefully to the concerns raised in recent days, and thank those who spoke up with passion. “As a result, we will pause future coal lease sales in former Category 2 lands. The coal leases from the December 2020 auction will be cancelled. “I want to be absolutely clear: Under the current terms, just as it was under the 1976 coal policy, coal leases do not allow for exploration, development or production without a comprehensive regulatory review. A lease holder has no more right to set foot on lease property than any other Albertan. The same rules apply now, as before. “This pause will provide our government with the opportunity to ensure that the interests of Albertans, as owners of mineral resources, are protected. “Coal development remains an important part of the Western Canadian economy, especially in rural communities, but we are committed to demonstrating that it will only be developed responsibly under Alberta’s modern regulatory standards and processes. “This decision has no impact on existing coal projects currently under regulatory review.”
  14. Thanks all. Marlborough quoted me about $3200. Mister Transmission had the parts in stock - cost me $1500 and got it back the same day.
  15. I need to have the rear differential in my 2008 Ford Ranger 4x4 rebuilt. Not very happy with the service and advice from the local Ford dealer. Can anyone recommend a reputable shop that can do it for me. I live in Midnapore but work in Mayland Heights - so the shop could be anywhere in between. Tx.
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