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Baetis Nymph

Baetis Nymph (3/10)



  1. Just upgraded to an Anvil Atlas and love it. Has a really good solid base that does not move while tying plus a clamp option. Got it at Christmas from Fish Tales. Tied up various patterns/hook sizes and it can do it all extremely well. Highly recommend. Started tying about 2 years ago now, both fresh and salt. Guess I should change my forum name as it no longer applies!
  2. I was at Dutch Creek and the Gap area this past Saturday with my son and there were vehicles, tents and campers everywhere there was river access. More people than I have seen in the area in 3 years. Fished the Livingstone (in decent shape) and got a couple cutties but mostly spent time checking out the conditions. Conservation officer was making the rounds, first time I have met one in the area. Oldman was clear but still a lot of flow. Will be good soon. Saw a few signs saying "deeded land" and no vehicle traffic. Did not notice them before, just north of Dutch Creek camping area on east side.
  3. Anglers Dream. Ordered from them 5 or 6 times now. Quality is great and at 58 to 61 cents each on average I can't reasonably see tying them myself. I still buy locally for ones they do not have available and when I run low. Only problem is it usually takes 2 weeks to get them via USPS out of Texas.
  4. No...mostly the Bow for nymphing but in the faster water at some spots near the Gap and around Lundbreck I have had good luck with 16 to 18 copper johns.
  5. Haha...I think the off season is right now Brian!
  6. Mostly the Bow but I make several trips down Forestry Trunk and fish the Livingstone, Oldman, Crowsnest, Carbondale, and others during the season, which for me is May thru October. I would have to say 80% of the time I am nymphing. Wish it was 80% dry! The suggestion about taking the line off the reel sounds like a good one. I always kept the line clean. I used a Cortland cleaning pad to lube the line. Just bought some Mucilin and wondering if it maybe not a good idea to use. Anybody use it? If others are getting 2 to 3 years then I guess it's normal.
  7. Only got 2 years out of my WF6F SA GPX Mastery line. It had tons of tiny cracks in it that went right to the core and was not flowing smoothly out of the guides. I always used line dressing on it to keep clean and lubricated. I keep it in a case away from sunlight and freshwater use only. Maybe that's normal. I usually fish one day a week and every day for 2 weeks during summer holidays so moderate use. I just bought Rio Gold so will see if it lasts any longer. This is my 3rd year fly fishing so I do not have much experience with fly lines. Experience of others is welcome.
  8. I have a Helios 5/6 and just bought a Sage 4250. Can't go wrong with either but I like the superior drag and number dial of the Sage. Go for the Sage...you won't regret it.
  9. I have the Hero 2 and take on every trip to the river. Bought it for snowmobiling but use it just as much on the river. Get the chest mount strap. Works great and does not interfere with casting. Great point of view. Underwater releases are neat to watch.
  10. That is exactly what happened to me last year. Had to cut it off because it could not be dislodged in the current. Bought a 20lb pyramid for this season. Working fine so far.
  11. I bought the same BVK 6wt just prior to my fishing holiday 4 weeks ago and could not agree more. One of the best rods out there and excellent value. I was prepared to buy a Sage VXP at twice the price but could not find a good reason to do so when I compared them. I have SA GPX F6 line on it and casts very well. Pleasantly surprised at how well and far it casts the lightest dry flies but I am sure much credit must also go to the excellent line. Highly recommended!
  12. I have had good luck with a #16 bead head Copper John suspended from a small float 18 to 24 inches down when fishing Bear Pond last year...try that too.
  13. Bass Pro marine dept has a decent selection of oars and accessories. Try there.
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