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Posts posted by Muffin

  1. Hello everyone, did anyone create an account recently and have any issues?


    Admins is there a problem with the account creation page?


    I have two friends attempting to create accounts and they get the following error message:



    • The security code you supplied did not match the one displayed, a new code has been generated, please try again
    • Your answer to the challenge question was not valid. Please try again.



    They did try using both goose and minnow for the registration question with no success.


    Thanks for any help.



  2. Haha oh wow those are a couple of great threads.


    Thanks for re-posting them.


    It is a pretty illusive club.


    While ice fishing this weekend we managed to catch another rod. The guys beside us came over and claim they lost that rod last year. It is possible as they did know the brand of the rod and also we were both fishing not to far from the put in point so pretty common spot.


    Not a dead fish on a fly but still pretty impressive.

  3. Haha so basically not the shoe/sole but the person then?


    Wow!! And that's coming from a guy that has taken his share of slips/falls (I think I've counted at least 5 when I've fished with him!! LoL)!

  4. That seems really odd. Typically regardless of the router the wifi network should not have the ability to restart your computer. I would still feel it is more the computer issue but given what you said I would be curious about the wifi too.


    Is your mac up to date on all the software updates? Also you can try checking your router and making sure it is running the most recent software version.

  5. I had redington wader + boot all in one combos and they were good. I personally found where the boot met the waders it rubbed against my calf and gave me some good blisters.


    Once I realized how awesome fly fishing is I upgraded to some Caddis waders with seperate boots.


    Redington does make for a great starting point though in my experience.

  6. I have pictures rick does that count:


    I just spent a month in Australia and did 9 dives on the great barrier reef. Including a night dive in which we saw 10-15 reef sharks. No pics of them. Also my buddy has some gopro video footage which will be pretty cool I imagine. See if you can find nemo.


    Oh ya I am the guy in the white shirt beside the girl. The other guy was my travelling buddy.




    Australia: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151526374210962.560984.505820961&type=1&l=5f9497d34b

    Scuba: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151526546625962.561008.505820961&type=1&l=11efde3aac

  7. I hardly compare nymphing to a spinner real and bobber. I mean when you catch a fish on a spinner real the line is usually overkill so basically you just real until the fish is landed, no challenge, no fun and no skill. Also with a static piece of bait or bobber the fish will swallow the whole thing from what I have seen making a safe release very challenging. Thirdly I don't recall ever mending my line sitting on a lake catching pike/perch with a big bobber. For the record I was keeping those fish for eating as I still do not think bobber/bait fishing and release is good for the fish.


    I know I have caught plenty (haha okay maybe more like a few compared to some of the aces in this forum) of fish with a nymph that had very minimal impact to their mouths as a result of the line/nymph actually moving. I also find it challenging to still land a fish as the tippet is usually closely balanced to the pull a fish can exert in fast water. I used to centerpin/noodle fish and it got borrowing so I stopped, that was until I found fly fishing.


    I will admit that on a small stream with perfect glass like water their is more skill involved in presentation and fly selection but to compare nymphing from a bank to bobber watching seems wrong to me personally.

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