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Baetis Nymph

Baetis Nymph (3/10)



  1. agreed. a good laugh!
  2. This reminds me of one of my posts after I'm knee deep in the sauce... Cool bears bro! Just a blackie though, you can take her!
  3. You thank them now, but a month from now you'll be cursing them when you find out you failed math. Also, great forum DavDev and crew.
  4. I've bought several Lamsons from these guys. They are great folks to deal with and talk to and will occasionally toss in a free spool of Rio with your purchase. Lamson is my fav
  5. Different fish bro. Nice one though.
  6. really cool. enjoyed that, thanks!
  7. In all seriousness, run-off is one of the main reasons bio's are worried about brook trout. They are pre-adapted to our climate and weather patterns. In the spring, the rainbows spawn and run-off happens about the same time. A crapload of the eggs get killed off by the increasing silt in the water. In the fall however, there is no run off and this is when the brookies spawn. Turns out that a much larger proportion of brook trout eggs survive. In the end, the more brook trout there are, the more competition for food.......
  8. having fished grayling lots, my fav is a stimmy. floats high and dry and no grayling can resist it.
  9. Hi EMT, it is really easy to do, as Dutchie said. You will expect to pay the tax on the items. If the boat and trailer are manufactured in North America, you will not pay duty...but if manufactured elsewhere, expect to pay duty. If it is a brand new rig, I don't believe you will need to have the inspection done in order to register it, but I could be wrong. Even on a 6000-8000 dollar rig, the savings can be up to $1000 even accounting for the cost of your trip. There are some smokin' deals to be had on craigslist anywhere in the northwest along the coast, tons of boats out there. Good luck
  10. Priceless! Thanks for that one!
  11. http://www.washingtonflyfishing.com/board/...for-experienced I fish down in WA maybe once a year, so became a member of their forum as well. Interesting what some people have to say and how many similarities there are...... Just for interest sake - no intention to resume beating the dead horse. And their discussion on "players vs bead eaters" http://www.washingtonflyfishing.com/board/...Myth-or-Reality
  12. Seipio's email address? I can't find where I wrote it down for the life of me. Please PM. Thanks
  13. AdamJ

    Only $3!

    wow, i think I woke the kids up with my laughter. thanks for finding this, a great laugh.
  14. My guess would be something like this: http://homepage.ntlworld.com/radbard88/esbuzzer/ Jeremie, Wine rib, gun metal bead, sz12 and 14, deadly at the lake in June!! I mean, deadly!
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