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Posts posted by lonefisher

  1. from what I understand, and hopefully someone will correct if I am wrong, there are no species of hellgramite in alberta....... I could be wrong but this site seems to support this theory.



    I also believe after some reading that some people do misrepresent (likely not purposefully) hellgramite patterns and confuse the insects with others..... I do use 1 pattern that is called a hellgramite by the producer but is actually just a stonefly....... really neat bugs dobsonflies but man they are kinda scary lookin



  2. believe it or not I have seen an albino moose before. Up horsecreek road near Cochrane. No jokes it was about 8-9 years ago. there were 2 moose about the same age 2 years old is what I had figured...... wonder if he/she is still kickin around........ if it was a Bull I am sure I woulda heard about the trophy if he had been taken so I assume its still around

  3. Rub it in, Lone. Rub it in.......


    Oh ya. Canmore sucks!!! Ya. I said it. Canmore sucks! I'm glad I only haved to drive through it every once in a while when going to a better place.


    ( B) )



    Hydro---- I didn't know Canmore was on the way to heaven :lol: Also you will have to introduce me to your travel agent as I also didn't know you were allowed to go back and forth from there ;)



    In all seriousness I dislike both Calgary and Edmonton only on the basis that I dislike big cities....... but as far as cities go both Edmonton and Calgary are pretty good..... they just need more gravel roads. and maybe a cow or 2 of the non plastic variety :D

  4. LMAO I love Canmore even more after reading this thread. Very little crime, worst part of traffic is the occaisional train and the Photo radar guy in the grey truck.... Only place better was back on the farm where the only thing to hold up the drive was the odd unruly bull on the driveway........ Takes 60 seconds to hit the FTR outta the front door......

  5. been to both and my one reccomendation is don't rush an early season trip wait till august when the cutts are feeding best and the weather is the most stable. We got snowed on on our June trip to landslide and it was late June and the lake was still blown out and unfishable. A july trip to LOTF was even poor fishing when we had relatively bad weather...... Be flexible and wait until you have an excellent forecast. Had a blast at LOTF in august lots of wlling cutts and some brookies as well...... never caught any bulls but never really targeted them. Also 2$ per lb is gonna add up big time if you plan to heli and overnight...... like to the point of it being debateable as to whether its worth it...... If I heli again I will either plan a long trip to make the poundage cost worth it or I will just go for 1 day pack light and take first copter in last copter out.......

  6. yeah I got a couple rods that look like that wes but they have seen a heck of a lot of casting and they are not warrantyable so I try hard not to break em but theres no doubt that a line can wear out a guide....... I haven't tried the snakeskin though but it just seems to me that it will wear the guides faster..... But if you have a good lifetime warranty and worn guides bother you then you can always "accidently break" your rod and get a replacement for a relatively low price......



    edit in - I would not let the guide thing turn me off the snakeskin but the finger burn thing has me wondering

  7. Yeah the show looks really good this year. I have to say though I did more standing around and BSing about fishing then I did actually looking at stuff. I think thats the best part though. Then I got thinking imagine there was beer........ Got me thinking that Calgary needs a Flyfishing Bar..... I would definately spend more time in Calgary

  8. Being a person with little education on fish farming i feel the only good thing about them is that without them native/ wild species would be further exploited for food ect. But it seems to me that from what I have heard that the problems associated with fish farms, like the ones you have noted above, seem to add new problems...... Where the balance is and whether they are good or not i can't really say as I don't know all the ins and outs of the topic...... some of the BC boys on here might have a better understanding of the topic though..... I will watch this thread with interest.

  9. I was checked atleast 2 maybe 3 times on the upper bow last year. And probably 5 times in various places in K country last year. Bout the same the year before...... rarely get checked on flowing waters though. Also been checked 4 times in the past few years in JNP.... once in Banff but I don't fish in there that much. 3 times ice fishing on spray lakes over the last 2 winters. Once in BC but again I don't fish there much and not really the popular places. I have to say that the officers in the Northern K country/ Canmore seem to be doing a good job....... or perhaps I look like a poacher.

  10. I gotta say Rickr, Fishhead and MikeFS seem to be looking at the big picture and I tend to agree with them...... This forum does seem very down on anything motorized and in my opinion if an area has a quad trail through it that should be fine, they should be monitored, they should not rip up creeks, and the number of trails should be limited. As soon as a big group gets together and starts outright banning/trying to ban others its just a matter of time until all groups are banned or all groups just simply hate each other..... I know a few guys who belong to some quading groups who build bridges, fix erosion sites and generally do their best to leave the place better then when they arrive. I also have seen some of the assholes who drive around in rivers do donuts in pastures ect. So some are saying we should ban all the quaders because of the bad ones? Ok sorry but thats just not a great idea because if you simply replace quads with fishermen its the same arguement against us...... no one can deny that not only in the past but also the present that there are bad ass fishermen, there are poaching fishermen, there are littering fishermen, there are ignorant fishermen. SO if you can say that its fair that we ban all ATV'ers simply because of the bad ones then you are a hypocrite if you don't have the same feelings in regards to fishing. Regulate more, build bridges where they have river crossings, charge them access or trail fees to pay for upkeep and monitoring, Even a camera system in delicate areas to snap pics of people being destructive could be a possibility. Punish the assholes not everybody else thats my opinion......


    I do have one other thing I feel should be noted specifically in regards to the Livingstone River....... Where is everyone parking to fish? I have never seen 1 single vehicle parked right on the FTR and theres not really any established parkin lots up there....... SO anyone who leaves the FTR to park is off the highway.......... So does this mean we are against off highway vehicles but we are not against our highway vehicles that we take off the highway?

  11. Heavily monitored organized trail system, zero tolerance + higher fines for littering, off trail riding, and fishing infractions as well as habitat detruction. Hit every user group harder when they screw around and break the rules that way its not banning or attacking just 1 group of users. As far as I am concerned everyone should be able to enjoy it out there but the foremost message to all should be Low Impact Recreation.


    Definately want to hear more about this streamwatch meeting if you can Harps

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