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Posts posted by lonefisher

  1. brand brand new bought em at TF about a month ago not sure what the store policy is but I am sure simms would take em back and send me new ones.

  2. Well I gotta find a place to tie I guess......

    did you by chance change the patterns the pools would be tying as I spent all last night researching mayfly patterns and I see that i am supposed to do a caddis.... not a big deal just not sure whether it was me reading wrong or whether it was changed

  3. Sweet truck man. Those silverados are nice machines. I have been doing the debate on getting back into a truck, had an old ford f150 but it was a tank on gas and was reaching the end of its days...... Ended up in a honda civic..... thats a tough change. Been thinkin about Avalanches, 4 runners, or a Dodge but everytime I look at the gas bill since I got the honda I have to hesitate.

  4. upper bow is open water in most areas but is not fishin super hot. Been catching a few on the spey rod though which is a blast. I knew that thing would be great for the upper bow fishin streamers. Tough hitting some of the good streamer water with the short rod but its doable. But I don't expect many will leave the lower bow for its moody upstream version.

  5. we can build a fort at my moms place! LOL seems to me that this is in some ways a club or definately a group already...... but I think its fairly evident that it would be tough to make a real club with physical meetings as many members are spread out around the province....

  6. awesome step by step Brent sounds like a intruder is to flytying what cricket is to sports you gotta stop for a meal and a drink in the middle.

    So how much do you figure rhea adds to the fly? I honestly can't really say it appears to be a big difference but I have not fished em so I guess I dunno.

    thanks for that bbb

  7. I think wasting any edible fish is BS. UNLESS it is a situation where the regulations advise/demand you not release an invasive species or something..... in this case if you can eat it you should (my opinion) but if say you don't eat fish and have no one who will eat it then I see no other option. If your not sure then call the number in the regs and find out what they reccomend

  8. "A fish is considered retained (kept) when it is not immediately returned to the waters from which it was taken"



    2 entries found.






    Main Entry: 1im·me·di·ate·ly

    Pronunciation: \i-ˈmē-dē-ət-lē also -ˈmē-dit-, British often -ˈmē-jit-\

    Function: adverb

    Date: 15th century

    1 : in direct connection or relation : directly <the parties immediately involved in the case> <the house immediately beyond this one>

    2 : without interval of time : straightway <I'll make that call immediately>




  9. I'm sure something will eat that. looks like a nice pattern to fish as it'll be really easy to see..... might be cool with a spun deer hair head and a little bit larger a head but I have a feeling it will catch fish like that...... DBT's note on the back legs might be a good change as well

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