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Posts posted by lonefisher

  1. Bhurt thank you for the suggestions but I suppose I should maybe have been a little more complete. I have a 13' 4" trout spey 5/6 and its a great rod and yes casting it is usually quite nice..... But its not usually the casting that gives my shoulder a problem. Its the fully extended arm holding the rod parallel with the water like when you czech nymph. I have a broken collar bone so rather then lack of strength or pain when casting I just get fatigued in that position a little faster when I am holding it..... I should actually learn to nymph with my left now that I think about it...... But anyways I also have a nice streamdance 10 foot 6 wt GLoomis and I love that rod but it is definately a powerful rod and it lands fish really really fast too fast in fact. Also I think its at the upper end of the stiffness and line weight reccomedation for this type of fishing which is why I wanted to drop down to the bottom ie 3 or maybe 4 wt.


    The Loop that Max and TM have suggested looks great and I have looked into it a bit now....... But I only have 1 concern and yes its a dumb one....... It seems like to much rod....... By all accounts its a freak of nature casts a 3 wt line but will land salmon....... I want one........ Big Time...... But I mean part of the reason I am shopping in a low wt is because it will be more sporting..... That Loop seems kinda like buying a cannon hiding it in a water pistol and using it on a squirrel...... A little bit overkill.....But that said I want one cause it sounds like a monster.


    The top of my list at the moment if I decide to buy from a manufacturer are likely the greys or the snowbee or the sage..... both come in cheaper and seem to be designed more for this specific task. However the greys would be the top of the list as it comes in at the lightest weight and seems to me to be the best option but a readover of their extensive warranty info has me worried as it says that I would need to send the rod to the nearest Hardy & Greys Limited approved Agent..... however they have only one dealer listed on their site for Canada...... But as long as he could process the warranty concerns that would be fine..... Basically the same with the snowbee and I am just curious if Courtney (Islandguy) can tell me how warrantee's work in canada as the snowbee site doesn't say much in that regards.


    LOL was just about to post and it didn't work so I got to read DDF's post. Is it generally accepted that fast and powerful is key? Cause I have read conflicting things about that...... but myself I would tend to think fast and powerful would be best..... however some CN sites say that sofer is better so you don't get to many breakoffs on the hookset...... is this worth worrying about


    Again thanks for all the help everyone

  2. Max and JohnBransfield, great reccomendations, Thank you. But do either of those companies have a North American warranty repair location? I can't seem to find anything.... that I feel is a concern. A Canada location would be preferable but a N A acceptable..... Do you know if I would have to send those rods overseas for repairs? I checked em both out and they look like killer rods tho. Specially that loop...... They also have the Greys in a 3wt 10" model on the website..... that would be killer......

    Cheeler- as far as the switch rod I am just not a switch rod kinda guy..... It seems to be a good option for a rod that you want some extra distance out of...... but I feel all that extra cork gets in my way and adds weight. With the czech nymphing positioning and my bad right shoulder I think the lightest weight will be best.

  3. For anyone who didn't see my query in the trading post I am looking for info on czech nymphing rods..... Any good suggestions or comments will be appreciated as I am looking for a rod whos primary function will be for this type of fishing.

    I am most interested however in the action one might want from such a rod..... Stiff and fast, soft and slow, sensitive whatever you think might be relevant...... I am also looking primarily for a 10 foot 3 or 4 wt in particular..... obviously this narrows down the options a lot. I have read articles that seem to contradict each other in regards to the best actions and stuff so I figured that the local perspective I might get on here might be the most useful.....

    Thank in advance

  4. I like them at times in certain places..... definately help get you on the bottom fast...... But you either need to have a selection of lines for different depths and currents or a multi tip dealeo. I had the airflow 40 plus with I think a 35' type 7 sinking head....... Loved it for the 6 days it lasted but since it broke I have just made do with my cortland with a 10' sink tip like type 4 or 5...... but theres no comparison to the usefulness of the long head as the cortlands almost useless in my opinion LOL as it doesn't get anywhere near deep enough fast enough except in really slow shallower sections.

  5. deadly little fly GGP I just wished I had a couple more of those the other day on the water. My smallest flies were 18s and they were about 4 x the size of the midges coming off. That was the only fly I had that seemed to be catching


    Do you ever put a coat of Sally Hansens on the quill body for added durabilty?

  6. Weedy

    I have never kicked along so fast in that tube....... actually still had my line in the water and I was seriously hoping that a fish wouldn't come up on the caddis I was skimmin over the surface.......... I kept try to veer outta his path and it didn't seem to be workin so started shouting at him and he veered off and continued to the other side...... he was probably not more the 35 feet when he was the closest...... Until then I had always sorta assumed the walk in was the dangerous part and that once I was in the water I was relatively safe but after I started carrying my bear spray and bangers right in the tube with me. All I had that day was a knockoff swiss army knife.... you know the type that fall apart if you look at em to hard? One of those. I considering sinking myself to the bottom with it for a couple seconds as I figured that might be the better way to go..... but there seemed to be no guarantee that he wouldn't have come down after me.......

  7. now I don't wanna be the one person who goes against sage so I won't but I would really really suggest going and casting these rods. Sage, zaxis, zxl, and SLT as well as the G loomis eastfork and streamdance GLX, whisper creek, and max glx. I would be at all surprised if you found the slightly lower cost high end rods like the SLT, and Eastfork are ideal for the majority of the fishing on creeks like that. I find big money on rods seems to be better spent on big water rods. With typical small stream rigs like single dry, hopper dropper, single or even a small team of nymphs and ultra light indi I can't say I usually notice a huge difference between a pricey rod and a really expensive rod........ If you were asking for a good Bow river nymphing rod or streamer rod I would be more inclined to go immediately to the top end......Also slower rods do have their place especially as a learning tool as I found it was easier to learn things like air mends and presentation casts on a slower rod with a slightly longer stroke and slower line speed these thing are argueably more important, But I would just go test em thats the biggest thing and i would test em with flies or rigs (maybe bring your own) that you would usually find yourself using.... Sooner or later a rod is going to say to your hand "don't putta me down I'ma you new Rod, Kapish? Forgetaboutit"

  8. scariest while fishing- having a black bear jump in the lake and swim after me in my float tube. Had a bull moose do basically the same thing in the same lake but he came crashing down the bankside into the lake behind me scared the living crap outta me. The bear I atleast saw coming.

    Was bluffed much like the video in the other thread twice while making my way into this lake but the bear only made one pass the first time when there was a group of us. The second time when I was alone the bear made 2. Closest was the first time though when it came to about 10 feet from the group of us.....happened to be helping some american couple carry a canoe in the girl was almost in tears afterwards.


    Funniest- ironically the same lake was floating around in my tube and was outta site of the little dock area but when I returned (you move quietly in a tube) I surprised a couple...... coupling by the dock....... she was on top....... I turned around and paddled back a bit and coughed loudly. They were looking pretty sheepish so I let them reorganize their clothing and head down the trail before hitting the dock.


    Also been attacked(sorta) by loons at this same lake can't really say it was traumatic experience though.


    I'm sure some odd or weird things have happened but none that I can think of at the moment.......

  9. http://dallairemovie.com/



    Just finished this movie

    For any who have not seen this film yet it is definately worth renting. Based on the book written by Canadian Romeo Dallaire, Its the story of the Genocide in Rwanda and is more worth watching then most of the current drivel coming out hollywood. No gonna retell the whole story here but it makes you wonder. Even has Hooked' Mark Krupa in the cast though he is most definately not his usual bubbly self in this role (see even has a slight FF connecton).


    wiki has some good info on this sory as well


  10. Nice tie tango! Don't forget to crimp your barb LOL. I always find the hardest thing about tying on hook sizes that are real small is getting the vise jaws to hold it proper, But I think 22 is about the smallest have tied...... Can't even get smaller then 18 in canmore. Let us see some of your creations when your done. Maybe try a small clouser

  11. don't live in the city unfortunately but feel free to post or PM questions if you have any...... but honestly try slowly taking apart a couple flies once in a while to give you the idea of how many wraps things need, what order parts are applied ect...... its very easy to get started and after that like anything its just a matter of practice...... also there are some good vids and articles on the web that will walk you through various techniques and flies.......

  12. I suppose they could also be refering to a different lake as they call this one lake of falls instead of lake of the falls but they do not have another listing for LOTF, but I also haven't had a chance yet to check the map coordinates....... Anyways I don't mean to flog the dead donkey but after 3 years I just can't picture those fish well enough to know for sure but it really seems to me that I would have been able to distinguish...... plus the fact that a number of people have referred to the brookies in that lake makes me wonder what the deal is........ sounds like I may have to go fish it again.

  13. I think if nothing else simply fishing that one with a more imitative pattern in tandem at depths would bring the fish in..... you might get the majority on the more realistic pattern but thats gonna hve some attractor quality for sure....... might be worth tying some with a silver tinsel body underneath as well I think that might be deadly as you are gonna get some glow and some reflection....... Cool tie man. What is the ribbing material you have used if you don't mind me asking.


    PS send my dozen along with Glen's


    edit in


    PPS I have come up with a new idea for chiro's as well I will try and post some soon and will explain how I think combining your glowing rib material with my ties might be pretty productive......

  14. Gopherboy you didn't offend at all I was not as involved back then and I have never harvested fish other then the odd lake trout so I would not have spent to much time trying to ID them, But you are obviously right about the brook/bull thing...... I was probably more in a hurry to get my line back in the water for a bigger cutty. I do completely understand what you mean when you say "careful what you support when flying with certain companies" I just didn't want to get into that on here. Theres reasons I haven't been up in the past couple years and you just tactfully touched on most(but not all) of them....... Anyways thanks for the heads up as otherwise I would not have really known as its not a place I fish regularly.

  15. maybe your right I just called my friend and even he says he thinks I am thinking of a different lake.....sorry I fished a lotta lakes that year....... anybody got any pics of LOTF? Anyways I didn't have a digital cam back then so I will to try and dig through my boxes and see if I can find some pics...... I am still not 100% convinced that I am wrong...... LOL despite the fact everyone tells me I am wrong


    edit it.....Gopherboy I had to really think about this and well sounds like I was not confusing the lake but it sounds like its possible I did miss i'd the fish...... before we went the first time I remember a guy at the shop in jasper who told me about the heli outfit said it was mainly cutts and some brookies could sometimes be caught in the outflow and the outflow creek. And I also think someone at the heli also confirmed this. When we got out of the heli we started fishing pretty close to the outflow and we immediately started catching some decent sized cutts and I caught 2 6-8 inchers that I assumed were brookies (all off the surface) I remember that they were definately without a doubt a redish brown colour and like all fish I just popped the hook and let em go......... but in all honestly I suppose they could have been little bull trout...... At that time I had never caught a bull trout that was anything other then the usual silver sorta colour and it wasn't until our second trip in to that lake that we heard there were bulls in there so I had just assumed that they were brookies........ so if I am wrong sorry for the knee jerk reaction to assume you were wrong but I am still not 100 % convinced either way as I can't remember the fish and their markings well enough to say and I am not convinced that theres no possible way brookies could be there.......

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