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Posts posted by lonefisher

  1. I would definately lean to be off the bow (sorry) by the summer I like getting as far from the city as possible. The random camp idea is good...... Midweek would be the bomb I say......Also I know its a long drive but can anybody say cough! cough! north cough. Ram cough cough......

    Then again south would be cool with me as well....... I don't care about the drive.

  2. Bowcrows is retro simple..... so retro cool.... It would be perfect on a trucker cap, toque or like the others said for the smaller logos and whatnot...... But weedy's would be cool for like a full shirt logo or whatnot. Lundvikes would be a really really cool bumper sticker and a sticker would be capable of being printed with the detail involved in SJW's fly......

  3. no losers on this forum. Its just like any other social setting it takes a while for people to feel each other out and feel comfortable communicating...... Just like meeting someone in any situation rarely are you best friends after 5 minutes. The fishing get togethers section is great but posts frequently go unanswered and of the ones that do get answered likely a small portion actually pan out....... I was up to about 400 posts before I even met anyone off the old FFA site.....


    Most of the threads that go on for pages and pages are usually the ones that most quickly digress from the original topic. And I think that is more due to people feeling comfortable with the topic starter and figuring its ok jokin around and poaching the thread a bit a brief skim of many of these threads will show 90 humour and 10% on topic. Conversely a lot of threads are unanswered if a search would produce a existing thread on the topic......


    Personally I don't care if the site has topics that are not fishing related If I don't want to read or partake in a thread I just don't thats one of the great things about this site.......


    Anyways as for the flava thread it is likely better off locked as like many past threads that have gone sour like that never recover and usually digress even more..... reminds me of a book actually.


    usually things stay pretty friendly and light which is good it should not be too serious otherwise we get jetboat and spey fishing threads where everyone gets hostile and occaisionally even violent...... whats the point we are not policy makers or world changers on here. It might as well just be friendly conversation cause when it comes down to it..... None of our opinions mean a damn thing.

  4. Sounds great. I am totally in for the non competitive get togethers. We should book some sort of a Campground. Of course if we do that everyone who wants to be in has to be in and we would likely have to collect in advance, pay in advance. Otherwise the person makin the booking gets dinged if people don't show and don't pay up.

  5. Gotta say I hate a few things about Christmas...... but not the food.....


    yorkshire puddings...... filled with gravy........ if you are short yorkshire puddings just drink gravy.

    If you are short gravy you might as well go home


    mince and butter tarts..... deadly.... lemons good too but not really Christmasy


    steamed pudding my grandmother makes it as well (I think its possibly the same) she also poors brandy on top and lights it on fire then serves it with a caramel butter sauce (maybe something like that)


    always a lot of shortbread cookies around...... not a fan of them myself.


    Decorations? I just don't get the decorations........... the tree is understandable but the rest is just to much......


    Egg nog..... well as soon as the therm drops below the 0 line for the first time you are clear to drink from 7am until you fall asleep...... Winter rules...... Unless your driving......Santa feeds drunk drivers to Blitzen and Donner.


    What do I want for Xmas..... good things to happen to good people...... I hope Rudolf Rogers the rest.


    Oh and a mastery series expert distance fly line tourny version 120 ft preferably not bright orange......

    Oh and the stampeder cheerleading squad.....

    Oh and some butter tarts for Clive

  6. Ok sorry but I really really really have to address a few of the key concerns..... are we gonna have enough beer? Do I need to stay reasonably sobre or are children banned and therefore safe from my antics? Will SpeyGhillie be there with another bottle of good scotch? If he is there with a bottle of scotch will anyone drink it with me....... I mean its all well and good saying we can organize this but after 7 pages uncle alcohol has only been mention 1 or 5 times......

  7. DBT I can only see parts of the bow walkin wading being really practical for a big spey....... In other places they may prove handy or fun but in all seriousness are likely overkill........


    FH spey is a shore angling thing..... sounds like you prefer to stay in your boat.... to each his own

  8. I could see the long speyrod being great for pike fishin from shore but I can't see it being my thing in a PT boat..... part of the reason that you use the boat is so that you can get closer to the places you want to fish...... Also I can see the weight transfer for big spey casts being hard to accomplish while sitting..... That said I have never tried it so maybe I am wrong..... Also like DF said manuevering a pike into a landing cradle is tough and I think a long rod would likely only make it more difficult....... Long handle net is a different story...


    What Dino said is spot on 100%. He also mentioned that he is a 3-5 wt kinda guy...... and thats the great thing about spey casts they will still work on a 8 ft 3wt...... technique may change a bit from a 17 foot 10 wt 2 hander but the science behind the casts is similar..... Also your 9 foot singlehand rod, like 90% of guys use, will work just the way it is you don't need special lines, leaders, rigs ect whatsoever to do spey casts. Your setup right now can do spey casts.

  9. they are pretty fun..... not really needed in Alberta at all but for those of us who don't have the luxury of frequent trips to steelhead and salmon country there is not really another way to learn this aspect of fly fishing. Also 75% of my favorite fishing casts are spey casts even with a single hand fly rod...... They just work..... It is true though FH if you have a boat then all you have to do is learn to throw a 15 foot overhead cast and make a simple mend for basically every situation....... but that seems a bit boring to me. I will note though that I have actually only had my 2 hander out in AB 3 or 4 times I usually am satisfied with just my one hander. Spey rods may be a bit much for all but the biggest AB fish...... but spey casts aren't.

  10. realistically if I think a day with demos by an experienced caster of all those things and maybe a few small competitons covering accuracy at distance's and a straight distance comp would be feasible..... If you wanted a competiton (and a decent one) for all those things in 1 day I would love to see the logistics not just for time but judging as well. I'm not sure its even healthy to judge peoples fishing techniques...... if you wanna do that make it a 1 day fishing event and let the fish be the judge. Distance and accuracy are 2 measurable challenges and I think thats the reason you are more likely to see contests for them then you are to see contests for upstream nymphing the best judge of technique is gonna be the fish..... I don't mean to be negative at all.... just my opinion

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