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Posts posted by lonefisher

  1. The north sucks man..... brutal fishing up there no selection of rivers small fish, picky brown trout, lotsa gravel not worth the drive really :rolleyes:


    In truth though its a tough choice both rock and have unlimited options.......... You could likely fish for a number of years and never have to walk the same stretch more then twice

  2. Congrats man


    7lbs 11ounces....... did you use a lip hook scale or just weigh em in the net? I hope you realize those lip hook scales are inhumane........ but if you are planning on keeping him I guess its ok. Sure is a funny looking trout though now that I look closer......

  3. your totally right I would like to have a license to kill most of the time I am out in these sorta areas. But I have a feeling you could have a bin everywhere and there would still be pricks who are too lazy to walk the 15 feet and put their crap in them. Suggesting more bins is all well and good but in reality it comes down to enforcement enforcement enforcement. We need someone out there handing out big fines to everyone who litters. That and certain parties should be busted up before they start busting stuff up. Its not hard to recognize which ones are gonna cause trouble as there is usually 6 cases of pilsner and 2 60lbers of candian club. Honestly I say draft a set of new rules governing random camping post signage indicating the rules and hammer (and I mean fing HAMMER) anyone not abiding by them. If anyone so much as disputes a fine kick the whole group out...... anyways I could go on but whats the point

  4. Yeah..... I think this can be superhelpful as it lets you tune into a hatch thats is not yet visible and tells you that the fish have keyed in on the hatch as well. You might net 15 defferent species with a seine net (sp) but if a fish is only eating one type of insect either because they have started their accension, or they are the prefered food or ect ect then a throat pump can be very helpful.......

  5. Yeah its a really dumb rule IMHO drunk in puplic I can understand but a bottle of wine with a picnic or a couple of beers while fishing I don't see the problem....... But like anything I'm sure a few have ruined it for the many...... But I also know that that is the rule in provincial parks but I am not sure if the rule applies outside of provincial parks or not...... i usually don't bring beer as I usually am to busy fishing to drink myself LOL

  6. Thank you I understand what polarization is I was just curious if polarchromic does both polarization and change tint depending on brightness. I think I have figured out now that this means it does both...... so now I am torn between polarchromic and regular polarized..... the polarchromic sounds pretty sweet especially when fishing into the evening. Unfortunately they (smith) does not make the green mirror lense in polarchromic only polarized....... the green polarized would I think be great for the dog days of summer in the bright sun on those cutty streams........... complicated stuff sunglasses lol. But right now they have the smith fishbones in both the polarchromic brown and the mirror green polarized for like 60 bucks on ebay..... regualr price is like 140 or something so maybe I will buy both pairs........

  7. yep mongers got it I believe...... likely they will just make you dump it but the question "ok can I dump it down my throat?" will likely net you a IP ticket....... seen it happen twice LOL (never to me). If I were you I would bring lots of pop and water and plan for a nice post fishing meeting at a local bar. Drake is a nice place, so is the rose and crown, grizzly paw and patrinos. If it was a personal get together I would say go for it and let everyone make the decision and take their chances but if its a work related thing I'd abide by the rules..... theres also a possibilty that your guide would not allow it.

  8. Nice dogs guys...... I've got one back at the farm but unfortunately I don't have any pics of her here..... Her names Tequila and she is a homely looking springer spanial rough collie cross. Shes pretty damn old though and she is none to healthy from what I hear....... As for the lake..... I bet its real close to a glacier and it looks damn familiar but I can't put a name on it.......

  9. Thanks hydro are they also polarized though? As for the lanyard idea it is a great one for when on the water but I can't wear it and them while at work so they often end up sitting on my desk...... I think that must be where they disapeared from. I will be purchasing a lanyard though as that way they don't slide off your face and into the water when fishing.

    Thanks for all the help guys.

  10. I have owned 3 pairs of smith sliders and they have each averaged 1.5 years....... before I lose them..... I sometimes consider going cheaper but I find that most cheap sunglasses bug my head after a couple hours...... the smiths I can wear all day and I usually have them on anytime I am outside even when I am not fishing..... I am still hoping these ones turn up but I am not holding my breath...... I like the looks and reviews for the MJ, smith, and costa del mar....... I see some nice smith fishbones on ebay..... might just order em and if the old ones turn up I guess I have a good backup pair...... My other backup pair seems to have disapeared as well LOL..... I amaze myself some days I really do......

  11. Well my smith sliders seem to have walked away on me...... nice gotta love flushing money down the toilet. Musta fallen out of my car on my way home after work or I left em at work and someone yanked em..... Cabelas seems to have pretty damn good prices on Maui jims but the more I read up on em I realize they have different features ect any specific models you guys would reccomend?

  12. Parta me wants to say a gopher or a rodent of some type but part of me wants to say a gross old sock or something thats been vomited up..... guess I have no idea.......

  13. easy remedy pretend to be dutch or german ask the other anglers if they would like some bearspray regardless of their answer pretend to not understand them and act as if you are gonna apply the spray to their neck and arms I bet they leave quickly.


    JK Yeah its a tough life here in AB The other day I saw some footprints on the stretch I was fishing! Man was I pissed! That damn coyote was lucky I never caught up to him let me tell ya!

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