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Posts posted by lonefisher

  1. I want to talk to the manager a squirrel just bit my daughter!!!

    Why did it bite her?

    She was trying to feed him!!

    Well.... squirrels are wild animals and you are not actually supposed to feed them as they are wild...... there is actually a fine for that I think

    Oh..... Well then why do you let them in here?

    Like I said they are wild and they can basically go where they want.....

    Well if their not pets can I ring its neck?

    No sir its illegal to kill animals in the national park

    We'll see about that!

  2. hmmmmm can we start at the top of a hill? Naw I think a bike that does 130 in first might be the wrong bike for me.......Its an inner ear thing....... well sorta a voice in my head tells me I am superman, the pavement disagrees


    In all seriousness though I would really like a motorcycle but it might be the thing that kills me....... My track record is not so great on 2 wheels...... you guys should have a nice day for it though

  3. Everything you said is spot on..... I think that overcoming that frustration and enjoying even a brutal skunking just and enjoying the stream for what it is is one of the major accomplishments of fly fishing. Today I wandered about 2 miles on a stream I had never fished and never saw a single fish...... some might call that a waste of time. I don't regret it though and I may walk that stream again.


    PS Welcome to the forum

  4. if it was 2 maybe 3 then I would say its a pretty good deal...... 1 guide for 12 people though I kinda feel would not be enough. I feel he would be to busy riggin rods to actually place 12 people on productive spots let alone teach people to fly fish as well and I would assume your co workers will mainly be newbies right? But on the other hand I am not an authority on the subject..........

  5. I'd really like to see the rainbows stay.......... but thats for greedy reasons LOL.


    I think you mean the k river flows out of the lower k right? Musta been a typo I assume. But that sounds like a great plan as I have been wishing the k river supported a better population of fish as thats a beauty of a river. Like BM said though insects seem to be fairly sparce on that river...... but who knows how the better regulation of the river would affect the insect life in the river...... I suppose a steady flow could allow for an increase in insect populations...... Not sure though.


    I am interested to see their plan for the lower k as if they intend to remove that dam then they will have to have an outflow at a fixed height and they would have to keep a constant level in order to keep a flow in the river....... this could kill the good early season low water fishing conditions in the lakes and possibly make them harder to fish if they have the outflow at a high level. If they keep the outflow at a low level this could mean permanent low level fishing which I "think" would be killer. But I have a feeling the lake residents would not be happy to learn that their lakeside cabins are no longer right on the lake which would be the case if they kept the lake at the spring (low water) level. SO this said I bet they would keep the lake fairly high and possibly make bull trout fishing tougher......... but thats speculation maybe they would still be feeding shallow in the spring regardless of the water level....... Anyways it sounds good but its all in the details right?

    My only real argument would be..... keep the bows and make em C&R as they seem to be trying to make a go of it in there and they are BIG........ The non native fish thing is a good arguement I suppose....... But if they are just gonna let em be AND stock cutts for the W&S crowd maybe the rainbows will keep their small niche and perhaps even flourish..... who knows......


    Anyways Glen thanks for the info thats a great post

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