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Posts posted by lonefisher

  1. Donna (Lynn) are you opposed to the waiporous camping area? I know this area still has a fire ban but there are some decent fishing ops and I can point you to 2 different creek access points that will likely guarantee a bit of solitude anytime but on the weekend and possibly even then especially if you don't mind walking a bit (like 20 minutes prior to fishing)....... 2 different creeks one produced about 50 fish yesterday......

  2. I sometimes like a long leader for fish like this..... No indicator and usually a unweighted nymph, flymph, or soft hackle. Toss upstream with a reach/curve cast (usually in such circumstances you have to deal with a current between you and the fish) and watch for the flash of the fish and for light tics in your line. Once you lose track of where your fly is though you are basically hooped.

  3. This reminds me of a certain issues and hot topics section that I used to get myself into lots of trouble in........ not gonna touch this one with a 10 foot pole


    Hey lonefisher,

    You know, it is too bad that we cannot discuss the hot topics without getting into trouble. I don't know when it became impossible to have discussion about differences of opinion without it getting personal and escalating into anger. Unfortunately, even when you are writing something in what you think is a neutral tone, that is rarely what is "heard" by the person you are disagreeing with. That's too bad as I really enjoy these types of issues and have no trouble separating the argument from the person, if that makes sense. People disagree and to me, that's one of the things that makes life fun.




    Thanks for this. Very interesting discussion.





    Rick Don't get me wrong I like good discussion I have just discovered that exactly like you said things do not always read the way they should and I am often bad at both the writing and interpreting of peoples posts. Especially when something ticks my temper......... And really almost all discussions come down to one difference--- perspective ------ this discussion is a perfect example of that. Its still healthy though.......

    Its just with myself its only a matter of time until I am hucking spoons at jet boaters :D The internet world sometimes require more tact then I posess. I should only converse in person LOL



    speaking of which AHHHH what I would give to have that whole thread back word for word completely unedited...... LOL it would be a hell of a good read

  4. Glenbow..... yes I was lying I will want one the second I get to try yours but....... you forgot that I need to make a large donation to the RCMP benevolence fund this month....... so you may have an extended period to enjoy your advantage LOL. As for outfishing me...... guess I better keep our trips on small rivers HAHAHA speaking of which I know a section of haunted river that I plan on visiting tommorrow. Let me know if your in. Unless of course you want to take that boat of yours out on a lake and launch bombs all day............

  5. I was once explained to that the big fish often can survive harsher conditions then the smaller ones until they reach a certain age where that begins to weaken them to things like temperatures...... made sense when I heard it. but I dunno if its true or not for sure though

  6. I'd be curious to know if Clive or any of you other guys ever throw double streamers for pike?........ bad idea? ly


    The best I can figure out is pike like big active baits..... whether they pop, skim, dart, jig, or vibrate. Knowing the size of the pike you might catch I think might help to determine the size of fly you want to use as it seems to me they seem to be the sorta fish where the big fly big fish is fairly true.......


    but I should point out I am by no stretch of the imagination an avid pike fisherman or even terribly good at it :D Not enough opportunities to do it

  7. checkout the maligne river I believe it should be open. Its flyfishing only fish between medicine lake and maligne lake for best results. medicine lake can offer some fun fishing when it drains down to just the channel not sure what the conditions are now but i figure the water is likely starting to drop a bit already but it likely won't be a channel for the time you are there. Also Pyramid can be fun in th evening for rising whites and rainbows. Go into online sport and tackle I have always found them fairly helpful as far as fly shops go.

  8. I really liked dire straits when fishing but a girl has pretty much ruined them for me as I unfortunately liked to listen to them with her as well...... same with fleetwood mac. But I only listen to that mellow stuff with chicks anyways...... now I'm back to the heavy stuff. Disturbed, SOAD, Guano apes..... but truth be told my ipod has everything from garth brooks to peter gabriel to sepulchera featuring pavorati (sp). Some classic rock some folk ballads


    But in order to answer the question that was asked

    Down- Disturbed to get pumped

    Back- NOFX the decline followed by the alkaline trio to mellow out

  9. Pipestone

    Nope I didn't hear about that but they are most likely alive because the water is so high I would have paid to see that as well....... lucky bastards though big time.


    Unfortunately Redstreak is not a name that means anything immediately to me I know the river pretty well from cochrane up to lake louise...... sorry if you care to explain where it is then maybe I can comment but there are only a couple of places that spring to mind that you could be talking about......

    I also am one my 3rd double so maybe my brain is not firing on all cylinders

  10. Ahhhh Glen........ bastard lol.......... Its been a while now that I have been thinking about going to a really long rod...... I have been wrestling with this new expense in my head but it is evident to me now that there is noway I can put it off much longer......mainly I might add due to your excitement so I guess that means KD and water for another few months. (no change really)........


    Anyhow congrats on the new art Glen can't wait to see ya toss an 85 foot cast. Especially since I know some Big bulls and browns that live at the end of some of those 80 footers.......


    Toolman just a quick question is one better to go with like a 5/6 trout spey or say a 7/8 spey rod.... I will be fishing upstream and accross a lot and fishing heavy heavy streamers. I am thinking both would be great but the 7or 8 wt would toss the heavy stuff a bit better? Just wondering if you or any of the other guys have an insight on that?

  11. yeah a drift would be the sweetest but it would likely have to be outside the park so that would mean another license as I don't know if any guides float in the park. feel free to send me a pm around the time and I might be able to send you in the right direction for walk and wading spots. Nonetheless the bow below the falls offer some good but somewhat difficult fishing. I hear some people fish above the falls but the people around has always kinda discouraged me from doing it myself. None the less I have heard of lots of fish being caught right under the bridge in banff........

  12. you should most likely get service on the lower part of waiporous creek. I am not positive on that and I know that if you go up as far as the camping area upstream you would likely be out of service. This little creek used to be called the best cutty stream within 1 hour of calgary...... I also happen to know from a broken arm experience you can make the trip in a Jag to the city limits in just over half an hour. I don't reccomend that for future fathers though as its much more important that you make it in one piece.......

    I fished it the other day for a few hours and landed around 30 fish cutts and brookies....... but the biggest was 14 inchs so if you are after big cuttys this may not be the stream for you.... Great creek for a 2 or 3wt.

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