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  1. Thanks for the help. Normally hunt for them on the north side of CFB suffield. I have a couple spots around brooks to check out. If not I will head over east of the base along the sask border or even maybe down to manyberries country. Decisions...decisions....
  2. Definetly did!
  3. Just learned my regular haunts for sharp tails on the north side of suffield are closed because of bovine tb. Now I'm scrambling to find a place to go for the last day of the season on the 31. I want to get one or two to mount. Haven't been out in a couple years for them do does anyone have any suggestions on areas to look?
  4. Contact skeena Spey, great guys. You can also take a couple lessons with them. I did that last fall when learning how to Spey cast. I then did 3 day trips with them spread over two different works trips out there. They don't necessarily reserve classified water days for their week long guests, they take you to what's been fishing best and what water clarity is best. Saying that, I spent one day on non-classified waters with them at the end of August and got a bunch of pinks, which I was happy with seeing as it was my first day ever Spey fishing. Then the end of October I spent one day on the kkalum with them where we got some ho's. The second day we spent on classified stretch of the skeena because it had the best clarity. At that time of year most guides are fishing the tributaries like the kkalum so we literally didn't see another person all day. The second day we accomplished what I have wanted to do since I was a small boy and caught my first steelhead. Now I'm hooked. Keep in touch as I know the area fairly well and am wanting to start getting out there at least for a week every fall.
  5. Thanks for the info. I've been down practising my casting with t8 mostly and just some black and purple steelhead flies. Haven't expected to catch much with this setup but my main focus is practising my casting anyways.
  6. What flies are you guys using when swinging on the bow? Also what weight of skagit tip?
  7. Projects like that are ones that take years to build/complete so you can not use todays oil price. They will use their forecasters to see where oil may be in a few years to determine if projects like that should be built. Oil will be back up to at least $70 by the time EE would come on line.
  8. Where are you staying? We just got back from San jose on sunday, stayed at the royal Decameron. I was going to go for a morning with gordo anks but we had some serious wind that would have made fishing miserable.
  9. Im a xxl or sometimes a xxxl depending on the coat
  10. anywhere really lol. mexico, costa rica, Nicaragua, wherever.
  11. Looking at getting a new wading jacket, will mostly be used on the west coast. Are there any decent ones that don't run $6 to $700? Right now im just using my cabelas guidewear rain jacket.
  12. Has anyone been down south to specifically fish for Roosters? Im interested in heading down, just want to know when and where are the best places/times to go?
  13. Girlfriend is gone to Montreal the end of april/start of may so I figure I should make a trip out for some spring steelhead likely to the Terrace area. Any suggestions where to go or anyone want to go?
  14. Looking for some recommendations for cabin rental for a weekend somewhere west of Calgary or the Crowsnest pass for a little winter get away.
  15. After all the shows do they sell a dad of all the movies or anything? I was excited to go this year but now I'm heading to bc for work till Friday. I will be back for the steelhead presentation though.
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