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Everything posted by Ulmo

  1. thats a good point actually...
  2. why are there not more color options in fly fishing??? fly rods and fly lines in particular are retchedly limited for colors. why cant i pick the action of the rod, then the color? why does my fast action rod have to b brown, but the med action rod is green??? and fly lines are the same, green for this type, orange for that type, blue for the other type, goofy! if you compared this to cars, it would b like all the sports car being red, all the trucks being green and all the minivans being blue - what if wanted a blue sports car??? oh wait - i can get a blue sports if i want - so why the heck cant i choose a color for my rod, reel (beyond silver and black) or my fly line??? wouldnt it b nice if you had a choice of blue, green, brown and black in the rod of your choice? or white, yellow, orange, red, purple, blue, green and black for the fly line? hardly life and death, i know, but more choices would b good - especially when buying an 800$ rod and 600$ reel to match, not to mention near 100$ lines...
  3. thanks man, its the grain weight of your head that would be the focal point, eh? start there and match your running line and tips to match i guess, really no reason a guy couldnt have SA running line, an Airflo Skagit and Rio mow tips - of course, that may b following the rabbit hole a little deep...
  4. i think of survival - you "need" food, water and shelter i like to keep it simple seperate needs from "maybe's" and go from there or you can do what my buddy does - bring the whole fly shop ;-) each of us is different...
  5. motorized boats should be banned, down to carseland weir - why? when i think of The Blue Ribbon Bow as a world renowned flyfishing destination - im sorry, motorized boats dont come to mind. i could only guess at the horror a guide must feel, taking 500$ plus from a couple guys who flew to calgary from afar, only to have a beautiful day interupted by a screaming boat... motorized boats are for lakes, not rivers. just one guys opinion.
  6. noob question here guys, anybody using/used Rio's Mow tips with SA, Airflo or other makers heads, skagit in particular??? will i anger the spey gods by mixing things up? more importantly - would it work???...
  7. yup, cant beat the Cortland - casts as well as the expensive lines, really - peach baby!
  8. thanks!
  9. just looking for a flyshop that carries Loop fly rods and reels, anywhere in Alberta - dont want to buy online... thanks
  10. the new issue of the Drake magazine is damn good winter reading, if you have never checked it out, do so now - great issue! "winter 2012 vol.13 iss.4"...
  11. thanks Flyon, i'll google it and thanks Doc, already had a couple conversations with the guys in fishtales, looking forward to some instruction in the spring, as well as the Expo in Jan...
  12. heys guys, interested in learning about spey casting, thinking about getting set up with a spey rod in the new year, looking for books and dvds that can help me with the dumb questions, any suggestions are welcome, thanks!
  13. outside the city... evenings...
  14. if you were gonna live near the Lower Bow and fish year round, would you want to be on the north or south bank? and why? thanks...
  15. got two perfectly good fly lines already, going to get another this weekend, it'll be the 'one'... finding the perfect fly line is a sickness ;-)
  16. Ulmo

    Starting Out

    i actually got the kit for christmas, the good - several great patterns (inc. olive wooly bugger), excellent dvd, with great step by step instruction and tips galore, quality tools, the bad - piss poor vice, so is it worth 75 dollars??? if you want some heavy handed help - yes, but if you are a self starter and fast learner, then buy a good book (dave hughes 'trout patterns'), get some help at yer flyshop and just try it, one guys opinion, good luck!
  17. sold my golf clubs shortly after taking up fly fishing, have never looked back...
  18. thats why ;-) and thanks crogg, shoulda known dave could help
  19. apparently more rare than i had thought, anybody know where i could find some?
  20. a gradual runoff should be what we get, its supposed to be a cool, wet spring with below average temps out west here, many factors to be sure and every agency has a different take, hope for the best eh?...
  21. considering winter really isnt even over yet, the mountains got above average snowfall and its expected to be a rainy spring - just how long is the runoff gonna be? whens it even gonna start for that matter? just hoping the weather takes a turn for the better...
  22. tip #176 always bring a backup rod, always...
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