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Posts posted by canadensis

  1. These Climate Change scientists are just overfunded, overeducated fortune tellers. I am sure that Tarot card reading has a certain % of accuracy as well.


    With their publicly funded education and the grant money they recieve they have duped the public into believing what they want us to believe, that their research and forecasting is critical to the long term survival of the earth. I am not saying they all have this attitude, but the vocal ones sure do. Just watch a National Geographic show on Global warming and it is something that would give children nightmares on the future of the planet. Through the media and Celebrity they have done a good job of getting their mandate to the public as a matter of fact, which it certainly is not.


    Slowly the public is waking up to the horseshit that we are being fed.

  2. So now I suppose to negate this we should burn more fossil fuels to crank up the greenhouse effect?


    This really shows what a bunch of boobs some of the climate change scientists are. Last year our own Canadian meteorological service was so far off on their weather forecasting that they admitted that guessing "chance", using no data or models would have been no less accurate.


    Jump forward to the global warming scientist who is predicting the earth wasting away from all the heat that our actions are causing the climate. Why would these guys be any more accurate than a weatherman?


    It is the weather folks, it has cycles just like all things in nature. There are just some things that us humans have no control over, and the weather is definately one of those things.


    It is a sad statement on human nature how we feed and somewhat thrive on sensationalized news. What is unknown could eventually kill us, or really screw up our lives; or so that is how it is reported. Y2K, H1N1, Terrorists, Global Warming, and now a mini ice age. When you examine the "facts" on the crisis of the moment that we seem to rally behind you see that there is not enough statistical data to show that it will have any effect on 99.999% of the population, yet we follow like sheep.


    An interesting study would be to study and document how much money we have globally pissed away on Climate Change Studies?

  3. Rick often uses this thing called humor..


    If you do some digging in the Flames thread.. you should soon find out why he said what he did. ;)


    Good Lord!!!!!! IT WAS A JOKE!!!! Is it really that hard to figure it out. Do I actually need to use the sarcasm emoticon when the sarcasm is really that obvious.



    Humour or not; I read what I read and I am running with it..


    Good try though, really.

  4. hahaaa...you guys who don't know the first thing about 'Centre Pin' fishing are a bloody hoot!..just because someone can out fish your sorry asses, you think he is the a**hole, where as it is you.. who are soooo intelligent to voice ur opinions without any knowledge of the method or the guy using it....I sure would like any of you to step beside me while I'm using my Pin on the river and say something to me...some of you have met me and believe me, now that would really be a hoot...and as far as "unscented pink worms " are concern....you can't buy any in this province cause nobody is smart enough to import them and sell them...I use/have them, and I defy any of the boys to say I can't use them..


    ..that gentleman has taken a 28 1/2" brown at FC, with his method, [Czech nymphing]...what have you caught..hahaa..little 20" er's..yep this forum is a good laugh, all these wannabes who think they are so much better than everyone else, who like to spread the manure around after they go fishing..not saying everyone is like that ...but hell..if the shoe fits...wear it!





  5. The question becomes...who on Earth can provide that security in providing truthful facts and yet also knowledgeable in the profession.


    Ha Ha.. The multi Trillion dollar question.


    The thing is just some 25 years ago some of the current global warming proponents were saying we are indeed entering an ice age, this view was supported by the data and science of the day at that time. So was the data showing we were warming 25 years ago? I am no scientist but it must have shown cooling if the forecast was another ice age? The current data says we have been cooling for the past 10 years, Yet they say the long term trend has been warming, or so we are told? Confusing, eh?


    In another 25 years we will have another data set supported by the science of the day that could say something 180* from what we are being told now. I would expect a big curve ball, like the earth is drifting towards the sun or earth's rotation is being effected by the development in China, or something crazy like that..


    The whole scheme just screams "show me the money"


    I am looking forward to what the next "crisis" will be. The next one has to be bigger than the current one as this has been the trend, it will be a definate hockey stick; but the blade will be much larger and you bet the answer to the problem will relate to business/industry/developed nations paying... Although this will be a hard one to beat, I am sure someone is up to the challenge!

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