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Posts posted by canadensis

  1. Well I don't know any rabid anglers either.


    You have some points, however the Parks officials should focus on the bigger issues rather than the Rogue Brown Trout causing all that environmental damage.


    The last I checked the watersheds in Banff are not a closed loop?


    I just see the parks as refugia for tourists, this is what the native species are competing against.


    Parks are a refugia for all wild, so lets pave all the roads, have an information center, paved parking lots and improved trails leading to sensitive areas, and in the really fuched up examples as Banff is throw a pile of tourist infrastructure into the middle and then wonder what the problem is??

  2. We can't hunt in parks, why should we be allowed to fish?


    Great rationale?


    On a limited basis we should be able to hunt in the parks. Why relocate or sterilize the elk when I could feed my family with one? I guess it would not be proper for me to field dress my elk on the faiway of the 9th hole?


    Seems a little more natural to me than going there for a weekend getaway at the spa up at the Banff Springs??


    An age old debate. Use vs preservation. Rabid anglers always side on use...greed rules the roost.


    What is wrong with conservation? This is also an option..


    The rabid parkies are the greedy ones in the debate.

  3. Uber,


    Looks like we may agree on this as well.


    There has been rumblings of banning ALL fishing in the parks for years.


    I wonder if the Parks marketing divivision is down the hall from the biologists, or in a different building? Do they talk?


    As far a the Buffalo, I think it is great. I am sure the semi-tame, lumbering beasts will on occasion stroll out of the park and will make an easy way to fill a freezer, my freezer!


    The ironic thing is I can stay in a 5 star hotel, go for dinner, take a chair lift to the top of a mountain, swim in the hot pool, go for a train ride, a bus tour, buy a funky sweater, sit in a coffe shop browsing the interweb, all smack dab in the middle of a prime wildlife corridor in a National Park, yet they want to ban fishing?????


    Oh ya, I forgot- they do not allow Drive-thru's - Talk about a bunch of environmental mavericks!

  4. Fo sho I would not step in that house of grease if they had the best coffee in the friggin world..


    I despise MacDonalds..


    They are an insidious disgusting blight on the food chain...


    MacDonalds, MTV and Nintendo are a large part in the down fall of Canadian youth..


    I would rather start drinking Army coffee again!!!!


    The best place for a young lad to get his first part-time job is McD's.

  5. boy are you a sour puss...something stuck in you...guess Ur salary is a mere pittance, is that because of lack of education..got to love how ppl just go on doing their thing without considering who made it possible in the first place..


    .. I do not agree most of the time with Flyfishfairwx, but he said it all in a nut shell...and hopefully you will change ur tune..........Wolfie


    Welcome to the discussion Wolf man. Your well informed and researched personal comments are always welcome. You must have some serious connections at CRA to get my annual salary from my interweb username...



    Insert gay pokey thing here------> <--poke--<

  6. WRONG but right too.


    Starbucks is a gimmick, an American placebo, an artificial flavouring, they give away the grounds because they don't have to pay to have them hauled away some dumpsters are payed by weight others by frequency of emptying.. ..


    The grounds are good compost and where needs good compost more then at the dump.. Tim Hortons is doing the environment a favor, the non bleached filters minor.. I would rather fresh paper then somebodies recycled snot rag. .Have you seen what really goes into a recycle bin ewww. More damage done by The Canadian Fly Fishers glossy mag then flimsy coffee filters..


    I would rather a waxed paper cup it will break down just slower.. then a plastic reusable cup that gets thrown in the dumpnever to break down , i or the fancy styro cups that some other places use. plus the cost of manufacturing and the resources used


    but the strip mining thing s way out there...


    Staryucks coffee has to be flavoured to cover the taste of that crap.. you should see the look on the face of one of them when you ask for a regular black coffee, they know it is going to taste sucky so they ask you if you want the flavour stuff..


    Ya the strip mine comment was a bit out there. I think that Tim's customers are not as worried about recycling, paper or refillable cups, the ennvironment, etc, as Starbuck patrons. Big corps are not stupid and this is obvious in their marketing. Yes (Peter) even all the do good programs like Patagonia as you mention are profit driven. You bet that Patagonia has a spreadsheet that shows how their programs with the 1% for the planet, and recycling for fleece is profit driven. Simply put this is their niche.


    Reading your post fairwx it looks like we may agree on a thing or two...


    All this typing is making me want a coffee. I think I will go to the Horton drive thru, get my go cup and ask them to put it in a bag for good measure. I may have to fill up the Hummer on the way, she is low on fuel from all the warm-up idling with this cold weather. Thank god for my auto starter.

  7. In this day and age, I think "programs like this" are compulsory!! Add to the fact that they shouldn't even hesitate to be industry leaders and be the 1st to offer biodegradable cups/utensils/plates/bags, etc. and if that technology isn't available spear head the development of that technology (much like Patagonia/Madden Mills did with recycled fleece - not a direct plug for Patagonia, but nonetheless). If there is not a market, create a market!!






    Tim Horton is a leader in this. I have eaten Chili there that came in a bread bowl!


  8. Canadensis....On a more serious note and not to beat up on Timmies

    but check out the paper filter they use to make the coffee...bleached

    white as opposed the unbleached brown option. Health issue don't know

    but I do know they are way behind Starbucks in recycling their coffee grounds.

    It would be interesting to know the tons of good compostable coffee grounds

    from Timmies that end up in the dump in Canada complete with the bleached

    white filters intact. I regularly pick up coffee grounds for free from Strabucks

    (their program and fair trade), nicely packaged, for the garden,

    plants etc. The stuff is great and it works. I phoned Timmies down east about them getting

    with the program. Their working on it; that was 8 months ago.

    I suspect it's a hassle for them and the line ups aren't getting any shorter anyway.


    It boils down to two completely different customer bases, and what their expectations are of each said company. How Starbucks is marketed, programs as you mention are expected.


    I would betcha that if Tim Horton made his cups out of a material that never degraded and was open strip mined in the whale back his customers would be happy if it saved them 2 bits on a cup of joe. That is just my hunch though.

  9. I do not care about either of you or this topic.. ! But and there is always a but..


    Now you Canadensis are lumping all people whom are retired and or collected a Government paycheck and or will retire with a government pension together..


    I was a government employee and now have a government pension...


    Don't get me wrong entrepreneur away, make your living any way you can (legally of course) just don't judge others etc... and think before you make broad brush statements!!!


    I quoted SL and it was directed at him, not everyone that works for the Government. He makes it sound like all free enterprise is a descendant from the devil.


    I am sure there many hard working, rational, non NDP people that work for the Government, you sound like one. Thanks for serving our Country!


    Although the loudest certainly come across as entitled .

  10. SJW or Smitty as a landlord; I couldn't imagine a worse scenario.


    I'm glad I own my own place (just one by the way).


    And to the renters, thank all of the greedy landowners for all of the problems that exist in the rental market now. When I rented in the past you could find all kinds of places that were reasonably priced, clean etc.....but over the last few years the rental market has been flooded with thirty-somethings who think you as a renter should pay their second mortgage, or other landlords who have in many cases doubled their rents....it's pure BS.


    If you can...buy. I would love nothing more than to see all of these get rich quick clowns not be able to pay their second mortgages and lose their homes. Here's hopin'.


    It is called supply and demend SL. Gotta love how you lump all landlords together and then hope they go broke. You are truly a piece of work.


    Must be nice to sit back, collect a Government paycheck, retire with a Government pension, which BTW is all on the backs of hardworking, entrapreneurial citizens , and yes landlords which enable guys with your holier than thou attitude.


  11. People,


    You're debating (with one individual) about whether or not littering is good or bad?




    My first post on littering was tonge in cheek, not too obvious, eh?


    The garbage gives the inmate work programs and the 4H something to pick up in the spring. This is a self esteem builder for both groups.


    Cups in the ditch are a win win the way I see it.

  12. Ultimately, the careless individual is to blame for their actions, but until we enact my dream law and start killing stupid people the easiest thing to do is prevent them from doing something stupid rather than allow them to do so.


    Heh.. So you think more rules and eliminating drive thru's will stop this? Last I checked there are laws against littering and all kinds of roadside turn-outs with trash receptacals as well as signage along the roads that post the fine.


    Some people poach while they are fishing, laws address that too. With the flawed logic some have I guess it would be an easier move to just ban fishing where poaching is a problem.


    Please tell me how you or anyone would prevent someone else from doing something stupid? Remember, littering is against the law, there are Provincial laws, and local bylaws in every city, town, and municipality to curb it. I am sure everyone that litters knows it is illegal and wrong, just like all other laws that fools break.

  13. huh, jeez if the park wasn't there, i wonder how o&g development, clearcut logging and surface mines would help protect the wildlife corridor.

    probs better?

    just wondering about that logic.


    How bout neither hotels, logging, or O&G in some areas?


    I can only think of one area in the Province like that. Luckily most don't know of it because there are no hotels, roads or restuarants.


    Never have seen a Timmie cup in the area either.




  14. I am not sure what the problem with a reusable cup is?? I personally think using reusable cups is better than using paper cups. With the amount of coffee I drink it does make a difference in my eyes. One small effort by an individual is better than standing back and poking holes at every option. But I imagine that won't be good enough for Canadensis who seems to be jumping on everything. I don't drink Timmys but I do drink Starbucks. I also very rarely go through a drive-thru, it is usually quicker to go inside.


    Never did say there was a problem with a reusable cup. I am simply pointing out the folly in thinking that;


    -This will reduce litter in the ditches. Lotsa other *hit in the ditches besides Tim cups. Paper cups are not toxic. There are way bigger causes to rally behind.

    -So many people are willing to "sacrifice" and use a reusable cup and/or reusable shopping bags and think that this has some kind of impact. Same folly in thinking driving a hybrid is "helping" the environment??


    The reality is the vast majority of people don't want to sacrifice things in their lives that will make a difference. So they pick a few small, irrelevant things, "green things" to do that are easy and add no inconvenience to their plush gluttenous lifestyle. It is mostly, if not all window dressing so people percieve you as being part of the whole solution BS.


    Move to a smaller house walking/cycling distance to work, install a high effeceincy furnace, kill a moose for winter meat, plant a garden, don't live above your means, and try to be self sufficient with your BASIC needs. Bottom line is being a cheap old miser is very, if not the most "green" move you can make.


    Not specific to this board, but most eco geeks are all about the perception but mostly clueless about reality. What is funny about it all is how many of'em in Cow Town work for big oil in one capacity or the other.


    So you see Pete I am just (insert gay pokey guy here) <--poke--< trying to swim upstream here a bit as all the do gooders float by with rose colored glasses and their myopic attitudes of what makes a difference.

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