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Everything posted by canadensis

  1. The country that you emigrated has 10x the population, they fund their winter athletes through a crooked deal cut with the IOC with over 10x the money that "our" group gets; yet we have 50% more gold medals... However great work on all those Bronze medals! rickr you are a true embassador of the country you left with all of the hot air and rhetoric that you spew.. Through your posts it is obvious that you are a true Ameerican! So remind us all what is funny? Oh ya, all in good fun, no insult meant, really.
  2. Shhh... Don't tell anyone.
  3. So he got a cheque for negative -$220 ? How does that work and how did he not know? Once something is handed over to collections you know well before hand. Why are you making excuses for this guy? If I got a cheque for a negative ammount I would investigate! What did the bank say when he went to deposit this cheque? This story just keeps getting better!
  4. If he does not pay the collection agency the money and they in turn report this to one of the credit rating agencies then yes it could negatively effect his credit (third party collections). Even if he now pays it it could still show up as going to collections. The bottom line is he knew he was overpaid, company figured it out and he thinks paying back money not his as "silly"? You will win the bet just make sure you get paid from this guy up front...
  5. ^^^I should have bought shares in google before you created the above post.^^^
  6. Excellent post Jack. Great to see it when the facts get in the way of an old, tired story.
  7. Do you consider the above when you purchase clothing, footwear, small appliances, etc? Please tell me how you do your research of what you should by from which manufacturer?
  8. My point is there is nothing wrong with asian factories.
  9. The self righteousness of many in this place is very evident. (making more reference to other topics where this has come up) The video was great, I have a few rods that were hand laid in North america. I would like to visit a facility where that fabricate rods from scratch like shown. However this does not provide me with the moral soapbox to proclaim to all that will listen that Asian factories are bad. Hand crafted rods, clothes, soap, etc. all have their place just as mass manufactured goods (99.9% of goods) overseas do. There, now you are up.
  10. Well I do not. so what is your point?
  11. Do you have a problem with asian factories? Thanks though for stating the obvious..
  12. Maui Jim's suck. Shortly after I purchased my first pair I started to dig Jimmy Buffet and tacky Hawaiian shirts. They also caused partial blindness in my one eye; it was all downhill after that.
  13. Good luck with a speedy recovery. Is there any plan or direction with CTV to put a picture of this scumbag on the evening news? If it happens and there is a reward through crimestoppers watch his "friends" turn him in for a few bucks..
  14. If your dog had caused injury to the other would you call it even? Off leash dog parks are bad news..
  15. The way you ask the question leads me to believe your dog may not have been an innocent victim? If it was an unprovoked attack from another dog it is obvious what the course of action is. It may not be common knowledge but lots of dogs die every year from attacks at loacl dog parks. I would never take my dog there as you are victim to the lowest common denominator of dog owner. Dogs are supposed to be under direct control even off leash; certainly not the case at these parks. I wish Kalum a speedy recovery.
  16. Why make it a contest?
  17. I didn't realize Nelly had such a badunkadunk.
  18. Greenpeace calls it the Tar Sands. Dirty Hippies..
  19. It was about the same time that flyfishermen became flyfishers, Christmas became the holidays and my kids could no longer take peanut butter to school.
  20. You squeemish? d:h:
  21. Here is the lure they use in Turtle lake;
  22. Wow you guys sure know how to hijack a thread! The bloke that wants to buy the sage said he has not cast it and cannot where he is considering the purchase. Why does it matter if I have cast the sage, I am not buying one!!
  23. No discredit to Sage rods. Some of the blanks on a $400 dollar rod are the same as on an $800 bucker; with a different hue. Perception is reality I guess? I was giving them credit when I complimented their marketing division. It is odd however that you do not get top line guides and seat on the Sage rods when you drop near $1k ? Cheese Chucker..
  24. Hats off to the marketing division at Sage. The above post is a testiment to their success.
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