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Everything posted by canadensis

  1. I'd keep your current string of rods and skip the sage, although I am sure many of these experts on here will tell you the reason to blow $800 on a rod.. It is all percieved value on anything above the price of a TFO. Edit: I casted a Orvis hydros and no doubt that this is the best rod for the dough, for my cast anyways. Save a few hundy from the sage and go hydros.
  2. For events like you are proposing here you need a license from SRD. This is just a bad idea. Big difference if a few buddies go out together and "keep score", but advertising it on the interweb and half ass organizing something is considered a tournament. Seems like a road you would not want to go down. Look here
  3. Were you drunk when you typed this?
  4. Bottom line is you are trying to get a fish to eat a hook and sometimes they swallow it and will die if hooked in the gut or gill 100%. Part of the passtime. If you are not OK killing the odd fish then sit on the couch with gramma doing needlepoint. This being said dont take the fish out of the water once you get it in; unhook and release. some of you on here light it up on people for bad photo's yet do the grip and grin when you catch a big one, this will increase the mortality rate moreso with bigger fish. We all know what an 18" Bow river rainbow looks like, so skip the pic. But if you insist a photo of a fish in the water looks better anyways. I don't need to see your ugly mug in a photo so keep'em in the water. In some jurisdictions it is illegal to lift a fish out of the water if you intend to release it.
  5. The thing is Dax I feel I should not have to justify it to anyone. I do lots of things that would be deemed very environmentally friendly and some things that are not. We should look at the inefficient organic grocery stores and compare the carbon footprint of the organic produce and goods they sell compared to the big chain stores like safeway that sell mostly mass produced food and produce. The enviro weenies need their actions scrutinized and the outcome would surprise most.
  6. I use CLR on my rods. It gets rid of the haze which is actually hard water stains, works like a dream. I am not sure I would use WD40 on my rod. However it works wonders when you spray it on a streamer.
  7. You can do away with anything with the flawed logic this article shows. I will drive 10 minutes to 2 days just to catch fish and let them go (actually I will club a few if I drive to the coast). Totally pointless as you still have to buy protein at the grocery store, so it is a double whammy that spews unnecessary exhaust into the air as well. What about a sunday drive? driving to visit Grandma? Where is the line that what you are doing with your vehicle is unnecessary? This article is a prime example of political correctness gone overboard.
  8. Lots on here that think they have more insight than the Apple market research people. Hilarious..
  9. What you wish for is one baby step from eliminating fishing. Do some research then edit your post.
  10. It is just part of the hype bhurt, the Saints took it easy on Favre for how often they hit the old guy, over 15 times I believe? We have a big Superbowl Party; have for the past 20 years. Gets bigger each year.
  11. Besides all these new useless inventions are terrible for the environment. Some of you are worried about plastic forks and spoons at a breakfast, yet buy up this crap like is some device that you cannot live without. Think about it.
  12. All these things, digi cameras, iphones, laptops, now this ebook, most computers, most of the intrenet, they are all fads.
  13. You are correct. If there is any kind of prize, trophy, etc.. I think some would use a worm or marshmallow to ensure victory. It's not like fishermen to lie or anything.
  14. This is how Bassmasters started.
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