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Everything posted by dino

  1. Truly amazing fish, congrats to him! You are correct, the North American term "palometa", is the smaller of the species mentioned. Permit being the larger. The spanish do not identify them this way. Hint, say "palometa" really fast....You'll know where we north americans developed the name. Maybe from your spanish guide yelling in your ear?? Regards Dean
  2. Monger, Did you catch the permit? Bocia Palia? Regards Dean
  3. dino

    Line Advice

    Jayvee, The 40+ is a great line for it's intended purpose but has some flaw's indentified by most -Welded loop from head to running line can be a nuisance for some -Unless the complete head is outside the guides they can be awkward to use, fully dependant on the caster -The original 40+ers had issues with coiling in cold weather, my last of 2 purchased had zero issues so I believe airflo sorted this. -I would relook at what your useage will be (as you mostly nymph fish), Would it be used for dry fly? hopper droppers? Max is right, they sure can cast.... Regards Dean
  4. The pulley and shackle are attached to the anchor. The rope end now loops through the pulley and connects back up onto the arm. Yes, twice as easy, also, almost twice as much rope required from before & twice as much length to pull up. see here http://www.clackacraft.com/accessories/pulleyanchor.htm Regards Dean
  5. They should have it Regards Dean
  6. Not that this is really much different, but try a strip of rubber tape on the seat. This is used by electricians for motor terminations. Works like a dream. I even put a small wrap of rubber tape around the top of my cork for pinching down on small diameter running lines. Regards Dean
  7. dino


    T-man, Are you affiliated with this company at all? Or is this a distribution of new knowledge/ideas? Dean
  8. dino


    I'm curious to see how somone is going to try and market this, when it has already failed in others hands.... Good luck to them! Regards Dean
  9. Good to meet everyone, looking forward to the next one! Regards Dean
  10. What grain compact skagits are guys using with the 4? How about the 5? Regards Dean
  11. Same, I ordered direct Regards Dean
  12. Conor, What species will you target? Dean
  13. Truly amazing! Great work. Dean
  14. Yes, the spool "floats". This relates fully to the spring loaded retaining clip on the face of the spool. Just typical wear and tear. I think the 12T is the ccf brake design, which uses a different design for spool to reel attachment. Do/have you put a 100+ days a year on all of these? Regards Dean
  15. I am personally stuck on Loops/Danielsons at the moment. Major problem with most reels used over time is "play" between the spool & housing. I have seen this on all reels including Nautilus Fw's, Lamsons, Tiogas.... Never on the Loops because if thier flanged design for connecting the spool to housing. Drag wise, they are all sufficient for what we use them for in Alberta. Dean
  16. Anyone ever tried fishing or casting the Scott G2 8'8" in a 3 or 4weight? Thoughts? Dean
  17. dino


  18. Very cool, must have an arsenal of rods to use this kit! Dean
  19. I have SharkSkin in a 5wt, do not like it. It is "ok", however for my applications I've found a GPX to be more suited. Gpx will turn over a nymph rig easier than SS because of the shorter heavier front taper. This is my primary usuage of my 5wt. SS is a touch better for laying down dries. Two additional points, the noise is "neat" for the first week & any new line "floats high"...my 2 cents... Regards Dean
  20. Will they be building any for the 4/5 switch? Regards Dean
  21. When are the Beulah Tonic lines coming out? Is Cortland still making these for Beulah? (I believe they made the Elixirs)
  22. Anyone tried a Rio AFS Outbound yet? Or AFS shooting head? Looks the same type of taper as the Elixers and Airflo 40+'s. Regards Dean
  23. dino

    Cuba Si!

    Truly impressive Clive!
  24. Neato!!
  25. I have a Beulah 4/5 switch lined with an airflo 40+ 7wt (cut back). Works pretty good. Courtney, how are things? My brother and I will be back for pinks and chinooks this September!! Dean
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