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Everything posted by npauls

  1. NIce Eye SanJuan, Once I get my boat fixed I will be hitting up some of the southern Alberta reservoirs to find those big female eyes that are roaming around looking to fatten up before winter. My goal is to find one over 12lbs this fall.
  2. Jet boats were designed to run rivers. They aren't very good at all in lakes. Like mentioned before a jet has to stay on plane to stay on top of the water. If they were to slow down and hit some shallow water they would be stuck on the bottom. Being on plane also gives way less of a wake then a boat that is slowing down. As soon as you lay off the throttle the back end up the boat will start to sink causing the wake to be quite a bit bigger. I don't fish the bow so I can't say either way what should happen but I think they have just as much right on the river as anyone else as long as they are following the laws set in place.
  3. I have an 08 gmc sierra for those times when I need the 4x4 and power of a big truck. I can tow my 5th wheel and a boat behind it with the truck. I am just looking for options for a smaller rig to save money on gas and insurance when I don't need the big rig. Hopefully I can get this trailblazer sold for a decent price and get into something smaller before the fishing trips start piling up. There is quite a few trips on my bucket list for this summer.
  4. Well I am glad to hear that there are quite a few guys driving the subarus. We have been looking at sub's, protege's, and golfs so far and just weren't sure which to go with. So far the wife is really liking the protege 5 wagons the most but the others aren't far behind. Whatever little car we decide to get will be getting a roof rack system installed and a hitch to tow my tinner or cedar strip row/drift boat that should be refinished by tomorrow night.
  5. The wife won't let me have a bike. I rode freestyle bmx for 13 years and she thinks I will die real quick on a bike.
  6. What is everyone using for fishing cars? What are the pro and cons of the vehicle you use? I am looking at selling or trading our 2002 Chev. Trailblazer that is fully loaded except leather for a smaller car that would be used for everything except towing my big boat.
  7. Hey guys/gals, Me and a buddy made a trip out today for some fat feisty spring bows. The wind was pretty nasty for most of the day but we kept pounding the bugs through it and it paid off. We caught a ton of fish today, here is a few of the ones we caught today.
  8. Those are some sweet pictures. Jay's rainbow picture looks like a spot I fish quite often. I am not sure that it is but it sure looks the same.
  9. There is far more money spent on stocking trout around Alberta then there is Walleye. The southern half of Alberta doesn't have any stocking of walleye at all. They are all self sustaining populations.
  10. Nice idea Ray. Where did you get your netting from? I have a wooden frame that I made and am looking for netting to finish it off for a buddy. If I can't find anything soon around Lethbridge I am going to pick one up in Calgary when I head up there again. I may also make a few more nets for friends and family that don't have one yet.
  11. Where are you located in the province?
  12. Check out icky fly works website. They have quite a few patterns, ship fast, and have good prices.
  13. Dang, I would love to take on that position for the weekend but can't afford to stay in Calgary all weekend.
  14. npauls


    I am not sure what kind of price range you are looking to get into and I have no experience with cassettes but I have been looking into the Amundson Diablo cassette. It is a decent price and I want something I can use for a few different lines like you mentioned. I will be pairing the diablo reel up with a 10' 5wt wind warrior still water rod hopefully in the near future.
  15. Does this count as part of the 20/20 club?
  16. I will throw my name in the mix.
  17. Those are some sweet photos. Makes me want to bust out the small sticks and go chuck for the little guys on the small waters down here in the south.
  18. This type of thing has worked really well for the last couple years on Alberta Outdoorsman forum. Good to see the Pay it forward thing spreading across the net. I will look around and see if I can contribute.
  19. Has anyone used Amundson fly lines? I was at their main office in Burnaby a week and a half ago after my back surgery and noticed that they have their own lines. I had never heard of any mention anywhere of their lines and was wondering how they are.
  20. That's what I was looking for. Thanks a ton. I will be ordering them as soon as I am back from back surgery in Vancouver. Nate
  21. I am just wondering which boots I should order. I have some gift cards for bass pro that I was told had to be used to buy new wading boots for my birthday. The only 2 pairs that I really have my eye on are the 2 mentioned in title. I am wondering what people have to say about either pair and what size I should order. I am a size 10-11 shoe size depending on the brand and want to use these boots year round so I will need to be able to wear some woolies in my waders. The problem is that I live in Lethbridge and won't have a chance to try any on before ordering them so I am trying to gather as much information from people that have used either of the boots. I am kind of leaning the way of the freestones because of the higher ankle and the vibram soles. But I still have to figure out if I should order an 11 or 12 boot size. Thanks, Nate
  22. If I had $200 I would go for a trip with you on the 30th for my bday. I would love to get a broonie from the bow.
  23. Ya I have already mocked up some pipe to use for the middle frame parts. I am going to bolt them all together and look at making the motor mount and battery platform behind the seat. I won't be using the toon to often so it should be fine. I am just hoping it all works out and I can float some flowing water with it next season.
  24. The frame does look similar to quite a few different boats but the pontoon pvc material is what is different to me. The back end of the frame is different then most also. From what I have seen on the pictures I have found of it the back of the frame has a small wire basket and the tubing is just open ended with no motor mount or anything. I am hoping I can get some information from the place that handed them out as prizes so I know what kind of weight capacity it can carry and where I can replace some of the missing pieces. I would also like to add a motor mount so I can cruise around on some lakes and ponds.
  25. I don't have any pictures right now but here is a link to the same one that I have. http://mcfarlandappliances.usedvictoria.co...N-BOAT_15646331 I have found some big differences in prices for this boat being sold privately. I have seen them for sale from $1000-$50 so I am not to sure what it is worth or anything. It looks and feels really heavy duty. The pvc pontoons are very thick and pretty heavy.
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