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Everything posted by npauls

  1. I hope the hospitals are empty when the flames lose this series. There will be alot of broken legs from jumping off the band wagon.
  2. Nice pics and fish. The first hole you posted with the tree running over top of it is one of my favorite holes I have ever fished.
  3. I work for speedy glass so I see chips everyday all day. I know that speedy glass, standard autoglass, and apple autoglass all guarantee with a cross country warranty that it will not spread. Some of them turn out really good and you can't even tell it was there and others don't look good but get the job done from having it spread. I heard the guys in the mall just use a system that can be bought at any auto store like canadian tire or princess auto so if you want to try it yourself you can go pick up a home kit from those store for around $10-15. If you are in lethbridge and need a chip done then just stop by speedy glass and ask for nathan. I will gladly fill in a chip for free for people on the board. Just make sure to mention to me that you are part of the ffc or I won't have a clue and then you will get charged for it.
  4. me and lethfisher went out for a few hours on saturday afternoon. I had a couple on right off the bat and then didn't get anything after that. We passed a guy who lives in the pass and said he has been having really good luck lately. He mentioned using a black midge pattern. There is definitely alot of open water to be fished. Just make sure to check how bad the wind is before heading out. The last few days it has been picking up pretty bad down here.
  5. I would be interested. I could use some more info. about fly fishing. That and it would keep me busy between work and hockey.
  6. I see that thing around lethbridge all the time. Never get the chance to stop beside it and take a picture though.
  7. Be prepared for alot of wind.
  8. I work at speedy glass and we are heading down to the county of forty mile shop which i think is in foremost so maybe we will have to give the reservoir a shot. Thanks for all the help and I will post pics if we get anything.
  9. Is henniger res. in that area and if so is there any trout left in there? I remember going down there when I was younger and catching some decent trout out of there but I haven't been there for years.
  10. I was just wondering if anybody knows of any lakes,ponds,rivers, or streams with trout in them around the county of forty mile? I am heading there for work in the morning and my boss says we are hitting up some fishing in the area.
  11. I don't know if they changed it or not but it was suppose to be 37 tomorrow and 39 on friday in Lethbridge
  12. lynnf. if you want to hit up some sturgeon fishing that isn't to far from you p.m. me. I know of some spots pretty close to lethbridge that you can go check out. nate
  13. If you happen to get any ice on a weekend send me a p.m. I play 3-5 times a week in lethbridge and would love to head up there for some ice and meet some new people. Nate
  14. I will be on a staff camping trip, hitting up a certain little river south west of the city. Should be a crazy weekend.
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