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Posts posted by jonn

  1. i'd be happy with a little drought any day now. it can rain all it wants at night as long as the temp stays about 10 during the day and the sun comes out


    I second that! however I need one hot day so I can mow my lawn before I start to lose my kids in it! :rolleyes:

  2. Greetings,

    Love the site.

    I had a trip planned to Fernie and/or Trunk Road the last week in July. Now it looks like that might not happen due to a conflict. Would earlier in July or 2nd week in August provide better action. I am thinking later is better as long as there are no fire closures. I have only been up one other time and that was 6 years ago so I don't have a lot of experience to call on.

    Any thoughts would be appreciated.

    Thanks for your help.



    I'd go on the later date, better dry fishing.

  3. Just wondering if anyone here has any experience with tanning ( i think thats what u call it) rabbit hides for zonker strips. Also have access to bucktails and hides so those also. Will be dying them and again not too sure on that process either. Anyone with some helpful info would be appreciated. Have been google searching but mostly getting answers on how to remove the hair to get just the leather.



    I can help you with the buck tail end of things. If you don't need the leather to be supple then all you have to do is nail it to a piece of ply wood. once it's good and tight you need to flesh it out, there can not be any meat or tissue left on it. then just apply some coarse salt to the hide. When the salt is saturated knock it off and apply a fresh coat. Continue to do this till the salt isn't absorbing any more. It usually takes 3-5 coats.

  4. Been doing it for 20 years with wild and domestic, doesn't change colour, have never found them turning brittle, Mike.



    Thats surprizing, I think I'll try that this fall. Expanding on this, have you ever tried tanning a hide before? I know you can send them to Edmonton, but I've heard you never get your actual hide back. We use to use a guy in Strathmore, but I think he closed shop.

  5. Hope this helps to relieve any guilt you may have been feeling.


    Genesis 1:26


    Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."




    Remember they are just fish...


    JUST FISH. There not just fish, there delicious fish

  6. Run away!!!!!!!!


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    Click here if the movie does not play.


    I guess my problem isn't quite that bad. But I think I will try that blood meal. Where can a guy get it?

  7. From experience, just shoot from within the house. A couch cushion, a stable surface, an open window about 5 feet away, and a clear line of fire equals very little muzzle blast heard outside the house.


    I know I could settle the 10/22 perfectly on the crib and swivel for a solid 120 deg.

  8. No law against using a pellet rifle as long you follow the gun laws and it doesn't excede the specified feet per second.....unless Calgary has a bylaw maybe. Now a noise dampener on a .22 short is worth investing some research into....... :rolleyes:


    I considered sub sonic's !!!! I'm pretty sure they do have by-laws in place though. I should just pulling out the bow... I can just see it now, arrow skips and lodges in grumpy neighbors house, dead Jonny!

  9. Its becoming an issue in many communities and towns. I have tried all levels of governing bodies and mp's and all have the same opinion.......not their problem. The county office was sure upset with me when I suggested I would be dropping off all the rabbits I trapped at the office so it's no longer my problem. I am speaking of European domestic rabbits of course...not our indigenous long-legged rats. Trapping and humane disposal has been my only option and its a losing battle out here in good 'ole Shaughnessy.


    I truly love having my yard raped by a bunch of inbred pets that were released by some irresponsible individual.


    It's probally there inbreed offspring hopping into Evergreen. hahaha

  10. Does anyone know any tricks (minus the .22) to deter rabbits. My community is quickly becoming over ran with them. Over the past few years they've really enjoyed the flower smorgus board my wife plants for them. But now there eating my grass, CHEWING IT RIGHT TO THE ROOTS. I have a bunch of beautiful patches on my lawn thanks to them.

  11. Its extremely clear that most people on this board (actually in this entire city) work in oil and gas. You all rush to defend BP like your lives (*cough* jobs) depend on it.


    Of course this isn't intentional, the original post and its link (not that you would bother reading that) never claimed that. However, BP, like every other oil company doesn't do a very good job preventing these disasters - but whats to expected - when your in the industry of exploiting natural resources, profit is always number one.


    Although I do agree with you all. If we can save a couple cents a year because of poor safety standards and accident prevention measure, so be it. After all its not like we'll ever visit, fish, our tour where this oil spill happened.


    Rick, you mention fishing has been good despite offshore drilling - do you think it will be good after this disaster?


    All of the comments towards British Petroleum have been negative so far. We are talking about the Oil & Gas industry in general. I find it so humorous when people stand out outside the glass and look in. There is so much safety in the oilfield that it is to the point that it's dangerous. We repeat safety meetings over and over again, we review/preview/access JSA'S tell our eye's are red. What ends up happening after awhile is it falls on deaf ear's. The millions upon millions of dollars that go into programs like JSA'S, safety meeting, safety stand downs and mandatory course's could support a small city. The reality is, it's not the oilfield companies that cause these issues, (god only knows they have enough rules and regulations in place) it's the people working for them.

    You can tell someone what not to do, you can show them the right way and you can explain the consequence's. But some will turn around and do everything you showed them not to do, does that make it your fault.

    Oil & Gas in drive by the money machine, no one can deny that. But is MAKING MONEY not the point of having a business in the first place. (don't be pissy because there good at it) Don't get me wrong I personally feel that the industry has a long way to go in terms of the environmental end of things (no offense Ricker, but especially in the States) and I feel that when accidents do happen they need to spend more time and effort to remedy the situation. But like I said previously the industry is making leaps and bounds in the right direction.

    I also find it so funny how people target the oilfield over other industries. A prime example would be mining in Bistrol Bay vs. drilling on the North slope. (which one got more publicity/ which one is going to cause more damage).


  12. My drive in from Cochrane was not fun but the line at Tims was a breeze this morning ;) Highway 22 is a mess and so is the 1 and I was hoping to hit some of the streams North of Cochrane on Sunday but with the snow melting I don't see it being steller but I'm going anyway.



  13. Hey Rick,


    From what I hear they were in the middle of cementing the hole when it came back up. Do they have the blow out valves in place during cementing or is that something they do at the end of that process? And if they are in place could the pressure be so great that it could blow out the blow out valve?


    You drill with a set of B.O.P.'S (blow out preventer's) in place. The issue with cement jobs is that after you've pumped the cement you pump a sealed plug right behind it, which set's in whats called a float. The issue with the getting gas to surface during a cement job is once the plug is dropped you have no real well control. Because once the plug hits the float you no longer have a bottoms up circulation. You could go through your choke set up and try to surface kill the well, but the harsh reality of this is it rarely works. The real problem with cement jobs is that you have to thin back your mud in order to do one. If the drilling fluid viscosity is to high then the cement will channel through the mud, giving you a bunk cement job. So during the processes of thinning back your mud you lose it's weight caring properties, allowing the formation gases to enter the well bore!


    As far as off shore drilling being more dangerous than land rigs, it's just not true. Land rigs are way more western due to the fact that there is less people monitoring them. The reality is a blow out is dangerous no matter where it is!

  14. This is about the oldest and deadest horse that has ever been beat. It comes down to someone screwed up on the rig, no one plans to have a catastrophe. If you are reading this thread you are a contributor to the whole, and to make broad based statements and generalized finger pointing is very hypocritical. Whenever the price of gasoline goes up everyone complains, one of the reasons for the increase in the price of oil is the fact that it costs more to produce a barrel now, in discounted dollars, than it did 40 years ago. One of the biggest reasons for the this, is the increased environmental cost of operation. If every tanker that shipped oil was double hulled the cost would be borne by the consumer, you and me. If you want to see some really wild tailings pond go visit an open pit mine, coal, copper, gold, there's some toxicity for you to see. What it all comes down to is the fact that oil & gas is a really easy target for the environuts, it's everywhere and rich and bad and big and dirty and evil and.....I've said enough.


    I couldn't have said it better myself! Besides, if you actually worked in the field, you would know that the oilfield has made leaps and bounds over the last decade towards safety for both the workers and the environment! Things don't happen over night and it takes a long time to beat the mentality out of an industry that has been around for more than a century.

  15. Before you get too angry, maybe you should read the MOE's response, especially this part on page 11:

    Recognizing the overlap between salmon and steelhead fisheries, and acknowledging DFOs mandate, the ministry endorses the concept of resident‐only times and zones, and supports Canada’s proposal that such regulations allow access for both BC residents and non‐resident Canadians and restrict non‐resident alien anglers.

    Based on this, all references to resident‐only times and zones within this document will herein include BC resident anglers and non‐resident Canadian anglers. The rationale supporting the Working Group’s recommendations for resident‐only times and zones are presented in the following sections.



    Do anything about what? Maybe you need to actually read the doc too. See the section I quoted above.


    O.K. fair enough so on 7.0 Appendices all those resident only dates should be Canadian residents only days.

  16. I just read through it and I'm not sure if I'm blind, but I really don't see how an Albertan can fish during local only days.


    And PKG how is this giving Alberta, B.C.'s Steelhead on a silver platter? There's now more restricted for Albertans! Less days on the water, extended stamps and higher river classes.







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