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Posts posted by jonn

  1. I would be surprised if the members of the AMP did not see it as a further reason to reduce non-residents access to rivers, due to the chance of an increase of non-guided anglers due to a film promoting the fishery.


    I don't know about that, as there has already been multipule movies based in that drainage. Hopefully your prediction isn't correct though.


  2. Ok l hope this worked first time puttin a photo up here. Anyways like the post says whats the best hair for streamers exp, super hair,maraboo,angels hair, all help is very appreciated as you can see l tie perch patterns that work good for pike and walleye as ya can see by the one there. The green one l call the incredible hulk its just a fun pattern. Anyways tight lines ladies and gentleman



    you could try using icelandic sheep hair. I'm not an expert on pike flies by any means, but the few I tied up with this stuff seemed to hold up fairly good. As well it seems to cast good when its wet.


    b.t.w. nice tye, how long are you tying those?

  3. Din,your saying thingamabobber makes little posts?Like little air filled tubes or something?


    it's like a micro thingamabobber. It almost looks like it would hang over the silhouette of the fly to much though.

  4. both suntoucher and 420flyfishin are correct. If the weather is good and there is still lots of food to rip up they will stay out later. I was out hunting on yesterday and we came across a small black bear on a spike elk. I know on the cold lake air base many of the black bears don't go down or wake early due to the bombs and sonic booms going on all winter and if it's a bad winter many of them die due to lack of food. Last year we saw three bears in February. (really malnourished)

  5. angeryjonn, wow sorry to hear about your experience, what a complete a$$hole! What age range was this guy?


    Good for you for keeping your cool in front of your young son. I hope your son will forget about the negative experience and get out fishing with you again!


    mid forties I would guess, Simms waders, blue north face jacket and brown hair.


  6. that was a pretty bad outing. I feel more sorry for that jerk as he clearly has problems dealing with others. You seem to have life under control and have a nice kid to go on outings with. I would suggest you get a Wii and a Wii fishing game to try and put the fun back into the experience with Dad.


    good luck.





    funny you should mention the wii, he's had one for a year and is convinced he's going to catch a mackerel or a needle fish every time we go out.

  7. I was out on the river Friday with my 3 yr old son, he was sporting his bright red spider-man rod and I my one and only spinning outfit. We were having a great time, I'd catch them with my rod and he would reel them in. We had caught 2 browns, a rainbow and even a pike. (an epic day for any three yr old.) Then some self righteous pompous a$$ decided to come by, he felt it was necessary to degrade me and tell me how unethical I was for allowing my son to fish with such an under rated rod for the river. He then proceeded to tell my son that his rod was no good and his dad should know better that to let him fish with it and all he was doing was hurting the fish. Now at this point Logan was starting to cry. I calmed my son down and told him to mind his own damn business. He then proceeded to tell me that I'm whats wrong with this river and that they let any idiot with a rod fish it and that they should make it a fly fishing only river so they could thin out the goofs. At this point with a crying son and not really wanting to show him how mad dad can get I chose to pack up and try fishing a different part. unfortunately Logan didn't have any interest in fishing anymore. (can't imagine why)

    Now two days later my son still has no interest in fishing. The next day I asked him if he wanted to go to the fly shop and his reply was shocking. "dad i don't want to go there anymore, fishing is bad". So now thanks to the uptight elitist, Logan wont watch fishing shows, go to a shop or even fish. (I just finished asking him). Now this whole thing could have been avoided if he would have opened his damn eyes and noticed that Logan's fancy panther martin wasn't even sporting a hook!!!!! As I said earlier I was catching them with MY ROD and he was reeling them in. Now I have seen it time and time again, Fly fishermen cutting down gear heads and now I think it's to the point that it has become a head hunt for certain people. Well here is my two cents on the subject, using a spinning rod is not illegal, spin fishermen have just as much right to fish as any fly fisherman. They are not all bad people who guzzle beer, wear wife beaters and litter everywhere. Further more if you see a man and his kid on the river with spinning gear, keep your arrogant comments to yourself. Because as far as I'm concerned we should be using any means necessary to keep our kids in the outdoors and if it takes me putting down my fly rod so I can get my son into fishing then so be it, I'll be a PROUD GEAR HEAD.

  8. I'd recommend to go on the cheap for tools at first. That way you will not hesitate to upgrade if you decide you will be tying for the rest of your life.


    Go big on the vise if you decide tying is for you. A top quality vise is a great tool for life. A medium quality vise is a good tool for a while, but will need replacing eventually. I've gone both ways, and I regretted the $150 vise I bought. Try out a few top brands before you decide (Renzetti, Regal, Norvise, ect).


    If you are concerned about cost, you could stop by my house and I could get you everything you need to start (except maybe hooks) for $25-100 or so.


    I'd have to agree. Even if you don't like tying, it'll be a lot easyer to unload a higher end vise than a dollar store special. But on the other side of the coin if u do enjoy it, you'll have a vise for life.

  9. Yup...them were the olden days of oil and gas development. Times have changed big time since then. Now regulation and red tape is the norm in Alberta. 95% of the regulations are good and were needed. I think the flaring regulations were the best thing implemented.


    Landowners and especially non landowners have way to much power and standing now in the province.


    Well...What a shame all that gas is gone.


    agreed, way to much power.

  10. Well I went fishing Sat..


    Found this stuck in a tree over the river, it had a swivel and line attached to it.. so defend it !!! I dare you, this time there is no wiggle room.. with out a doubt - it was used on this river...


    Proof positive that the Alberta wilderness has been host to that invasive species - Urbanodourous-moroneious ... hopefully it is transient.....


    Talked to a CO today and gave him all the details and the poor guys just lowered his shaking head and I think I saw a tic in his right eye...







    Instead of bitching about these so called morons with barbs everytime you find them, try educating them.


  11. I don't watch a lot of TV but wish there was a good fishing show on the tube. The last show that I really liked was "Fishing with John" . Are there any fans of that show here? I guess it's hard to do a fishing show and not have it turn into an Infomercial.


    I heard the WFN channel has some good shows but u have to get it through shaw or sat. I just went with telus so I hope the sportsman channel has a few good shows

  12. Since it is getting to the winter months how have people found it in the cold weather. Coiling? Does it build up more ice with the texture of the line?


    I used it all winter last year, and it worked great. However it really cut up my stripping fingers. The noise wasn't to bad for me, But everyone who fished with me wanted to drown me (zing zing zing). But as soon as summer hit with more bottom growth it was impossible to keep it clean and floating.

    Just my 2 cents, every shop that sells it praises the $110.00 line

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