That seems pretty presumptuous and dismissive, Dave. I fish barbless because in my own experience it reduces my handling of fish. With someone like you or I, that time difference is probably less substantial than the overall population as well. On the other hand, I am under no illusions that barbless regulations are going to save our fisheries. I also very much agree with you that the other issues mentioned are of a much greater importance in terms of the health of our aquatic ecosystems. However, I don't think the reasonable answer is to say that no one should debate other issues like barbed/barbless regulations or to diminish their feelings on the issue as some sort of conservational cowardice. For some, dealing with relatively small problems like this can become a gateway towards a recognition of the bigger problems. I guess I just don't see how talking down to people is going to help conservation in the province at all and, in fact, I would consider it more damaging than people caring about whether or not the province is barbless.
Edit: After re-reading your post it is clearer to me that you were coming from a good place, but I think you could have articulated your concern better.