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Everything posted by SupremeLeader

  1. The most hilarious thing is that Albertans will still vote PC or WR (The party full of a bunch of PC defects). Unreal.
  2. Seniors should not have to pay for a license. Many seniors don't have pensions (other than gov't) and ever little bit of money they can save helps.
  3. Excellent fly. I love seeing flies that aren't super difficult to construct tied to absolute perfection; this is an excellent example of this.
  4. How does registering a gun make you an outlaw? I thought 'outlaws' don't follow the 'law'?
  5. ....Are you serious? I'll remember that.
  6. Maybe you should go back if it sucks so bad here.
  7. The most hilarious thing is that Albertan's will vote the same gov't in that pulls these stunts just as they always do; or they'll vote the new right wing Wild Rose Party. It'll just be the same old same old; the right wingers (no pun intended) catering to the rich elite.
  8. Klein cut Nursing staff and healthcare funding in the 90's, and only so recently proposed the 'Third Way' system...... a system along the same lines as the one you had in the states.
  9. Maxwell and Smitty. Experts on all aspects of fish reproduction.
  10. I made fun of people who wear Exofficio clothing and you guys edited my post. WTF? Sorry......but you have to admit...,those outfits look ridiculous. I think I saw BBT wearing them in one of his vids.
  11. Indeed. Although I can see why you need a guide in an offshore situation or really big water, or maybe if you're dead set on fishing from a drift boat, but for the most part DIY is the ultimate form of fishing. And if you have one day to fish...sure, get a guide - I guess. To go somewhere for a week or two weeks when you have accessibility to fishing, and then hire a guide every time you fish? [edited - Please review the posting guidlines] When you go with a guide it is he or she that caught the fish; you're just a tool.
  12. http://www.cbc.ca/canada/calgary/story/200...#socialcomments
  13. There needs to be an emoticon for the all-seeing eye for BBT. It would be more appropriate.
  14. Looks like BBT is drinking Doda.
  15. Apparently, incestuous is a bad word.......
  16. One thing about trying to debate anything on this board is the community on FFC is, metaphorically speaking, incestuous. There is such a Neo-Con corporate agenda (the Mods included) that challenging the FFC status quo views on the environment is impossible; the views are so myopic it's ridiculous...they'll challenge widely excepted views in academia as self-serving and bias, and then when it suits their agenda quote the view of one or two opponents and their University credentials. Clive, and anyone else using your 11 year trend is yet another example of the type of science used to support the opinions on this forum. To put that information (11 year cycle) into perspective...it's like when people quote or manipulate sources to support one's conclusions.... Example 1: "The was not the best documentary I've ever seen" John Smith. Example 2: John Smith said it was the "best documentary I've ever seen" The trend is going up and the difference in the last 11 years is barely worth noting as the variance is minor. Clive, I can accept the data you wrote or quoted concerning ocean levels, but you posted that chart concerning the last 11 years? You and I both know it's bunk selective statistics that are 'intellectually dishonest ' (good one btw Midgetwaiter). I'll go back to what I said earlier, I trust the type of people I know who work in academia, and who I know would never manipulate data. Fringe scientists and privately corporate funded firms don't cut it, and neither do people online. Midgewaiter, tonyr, don't bother, these guys don't believe in anything unless it serves their interest.
  17. Perhaps , but but we all know the corporations and their research is definitely not unbiased, and certainly serving their own agendas.
  18. Indeed. And for Bhurt http://www.cbc.ca/fifth/denialmachine/
  19. Look up a documentary called the The Denial Machine (Fifth Estate) and the references to The Great Global Warming Swindle, some great facts regarding the 'science' and agenda behind the climate change deniers. -- edited by mods - please review the Code of conduct for posting in the forums --
  20. Peer reviewed science is 'one voice' that includes every non-profit research organization in academia. You're using double-speak.... Milankovitch's data is excellent, but try to understand it, it would never support the rate of temperature change that had occurred over the last 100 years.
  21. Tuvala.... look it up Clive. You have to look at current publications though, you won't find the info in any magazines published in 1973.
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