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Everything posted by loyaleddie

  1. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ And you call your self a "measurement while driving" expert???? Geesh!!!! 10,000 * 6.1 = 61000
  2. CUJO + A long line at Starbucks = One punch to the back of the head!!! Followed by the "run like hell"
  3. I agree Who would ever say their kid was ugly...May i remind you!!!! of this girl It all started with a "CUTE BABY CONTEST!"
  4. I think I fathered a kid that looked like this VOTE!!!!
  6. Hey Fag haters. Watch this!!!!..This guy makes some good points...Albeit i could care less about gays..i can't help support what this guys says....And i challenge you to make ANY tangible augments about this…
  7. Wanna see some hairless pussy? CLICK HERE!!!!!
  8. Guilty by association
  10. It’s quite obvious you have never been in a situation that required you to make a split second life altering choice. It baffles me how people can sit there and say “Oh, just shoot him in the leg”. That is not reality. The reality is dude is messed up on coke, meth, whatever or just plain manic, and he wants to have nothing to do with police. He/ She is in a “Fight or Flight” state of mind, and a police officer has no idea what that decision will be. I have been in a similar situation once (no not in North America) where I was faced with a split second life altering situation and let me tell you, never once did the welfare of this person enter my mind. Luckily for the both of us it worked out, better for him than me. So I would like to squash the delusions that cops have all the time in the world to think of where to shoot individuals And yes taze them all…if you have a weak heart, than you should have thought abut that first. Before you put yourself in a situation that could cause you to be tazed.
  11. I don't comment on photos much (because all are good)... But that fouth Pic is Sweeeeet man!
  12. I will argue this point in PM's...Lets just say the minimal effort I refer too is the contribution in the European campaign where any historian will argue, this was the key to winning over the axis. I am not discounting the effort that was put forth. I am discounting that we would be speaking German if it weren’t for the direct actions of the US effort. Personally, if it weren’t for the yanks we may be talking Japanese instead
  13. fishing + Brian = happy
  14. It's because you like to buy *hit....And the world has *hit to sell....What are the major U.S. exports besides war and entertainment?
  15. We Don't Need No Stinking Badges!
  16. The opportunities are endless…Hmmmmm the pro’s of marrying a Goat?????
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