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Everything posted by loyaleddie

  1. Athother fine Thread at FFC!!!!
  2. Boy…. Isn’t somebody over compensating for something with multiple posts???
  4. Also a good Idea to stay away from questionable web sites....
  5. Sombody has found my dog????
  6. Ahhhh...Still call that in...they can trend the call volumes
  7. Anyone see SWJ as of late?? Just curious.... I heard he might have gone visited some friends in Nebraska?
  8. That is sort of like the majority of the threads on this board....The subjects always change six times...
  9. Liable for what, having a sale that the mindless nitwits could not refuse? or liable for not herding the mindless like cows to a slaughterhouse? I think it was the fault of the police for not shooting randomly into the crowd to disperse the mindless cows…
  10. How can people blame Walmart? It’s the fault of the morons who gathered at the store for so many hours. That’s what I hate about our society NO ACCOUTABILITY!
  11. Someone had to loose a life at Wallyworld...... http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/29/business...lmart.html?_r=1
  12. Barfing and Diarrhea
  13. Who is the man behind the wooly beard?
  14. Enough Stamp's already
  15. Yes, Yes you must!!! Click here if the movie does not play.
  16. Nobody cares..crack whore spawn....We gotz Getty Click here if the movie does not play.
  17. SWEEEET!!!! Click here if the movie does not play. I have sooo waited to post a rush vid!!!!!
  18. Bra’n panties optional!!!
  19. Taco not only gets run over by one cow..... He gets pwoned by TWO cows!!!!!!!
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