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Everything posted by loyaleddie

  1. Ahh no thanks..that would be like fishing with my wife....i can't be bothered.......
  2. HA HA..Looks like Captin Joe has done that before....
  3. LMAO…I play WII boxing with my car starter…I beat the **** out of her….it’s awesome…Hopefully I don’t a WII restraining order!!!
  4. I KNEW IT!!!!!....Dave is giving a way free pussy!!!!!....
  5. Whom ever..... :zip it:
  6. ha ha ha you are fooked!!!!! Gift Certificates baby…Wife loves em’ especially if I tell her to pick them up for herself… 10 years of marriage can attest to this
  7. Click here if the movie does not play.
  8. Here comes Johnny with his pecker in his hand, He's a one ball man and he's off to the rodeo.
  9. Click here if the movie does not play.
  10. Now that is Class (or lack there of)
  11. ROTFLMFAO>>>> Dude, this song goes though my head, when ever I order the famous Bull and Finch Volcano wings... This is totally my "hot wing" song!!!!
  13. gay   /geɪ/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [gey] Show IPA Pronunciation adjective, -er, -est, noun, adverb –adjective 1. having or showing a merry, lively mood: gay spirits; gay music. 2. bright or showy: gay colors; gay ornaments. 3. given to or abounding in social or other pleasures: a gay social season. 4. licentious; dissipated; wanton: The baron is a gay old rogue with an eye for the ladies.
  14. Dumb 1. lacking the power of speech (often offensive when applied to humans): a dumb animal. 2. temporarily unable to speak: dumb with astonishment. 3. refraining from any or much speech; silent. 4. made, done, etc., without speech. 5. lacking some usual property, characteristic, etc. 6. performed in pantomime; mimed. 7. Computers. pertaining to the inability to do processing locally: A dumb terminal can input, output, and display data, but cannot process it. Compare intelligent (def. 4). 8. Nautical. a. (of a barge) without means of propulsion. b. (of any craft) without means of propulsion, steering, or signaling.
  15. RedWiggler Replying to threads that have pics of kids with Down Syndrome posted on the Internets
  16. I am going to have to bail on this...If I do go..It will result in me having to go to the in-laws three days earlier than planned....And NOBODY on this board can argue that they would love to go spend an extra three days with the in-laws....
  17. When you're there..Check this guy out Click here if the movie does not play.
  18. Flytyer With all this secretiveness one can only safely assume that you are developing some sort of superior sub-human mechanical female robot...Only to conquer the male heterosexual human race. Thus only to enslave us, to tie all your flies, while you fish the Mecca of all trout steams… the bow…
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