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Everything posted by birchy

  1. So a newfie is driving down the 401 in Toronto listening to the radio when suddenly a warning announcment comes on.. "Attention ladies and gentleman - please be advised that some crazed lunatic is driving down the 401 on the wrong side of the road - this is a very dangerous situation!" The newfie - swerving wildly back and forth to avoid oncoming traffic - says "GEEZ B'Y.. THERE'S MORE THAN ONE OF EM!!!"
  2. I also came across a large dead trout today at Policeman's in the shallow water. He was starting to decay pretty good but I think it was a brownie.
  3. Unless it's a San Juan Worm.. then it's big, like a size 4 - 6.
  4. I'm pretty sure when you kill wasps they emit pheromones that attract other wasps in their colony.
  5. Seriously Brian.. I've been telling everyone that story since you told us!! People start talking about bears and I'm like "there's this guy I know from the fly fishing website..."
  6. Do Wardells have a good warranty?
  7. The Orvis Tailwaters XT look pretty nice as well: http://www.orvis.com/store/product_directo...ubcat%5Fid=7313
  8. http://cgi.ebay.ca/HEAVY-DUTY-VINYL-STOCKI...1QQcmdZViewItem
  9. And before anyone says it.. I KNOW the quick answer is "get breathables!". Don't worry.. i'm working on it! Thanks MMAX!
  10. Mine are starting to smell "pretty good" from me sweating in them all summer.. Is there an easy way to wash them?
  11. I'd ask the giraffe "how's the weather up there?" and the horse "why the long face?" Seriously though I'd probably ask some of the more dangerous/scary animals "Are you REALLY more scared of me than I am of you?"
  12. I'll tell ya what.. that's one thing you never have to worry about happening when you're fly fishing!! That boy is tough!
  13. Those spots? Almost look like the big brown trout spots..
  14. birchy


    Great pics and report man!
  15. Oh.. and the Hip "Up Close and Personal" Tour.. at the Jube. Gordie and I pointed at each other during one point in my fav song - Nautical Disaster.
  16. Alright Brian.. I literally went and bought 2 each of from your list - checked em off as I found them. I'm going to hold you to it now!!
  17. That's my little guy.. he'll be arriving in September.
  18. Only the most productive section eh? haha
  19. birchy

    Swinging Flies

    A couple weeks back I tried swinging nymphs in the dark but really had no idea how to go about it. So I tied on a small streamer.. casted it straight out, let the current take it down to the bank, and then slowly stripped it back up the bank towards me where I new there was a big riser. He nailed it on the 3rd cast and broke off my 6lb. fluoro almost immediately!
  20. Oh brutal!! I'd be a bit on the P.O'd side!
  21. A "double hook-up" isn't taboo.. in fact, it's great!
  22. 1998 Tragically Hip Phantom Power tour.. They came to play in my hometown of Sydney, Nova Scotia. Tickets went on sale on a Saturday morning and we camped out starting Thursday night. What a gong show! The concert was amazing though!
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