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Everything posted by fish4trout

  1. Hi, I have seen a few posts regarding backing up pictures/files on your computer. I am just wondering what would be the most cost effective way to save probably 5 thousand pictures from the last few years. I got a virus a few years ago and lost all the pictures after everything was said and done. It sucked bigtime, dont want a repeat. Thanks for any info!
  2. buy a diesel, cheap to idle...
  3. Gotta say...There are better alternatives to chucking flies in some cases. Not a hope in hell you are getting a streamer down to that bull in 15 feet of water as fast or as effectively as a 2oz jig. That is, if it is even getting into the proper depth zone. After all is it really flyfishing with a 8 inch streamer and a bunch of big ass splitshots? Maybe you should take your own advice and adapt
  4. I guess you can call me an idiot for unhooking a fish without touching it, I always thought I was doing the fish a favour by not removing its slime coating but I guess I'll have to rethink....
  5. beauty!!!
  6. Very good on Chryslers part. On a side note did anybody hear about Toyota's new policy? Free sticky gas pedals!!!
  7. Actually, yes it is illegal to have lead... Canada National Parks Act, General Fishing Regulations When angling, it is unlawful to: * Fish without a national park fishing permit. * Fish with or possess within 100 metres of park waters the following: o natural bait and chemical attractants; o any lead tackle (sinkers, jigs, lures and flies) under 50 grams; o lures with more than 2 gang hooks; o a line capable of catching more than one fish at one time. * Fish with more than one line at a time. * Fish closed waters. * Leave a fishing line unattended. * Fish from 2 hours after sunset to one hour before sunrise. * Allow your catch to spoil or to be wasted. * Sell, trade or barter any fish caught. * Place live fish or fish eggs in any park water or transfer them between bodies of water inside (or outside) the park. * Place any food for fish in park waters. Taken from Parks Canada Lets try and get our facts straight before misleading people next time.
  8. Just think if it was an import, it probably would disintegrate on impact.
  9. from the things you posted on the telus stick thread....I can see why he wanted to punch your teeth out. $1000 for the copies, in size 6 font underneath reads "plus additional 350 for paper"
  10. Sounds like you drilled into the bottom, might want to drill out a little further next time . As for the return, buy a new set of blades(keep receipt!) bring the dull set of blades with the new receipt. Good luck out icefishing!
  11. feed it some hot lead, yum...venison
  12. 3 wt for bull trout, interesting...
  13. Are you saying that spotlighting deer out of their 1 ton diesels at night with their fancy new high powered rifle(probably something less than the .23 calibre mimimum to hunt big game) is not traditional hunting?
  14. should of sent the kid to the truck and "then proceed to tell HIM whats wrong with this river and that they let any idiot with a rod fish it", and maybe send him for a swim..f@cking idiot.
  15. lamson litespeed 1.5..done
  16. Anybody have an idea of the time for a 12 foot aluminum to float from police to mac this time of year? Thanks!
  17. any description of what he looked like? fly fish calgarys most wanted list.. take 1
  18. When I was in there a few days ago, I seem to recall about 20 signs throughout the store indicating such+ the ones outside the store.
  19. looks like a rainbow to me, not a cuttbow
  20. LOL! perfect. that fish dosent look 8 lbs in the pic, and looks like a whitefish
  21. sounds like somebody has been into the sauce...
  22. bhurt, the reason the birds are dying is because when it gets that cold the river should be frozen and the birds should be down south. Instead the treated waste water keeps the river open all year, so they stay here, and when you get a real cold stretch or -30 to -35 you see a bunch of dead ones(they arent meant to handle -30). Nothing to do with them eating there own *hit
  23. specially if you spend a day at the *hit hole
  24. A fly with two hooks on it still counts as 1 fly. Thus, why a rapala with 3 treble hooks is legal.
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