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Everything posted by fish4trout

  1. Sorry guys, I guess my question was worded strange. I know what times, as they are listed on the signs. I was wondering dates as to the schools being closed? How are we as motorists to know which schools are Catholics and which are public? This could especially be tricky if you are in a unfamiliar neighborhood. Seems there could be a better way...
  2. Does anybody have a website that shows when school zones are in effect? Seems like when I go 30 km/h in them, half the time I get passed. Not sure if I'm the idiot going too slow, or if they are just in a bigger hurry than me. Thanks
  3. Does this mean they are stocking rainbow trout into the upper lake again?
  4. Quit your job or quit your bitching..
  5. @streamguy, I said deep hooked fish, not gill hooked fish. I rarely get deep hooked fish with flies, but if it does happen... I find with a set of long nosed needle nose pliers(mastercraft from can tire). You can pretty much unhook ANY fish very fast with no harm done. If the fly is hooked on the gill filament? I'd agree as to cutting it. Pretty sure that leaving a rapala inside a fish's gill is sure death to a fish anyways, as he will rip it out himself. The original poster refered to spin fisherman being too cheap to leave a rapala inside the fish's gill. Best case scenario in that case is a pair of wire cutters, which I'd say 99% of spin fisherman do not carry or ever would.
  6. Beautiful fish, amazing shape, very jealous. I heard it was hooked bad and bleeding, and that was the reason behind "murdering" it as you people refer to. As for the one poster who is criticizing about egos and the dead fish, well I think you need to review some of your posts. yikes.
  7. I'm not for or against treble hooks. I've seen them do 0 damage to a fish, but the odd time fish are hooked in a bad spot. Yes, it still is possible to eye hook a fish with a single barbless as well. As for the above quote, if your cutting the line because your fly is deep you need to learn how to remove hooks. I dont see a reason why you should ever leave a fly or hook or anything inside a fish. The hook will NOT dissintegrate as they use to think.
  8. I think I saw a guy with the license plate "bigtoad" doing that the other day, except he was smoking a peace pipe and giving every truck that passed him the finger.
  9. wow, as stated before..I've had boats come close before, and I just chalk it up to sh*t happens. Implying that somebody is using worms because they are spin fishing, or that because they are spinfishing they kill everything, well that just shows your true colors. I'm not sure what you mean about a 2nd drift by us? We left minutes after you floated by us. Now, according to my friend you asked him repeatedly "how do the fish taste out of here". Obviously hoping for him to show you a stringer full of trout? As for meeting me? What are you going to do? Are you challenging me to a fight? Its comical really, someone who looks old enough to be my grandparent. Total 360, once you find out it is a buddy of yours. Interesting. Ill say it for the 3rd time, I understand you cant always be in complete control of the boat. *hit happens. I should of never posted, I guess. I brought up the talk of spinning guys on a fly board. Mistake? Bottom line, if you approach all spin fisherman with that kind of talk..."HOW DO THE FISH TASTE OUT OF HERE?" Expect to be called out on it, obviously you didnt like it.
  10. As I said before, I wouldnt of minded until he made the dick move of trying to make fun of my spinfishing buddy. Dave(I assume your a guide from your post), sorry for the post. Next time I will run along the bank and chase him and swear at him with his client in the boat. Screw that, next time I will just bring a RPG and blow his boat out of the river. As I said before, he made these comments while downstream of me a couple hundred yards. Not much I can do when he a km downstream of me. I'm sure he figured I wasnt fishing with the spin fisherman. Surprisingly enough, I did get a PM from the user. As said above by SHC, if he continues doing this he should get a nice reputation soon. If it was truly a series of mistakes(?) as was described in the PM to me. *hit happens, I guess.
  11. This is Alberta, we are still in the stone age fisheries wise. I'd love to see tigers, but would never expect it to happen. Too bad.
  12. So I was out fishing this morning fishing a long run and had multiple driftboats/jetboats go by. All the boats seemed to notice me and buddy on our side and hightailed it over to the other side, which seems to usually happen. Common courtesy! Thanks guys! Just before we were going to leave, we had 1 jetboat floating right down the bank, casting up to the shore. Not a big deal, dosent piss me off too much when a boat comes close, so use to it happening on the bow. I figured hed just drift past me and not cast. Nope, the guide let the client keep casting and he landed his fly about 1-2 feet away from mine then looked up and said "sorry, didnt see you there". I just sucked it up and didnt say anything. Now for the kicker, he did the same thing to my buddy drifted right past and yelled to him "how do the fish taste out of here", because he was spinfishing. Hes lucky he didnt say it to me, or he would of regretted it. I dont think it was neccesary for him to do that, just because he was spinfishing? I want to hear everyones take on this. The guide is also a regular user on this board (I recognized him) so maybe he'll pipe in too. rant over.
  13. wow old thread x2...but why not just go to memory express and get it on sale? spend an hour on the phone instead, am I missing something?
  14. if it was in ab, it wouldnt have good fishing...
  15. "fines could be up to $750" wow...a whole $750??? pathetic, up it to 25k and some jail time and you'd see less of it.
  16. That'd be great, thanks for the replies everyone...if anyone can add anymore breeders to the list that'd be great!
  17. Thanks for the tip and I'm sure they were good, but unfortunately theyve moved locations. I found this out the hard way F@CK!!!!. They even convienently left the new address out of their website. Since I dont think I'll be visiting their new location, anyone have other reccomendations?
  18. Well the camera took a sh*t a few weeks ago, screen dosent work. Can anybody reccomend a good camera repair shop in Calgary? Ideally in the S.E. Thanks alot!
  19. Actually, I know for a fact winnipeg has opened up hunting inside the city limits (the perimeter) but only to manitoba residents. Bow only for big games, but mainly opened it up to try and get some geese to leave the city. I'm not talking about urban hunting here, but when the city limits extend for 10km's once the houses stop....
  20. Shouldnt have anything to do with starvation as the birds fly out to fields to feed. I'd guess the ducks die when it is -30 and there is a foot of snow in all the fields. Your just finding what was frozen under an ice shelf. Nick, if you want to try and do something positive try and get hunting opened up in the city limits. Later in the hunting season, when everything else is frozen the birds that are roosting on the bow dont even leave the city limits. The city limits extend so far, they are out into farm country. These birds dont need to migrate anymore...open water and food all year round and no hunting pressure.
  21. Is it just me or does anyone else find it creepy that an older guy is posting about not being able to find kids "alone" nowadays..
  22. When mac launch is cleared of ice, or if you put a winch on your truck and dont mind scratching up that new drift boat of yours
  23. They have a wand, so they dont have to rip the flies apart. Same as waterfowl hunting, they run a wand over the bird to make sure you arent using lead shot.
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