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Everything posted by ruffsranger

  1. Maybe the level of expertise enters into it. Most of you are probably better fisherman than I will ever be, but I could probably have kicked most of your butts on a golf course. I have had days ( years ago ) golfing when I have made many of hundred's of dollars playing against my friends in Nassau matches. I think I once made $5.00 on a bet that was for the biggest fish caught in a day. I think is was about 10 inches long. The Masters winner today won $1.44 million. As for those of you who are concerned about losing golf balls, all you have to do is train them a little better; short grass when you are golfing, water when you are fishing. Also keep in mind that the people you are golfing with will have lots of golf balls, just like fly fishers will have a ton more flies than necessary, so while they are busy cursing over a poor shot, help yourself to their supply. LOL Also don't forget that while golfing, pretty young ladies are out in beverage carts to make sure that you don't get dehydrated. Which ever way you go it's pretty tough to beat these two activities, & you don't have to be a good athlete to do either. I love them both.
  2. $200 on #9 Bow River only though, as I have my own batteries but won't buy a B.C. license.
  3. Yes, keep your hooks as sharp as you can. If Jim McLennan says so, why would you question it??
  4. That's a fun comparison Don, but there are certainly a lot of variables. I have much more experience as a golfer than a fly fisherman, as I've only FF for 4 years, & have golfed ( or at least tried to ) for much longer. I have one set of golf clubs, that will suit me for where ever I play. I don't need 3, 4 or 5 different rods & matched reels etc. etc,. One type of golf ball will do me fine; I don't have to worry about what the little shits are feeding on. Will a $900 driver improve my game: sure if I know what I'm doing with it. Will a $900 fly rod catch me more fish: sure if I know what I'm doing with it. Both activities are fairly expensive, & we are so lucky to be able to pursue both.
  5. A quick check of the regs for south western Alberta shows that cutties can be harvested ( size limits in effect ) from nearly all the major rivers in the area except the Livingstone.
  6. Great start for the Jays & I hope someone opens a fly shop in the NW. Does BP have a decent fly shop? I've not been there yet. That is probably the only place north of the river other than The Fishin' Hole; & yes I know that is not NW.
  7. If it is a trout in a stream or river, release it!! If it is caught in a lake or stocked pond, eat if if you want, but don't waste it.
  8. Hey, a new avatar for headscan. I'm wondering how much the local fly shops actually profit from those who tie their own, as opposed to those who just go in to buy flies & equipment. I would think that this may have a bearing on where the fly shops are. Being as the river is in the south, I don't think that many people coming to fish the Bow from out of town are going to drive to the NW to look for equipment or supplies. I don't tie, but I can see your predicament. It is horrible trying to get anywhere in this ever growing city.
  9. Thanks for the helpful information guys. Mono is certainly a lot less expensive.
  10. Thanks SD I was thinking more along the lines of streamer & nymph fishing where how a line turns over isn't that critical. I'm not sure what a Say setup is.
  11. I'm still fairly new to forum posting, so I'm not sure whether I can ask opinions about certain makes of equipment or manufacturers. If I can, I'm looking for opinions on Crystal River products, especially leaders. I can buy them cheaper than other leaders; but does cheaper sacrifice quality ( sometimes, but not always )? If not Crystal River, what is a good leader for Bow River fishing? Thanks
  12. Hey robert That is so true. I think that I'm getting off the topic, but I bought a nuvi 1490 in December & have updated it twice since. It is a good thing that I know where I live, because Garmin certainly doesn't, & can't guide anyone to my address.
  13. It can't be said any better than that!
  14. I hope that I'm not out of line with this post, but if 'caddis1946' is a member, could you please pm me. Thanks
  15. Does anyone have hooked up, or know how to hook up, a Wii console to receive Netflix streaming to a HDTV ( Panasonic Viera ) I have a Netflix account ( free trial ). I do not have a wireless router; it is a coaxial cable from Shaw. I do not have a laptop, it is a PC about 40 feet from the TV. I don't want to stream it to the computer, just the TV. I know what a LAN adapter is ( haven't bought one yet ). Does an Ethernet cable have to be run from my computer modem to the TV? ( not practical at all ) Can't find the proper info on google. I don't know if this enough info, but I can't think of anything else to add. Thanks in advance for any help.
  16. We used to hunt extensively in the general area ( Racehorse, Dutch, Oldman ) many years ago & saw quite a few old decrepit shelters & small cabins. I doubt if they had anything to do with internment camps though, as I sure they were there long before WW2.
  17. Thanks for the helpful information SilverDoctor.
  18. Hi Silver Doctor Not particularly interested in rewards, but I would like to put a damper on these a-holes. Any info on how to report these people is appreciated. I know what the CO's say, but is that realistic? Do you confront these people & tell them what they are doing is illegal & record license numbers ( not sure how you do that ), take pictures or what? Any info is appreciated.
  19. So far, the only benefit of getting old that I can see is I don't need a fishing license any more. The downside is I don't seem to remember where my rod ( fishing ) is & what it is for.
  20. Great choice. You will be very pleased with them.
  21. I want to take 2 or 3 trips down the Bow this year with a guide in a drift boat. Is it worth going before run-off, seeing as a lot of the bigger rainbows will have left the river to spawn, or better to wait? I would think that late summer to early fall would be a good time for one of the floats because of the hopper fishing. I can go anytime. What are the preferred floats as to where to go in & come out? Yes I know that there aren't that many options. Thanks in advance for any advice.
  22. I have taken courses from the McLennan's & they are great teachers & great people & I would recommend them highly. Check their website to see if the dates of any their schools will match up for you. If you can't get them, any of the good fly shops in Calgary should be able to accommodate you.
  23. If it is Garmin, it is gold. The 60CSx ( great unit & easy to use ) & anything newer will probably do everything that you want it to. Let your maximum cost outlay be the deciding factor, but make it Garmin.
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