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Posts posted by Simpson

  1. I should be specific in saying - for DRY FLY presentations..


    I agree, match the weight for dry fly and load one weight up for all others. I do this on my TFO sig 5,6,7wt and I like the way it feels. I am sure this may change pending on the type of rod and action.


    Definitely worth the trouble to investigate to see how you like it

  2. I brought my liquid lace into the pharmacy and showed it to them to explain why I was asking for one. I got a strange look and they said "We only have one left".


    Keep your sleeves rolled up.


    I just explained what I was using it for and that I only needed one. I am a grub sometimes but did not look like a junky on that day. Not sure why they would not sell them...I thought that the use of clean needles was promoted rather then the use of dirty ones.


    If one place says no just try another, again once you have one you are set.


    Also note, I tie knots in the lace or pinch hermostats after you fill to stop dripping.


  3. X 1


    X2 Love the Korkers



    My Korkers are completely coming apart at the seams after only 2 seasons. Same with my buddy's. Very disappointed. I won't be getting another pair.


    Depends how much you use them I guess. I must admit I had the same issue on there cross current model, used backing to sew them up.


    I just picked up the next model up stream born and am very happy with them.


    Being able to change out the sole is now a must for me. Tread for alpine lakes, spikes for winter ice shelves (wife bought after I took a dip), felt for rocks, felt with spikes for added grip. Do need to get a pair of the new rubber to replace the felt. Nice thing is all the soles I owned fit on my new boots.


    Regarding the sole coming out, I make sure I check them before I head out and also carry the tool just in case...has not been an issue for me.




  4. Deadly stuff! starting using it after the show this year. Fill it with baby oil with the use of a syringe for an awsome look. For those who are interested check out the new fly fusion. You can also use markers to change the colour, great product for Chronomids. Blood worms all winter on the Bow! One note you need to use water based cement.


    I must also say the gent who owns the company was great guy, took the time to show me and a buddy what it was all about.

  5. Finally going to upgrade a bit from the 5wt 2pc TFO Signature and am looking at 4wt, 4pc rods. Hoping to stay around $250.00. Suggestions as to brand preference/experiences and retailer in Calgary appreciated.

    Smaller creeks with dries primarily with the annual chironomid trip to BC.

    Thanks in advance.



    Just picked up a TFO Finesse 4wt 4pc 9', has not seen much action just yet..but very happy with it thus far. They offer them in a 8.6' as well, but I prefer the 9'. Even more so if you plan for chronomids on the lake. $239 retail I think

  6. That's bull *hit. I get mad if one of my GOOD fishing buddies gets half that close. It's one thing if you don't know, but the fact that you said something and he still didn't see a problem is ridiculous. You should of 'educated' him with a Sage mustache.


    I see, that's way you keep giving me dirty looks when we head out! :)





    I see two perspectives....it is my understanding at least on busy salmon rivers you should cast,retrieve and take two steps down stream. Once you have fished the run you are pull out and start at the top again so all have a chance to fish the run.


    However...with a river as large as the bow and nothing like the pressure salmon receive..can people just not find another hole...??


    So keeping these two things in mind I find easier just to move...no sense getting my blood pressure up!


    I did have a guy get so close once above me I hooked him on the end of his drift...gave the line a big tug in frustration and almost pulled the rod out of his hands!!


    There will ALWAYS be people who do inappropriate things...up to you whether they reck your day or not.


  7. Nice pics buddy! I got some good ones of your other brown, I will post when I get back from the lake on Sun.


    Tight lines boyz.


    "Got a long way to go and short time to get there"

  8. You should ask member Simpson about midge hooks. I can't recall what he uses, but they're bullet proof. I've seen him pull some LARGE trout straight upstream with them.





    I tie all my midges on Umpqua/Tiemco#2457 curved caddis hooks. Fished #18 all winter long..never straightened one!


    #1 Be alert! Take time to look around at more than just the water.


    Bear spray for the unlikely chance of a charge..


    Bear bang if you have a bear following you or stocking you on the trail..


    Air horn also sounds like a great idea to me!




  10. I have seen newbe flyfishers fight a fish to death just to add it to their tally card.


    Getting a little off the focus here are we not? Off course there are people who do inappropriate things whether fly guys or gear slingers. For me it is about setting aside places to let some real monsters grow, for people using either of the two methods!

  11. I have continued to spend, more in the last year than ever. My wife and I have been thinking of starting a family in the next year or so, and I want to get all my goodies before we hit one income, understanding that available cash will be less available at that time. I have not changed my habits due to the recession or the hype the media places behind it. I pay myself first with RSP, as I always have, and do a sound budget plan monthly. No balance on the credit cards is the most important thing. As I think of having a family the level of concern does increase, with dependents and financial responsibility. However, I will not let fear impact the way I enjoy my life. I did not run out and buy propane and bottled water at the millennium either!


    In short, if you think you could afford the boat, recession or not, go for it man! Who wants to be the richest dead guy around anyway!

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