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Everything posted by sirocco

  1. Reminds me of an experience on the same stream this summer. My dad and I had paid our $20 and were heading in on the road when we got waved down by two nice ladies on the side of the road. We weren't sure if they needed help or what so naturally we pulled over. As it turned out, they were conducting surveys to gather information about recreational use in the area, and what people thought of conservation methods, etc. We thought it was great that they were doing this kind of research and were happy to help. I'll admit I was eager to get a line on the water but felt this was just as important and therefore had no issue taking the 10 minutes it required to fill it out. Meanwhile, three or four other vehicles sped past, not giving a second thought to the fact that people were standing on the side of the road and that it wouldn't hurt to slow down a bit, and surprisingly enough another truck finally stopped as well. The passenger side window rolled down to reveal the deeply tanned face of an obviously annoyed and perturbed gentleman, and as he sat glaring at the poor girl doing the surveys, she informed them of what what they were doing and asked if they'd like to help. Turns out the driver was a guide, and the passenger his client, and they would only listen to what she had to say after she presented them with ID. The guide gladly offered to fill out the survey when he had some time, but it was obvious that his client could care less. The thought "Not my home waters, not my problem" came to mind. And his situation was understandable to some degree, because he had paid out a hefty chunk of change for a day on the water but it was a slightly disturbing thing to witness all the same. The girl handed the guide a survey and the passenger window rolled up without so much as a goodbye.
  2. Awesome, thanks fellas. I'll give that a try.
  3. Great, thanks for the tips guys! I tied a few tonight and it's starting to make sense. Do you have any advice on how to cut the excess and form the head without flattening the wing?
  4. awesome, thanks!
  5. Nice shots! Was the 30mm shot with a t/s, is it super shallow dof, or is the blur photoshopped? Just curious as it looks convincing either way.
  6. Hi guys, I've just started learning to tie flies, with the elk hair caddis being the pattern I've been practicing with. A problem I run into consistently is having the elk hair wrap around the fly when I tie it down rather than sit on top. I've done some research on the internet and understand that there is a method to tying it on but I don't quite understand how to do it. I've attached a photo of one of my ehc's, pretty much the only one I've been able to tie down satisfactorily, just to show what I'm trying to achieve consistently. If anyone can help me out with their tips or tricks, or even point me to a good detailed resource that has eluded me in my search, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  7. Just wanted to mention that there is a watermark on that pic EdB posted. Don't want to sound like a grump but it counts as a TM so there could be issues if used without consent.
  8. Hi Guys, Had another go at them the other day and had a few strikes but they weren't really interested in what I had to offer. Nonetheless it was a blast and I got more action than the first try! I picked up a 3 inch yellow/grey/red streamer that was bigger than everything else I had and that's what they were into for the first minute or so. Man is it hard to set the hook on those guys... it seems you have to put all your weight into it! I never actually got the hook set but I tried haha. Anyway thanks again for all your help!
  9. Thanks a lot for the replies guys. There's a lot of great information that you've shared here and I really appreciate it. We're probably heading out again tomorrow so we'll definitely try out these techniques. Thanks again for the tips!
  10. Hi guys, thanks for the replies. It very well could be that I just didn't have that "magic" fly, so I'll make sure I try a bigger variety next time. LoneFisher, is it likely that they would have seen me? Thinking back on it the pool was quite clear and they were only 8-10 ft out so I suppose if I could see them they could see me as well? And I certainly didn't make an effort to conceal myself haha, it just didn't dawn on me that I should. I am positive they were bulls though, and they were in a group of four with the two big guys out front and the smaller ones in behind them. It's also possible that they had already been fished that day but I don't think the pressure is huge in that area. As far as presentation goes, what do you guys find works best? Thanks for the tips!
  11. Hi everyone, My father and I were fishing a stream earlier this evening with one pool holding several bulls. I had my rod rigged up with a sink tip leader (no sinking line) and tried two different streamers before packing it in for the day. The first was a furry, tan coloured rodent or fish imitation (i'm not sure), and the other was a black wooly bugger (not sure what size but probably 1.5 - 2 inches long. The group of bulls was sitting in about three feet of water where the deepest part of the pool started to get shallower (this would be the tailout?). Well, I tried several different methods for the presentation but I didn't really feel like I knew what I was doing. First I stood upstream of them and tried to dead drift the fly to them, then I tried my best at the down and across method, then i stood straight across from them and cast upstream and let it drift down, then cast directly across and stripped it back, then stood below them and stripped the streamer downstream towards me. On some of the drifts it seemed the fly drifted within inches of them but none of them would budge. It was early evening, about 7pm, and I'm unfamiliar with the feeding habits of bulls so that may have kept them away. Basically I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong? We'll hopefully be heading back in the next few days so any tips would be great. Thanks! Erik
  12. Hi there, sorry if this is the incorrect forum to be posting this. My father's heading up to the Mt. Robson area tomorrow morning and wants to do some fishing this weekend. If anyone could share their opinion on where to go (rivers/streams, no lakes) that would be great! Thanks
  13. First post! I've been lurking for a while on here, and I'm finding that it's such a great resource. So greetings to all of you! I fished a bit of that Elbow stretch last summer. Brookies are few and far between up there (as are all the other fish it seems), and I think the biggest one I caught was 6"-8".
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