I had a herniated disc when I moved to Calgary in 2001, had surgery to repair it in 2002. Had all the lovley symptoms, including the sciatica. Woulnd't wish that kind of pain on anyone. 24/7 not really much you can do about it either. My disc was a total blow out and the only thing correcting it was surgery. I tried chiro, pain treatments, acupuncture, everything. Even physio with a lumbar stretching thing, nothing worked. Then I found out it was herniated, not bulging, and required surgery. After the surgery the pain was still there from swelling, but a couple months of Vioxx cleared that up.
I thought I had a recurrence about a year ago where I couldn't stand up straight or walk without leg pain. Talked to my doctor, gave me some percocets (love those things) and told me to get some physio done. Reluctantly, due to my previous failure, I went. She pulled on my legs to straighten my hips, and it started to work. I then started seeing a Chiro at the same time, and the pain went away in about a week, completely gone inside a month. I now keep regular visits to the chiro to keep my spine in line and it has worked wonders for me.
If you're in the SW and need a good name for a Chiro, let me know.