no one on this board knows if a fish is going to live or die after it is released. i've caught fish with holes in them, gills hanging out (pike), deformed mouths, one-eyed name it, i seem to have caught it. i've had fish on the bow and red deer, brought fish to hand, quickly, and they seemingly die of a heart attack....fight to the bitter end, of a short fight, and could never be revived....gills don't move, nothing, dead. maybe 3 in 30 years of fly fishing. be as careful as you can, release your fish and let 'nature' (as natural as c&r can be) take it's course.
a few year back 'flyfisherman' had an article on fish and if they feel pain. one scientist said that fish don't have the part of the brain that can actually 'feel' pain. they react on instinct and fight as they would by being attacked from a predator. i tend to believe that part of his theory. one could probably find something to the contrary on the internet if they so incline. my point being, is that seanp seems to think that a fish caught is an 'unhappy one' and will forever be so, but if you talk to some fishermen, myself included, you will find the same fish are caught more often than you think.... that couldn't happen if you ate 'em., dogs, cats, gerbels, birds, salamanders, rats.......ARE different than people. why we put them in the same catagory is beyond me. pike should be handled different then trout. they are bigger and deserve respect. humblefisherman seems to get the point. clive was a little harsh.....all things into consideration, all the points here have some value. take what you can from the original and learn from it.