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Everything posted by thefisherking

  1. I picked up a few flies off of ebay in hopes of landing some bullies. The price is right and the flies look good. http://cgi.ebay.com/Red-White-Deceiver-Fly...id=p4634.c0.m14 http://cgi.ebay.com/Zonker-Natural-Gray-Pe...id=p4634.c0.m14 http://cgi.ebay.com/Lefty-Gray-White-Decei...id=p4634.c0.m14 http://stores.shop.ebay.com/Fishing-Tackle...634Q2ec0Q2em322
  2. Extremely Graceful! http://www.maniacworld.com/cop-faceplant.html I think this guy had to much sun. http://www.maniacworld.com/guy-confuses-pa...-his-shirt.html
  3. The older the fish the better.
  4. Hey thanks for all great advice! I'm really pumped to give them a try. Those are some nice flies harps.
  5. I recently picked up some soft hackle flies, but i haven't been able to get out and try them. Just wondering if there's much of a difference between them and regular flies. I have heard that there better for swinging.
  6. I picked up a cliff box at the show. On one side of the box it has a magnetic compartment. Seems to work pretty well. No slots in the foam like most boxes at the show.
  7. I stayed at the baker creek cabins a couple of years ago. It is between Banff and Lake Louise. Nice place right beside a creek. Might be able to catch a fish or two in there. http://www.bakercreek.com/hosts.html
  8. When we head out burbot fishing, we bring a 2x8 with a big spike in it. Then we cut the skin all the way around the fish just above the fins. Place the fish on the board with the head through the spike. Grab a pair of plyers and pull on the fins to take the skin off. Fillet the chunky fillets on the side and your good to go. I always like to clean them just after i catch them, much easier to do before there frozen to the ice.
  9. That is cool! I can't believe how close they to the rocks.
  10. put the blunt down jus for a second
  11. Pick it pack it fire it up.......
  12. Where do you find a dog with no legs? the same place you left him.
  13. My stomach still hurts from laughing at that video, especially the anthem singer. Too funny. I hope you mend real soon Rick.
  14. I have heard that 6 weeks of -15 weather should kill most of these guys off. If thats the case, its the only positive thing that can come from this cold snap. Can anyone on here confirm or deny this?
  15. That was one of the best world juniors games that i have watched in a long time. Previous to that was the big brawl that theo started against the russians. I can't wait for the rematch. I personally felt the canadian player deserved the shot in the face for show boating right in front of the bench.
  16. Looks like I might be getting checked a little more often than I first thought. Good to know that they are watching.
  17. Looks like I'm going to go 3 years in a row without getting my license checked in Alberta. I think its a shame considering we have world class fishing here at our doorstep. I see empty worm and minnow containers just about every time I'm on the bow. And dealing with RAP can be a pain in the ass at times. Tough to catch these guys if no ones really enforcing the regs. What do you guys think?
  18. The last couple of trips on the river, my feet were so cold that i almost fell in a couple of times. I picked up a pair of battery heated socks and the feet were good to go all day. The only thing i didn't really like is the battery holder at the top of the sock. I think i will snip the wires and extend it up to the top of my pants.
  19. Here's a few others that share your pain Lynn. I hope you heal up soon.
  20. I think i have my gear addictions under control. The only time i get new gear now is when I'm alone or with my friends.
  21. The rod is is the 12 ft 7120 with the multi 6/9 reel, Skagit line and loop running line. I just had it in the backyard swinging it around, and it feels amazing. Feels a little strange to have 3 ft of extra rod but i am sure i will get used to it. I've been watching a few vids to try and pick up some tips on how to cast and it seems that a majority of them are using a down stream presentation, is that the norm with the spey rod? I also picked some 3 and 6 sink tip line. I've never used sink tip before and i was just wondering if you use a tapered leader when nymphing or would you use straight tippet? I know these seem like newbie questions but if you don't know how else are you gonna learn. I think i feel the flu coming on cough cough. Might have to call in sick tomorrow. cheers
  22. Well I've been lurking around the lounge for quite a while now and i finally decided to take the plunge. With christmas just around the corner, i think santa wanted to beat the crowds so he decided to drop off my gift a little early. Funny thing is i never knew santa lived in Whistler. Just wanted to say a special thanks to Brian for all his help in purchasing the rod. I'm totally pumped, i can't wait to give it try. Now all i have to do is figure out how to use it.
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