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Everything posted by WinstonAngler

  1. This is the first Lee Wulff cane rod I seen. Very nice and combined with the Bougle 3" Special Edition Lee Wulff reel, absolutely fantastic! Would like to get my hands on the cane rod for a closer look. Thank you for sharing.
  2. Love the Prefect too! Especially the ones with the "agate" line guard!
  3. There is another Bougle that I purchased last August. Hardy Champagne Bougle MkIV 3" Lightweight that was originally designed & marketed for the Japanese Market. This reel is "MInt" and never been lined. Definitely limited and unique!
  4. A reel the "Silver Doctor" can really appreciate.
  5. Hello, If you have not found someone to help you, maybe Bill Archuleta in Oregon (Archuleta's Reel Works) can help. His contact information is: website: https://www.archuletasreelworks.com/ phone: (541) 956- 1691 email: flyreels@msn.com Cheers
  6. I wish that I can find somebody to help me change my Exclusive Reels (Eden & Bighorn) from LHW to RHW. These were Ari T Hart's designs when he was working in Calgary. Thanks
  7. I posted this request over a year ago and had no success with it. Trying for the second time. Does anybody know of somebody who has the necessary skills to change a F-2 Bighorn Fly Reel made by Exclusive Reels (Ari T Hart) from LWH to RHW? I was provided instructions by an individual; however, do not feel to comfortable performing this task on my own. s-l500.webp
  8. Is your reel a Hatch Iconic or a Hatch Finatic 5plus?
  9. Now, I have to come to see you to have these ATH's reels retrieval direction changed.

  10. Remember awesome days fishing for grayling in the Edson & Hinton areas. Missed them since moving to Southern Alberta.
  11. This is the reel in question, the F-2 Bighorn (Exclusive Reels - Ari T Hart).
  12. This is the reel in question. F-2 Bighorn Fly Reel (Exclusive Reels - Ari T Hart)
  13. Does anybody know of somebody who has the necessary skills or knowledge to change a F-2 Bighorn Fly Reel made by Exclusive Reels (Ari T Hart) from LWH to RHW?
  14. Does anybody know of somebody who has the necessary skills to change a F-2 Bighorn Fly Reel made by Exclusive Reels (Ari T Hart) from LWH to RHW?
  15. Yes, the Government of Alberta makes the policy decisions with respect to fisheries policy(ies). Specifically targeting and blaming a group of voters is inappropriate in this forum. Double standards reign supreme!
  16. Monger! Keep the political comments attacking voters who support one political party out of the conversation! Yes, it's become increasing difficult to consistently catch larger trout in the province and better fish management techniques definitely need to be implemented. Let's focus making our fisheries better by working together. Best regards,
  17. Monger! Very inappropriate political comment which is completely false. THINK! These comments do not belong in this forum.
  18. Thank you for sharing. Now I have to remember to bring the camera.
  19. The unfortunate thing for publishing this informative article is that some liberal-minded individual will take steps to introduce some more arcane laws.
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