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Everything posted by DonAndersen

  1. Used to get my bi-foals set lower so that items at foot level were in focus. Especially important for wading. I use progressives now. They are a pain in the butt as you have to move your head around to get into focus. But for varying focal lengths, from reading a micrometer at 14" to seeing a Computer scene at 36"', to tying flies @ 10"'and on and on, progressives were the only choice. Don
  2. The judgement found that govt can be sued for not doing its job. In other places, failure to do your job gets you skidded. http://www.newswire.ca/en/story/1443435/court-rules-that-alberta-environment-can-be-sued-for-failing-to-properly-investigate-and-remediate-water-contamination-near-rosebud Don
  3. Not a big believer of kill by length regs. Have watched anglers take minutes to measure a fish. The fish by that time is dead. Kill one and go home. Don't keep killing till you get a "legal" one. Watched one stunned knot head at Bullshead screw around for minutes looking for his tape while a 8" fish flopped all over the grass. Don
  4. Folks, This survey came my way and I'm hoping you will take the time to answer the many questions. While it doesn't effect the Bow, Crow or Livingstone, there are a host of questions about other issues. Please take the time. https://extranet.gov.ab.ca/opinio6/s?s=pfrs regards, Don
  5. MrBou... Streamwatch worked well till the management of ESRD decided that it shouldn't and put enough road blocks in the way of getting people into the field that the private sector guys quit in disgust. It was a great program and did what the govt couldn't or wouldn't. The success sealed its fate. The govt cannot tolerate a success particularly when it was a private initiative. Don
  6. Born in Calgary 69 years ago and moved out in 6 days - a decision never regretted. Raised at Turner Valley and FFEd since I was 12. Self taught. A dry fly cost $0.25 when my Dad made $1.25/hr. so I started tying when I was 13. Have lived all my life within sight of the mountains. Over the years, I've been fortunate to fish from the St. Mary's in the south to the Torrens in the north. While flowing water was my first love, I tend to fish a lot more stillwaters now. The challenge of trying to figure out what's working keeps me coming back. Used to ice fish but finally figured out ice was only for poor whiskey not for fishing through. Winter is now rod building and tying. Over the years I've been fortunate to meet and fish with some of the best there is. From all of them I learned and now pass along the knowledge. Have worked on environmental issues from 1968 to today. Some winners, some losers. Meet some wonderful people whom are committed to Albera's habitat health. It's been quite a journey. Don
  7. There is a cure available at the ballot box. What we must always remember " If we didn't like it, we'd change". Enforcement officers spend nearly all thier time dealing with people who now own a cell phone and call every time they see a bear. Remove cell phones and let the Bears eat the idiots and we'd have more boots on the ground. Don
  8. MrBotangles, Years ago I had a DeerStalker hat that was acquired from a British shop owner I meet in West Yellowstone. His company sold a olive green Deerstalker that had a 3/4" ribbon of Velcro sewn completely around the hat. It was a piece of cake of hook the top fly into the Velcro, wrap the leader around the hat and hook the tail fly. Don
  9. A couple of things. 1) there is a "crime pays" program. For every conviction where you reported the crime the Report a Poacher pays you. 2) far better if you can report the crime in progress otherwise I was told you will have to testify in court. Don
  10. Fly tyre, Have caught <> 200 over the last 2 years and have not seen a diseased one yet. Did see a dead diseased one last year. Don
  11. LInk here http://esrd.alberta.ca/fish-wildlife/fisheries-management/commercial-fishing-alberta.aspx
  12. Pike fishing at Cow Lake SW of Rocky Mtn. House is going good now. Morning is best. Don
  13. It is part of the testing to establish how high the dam on the Oldman will be built at the Gap. How's that for a decent rumour? Don
  14. And here is what I use for boatman. Hook is a Mustad C068 #14 2x short 2x strong.
  15. After being nominated as a curmudgeon, I headed for the net to find put what the collective wisdom defined as a "curmudgeon" and found http://m.wikihow.com/Become-a-Full-Fledged-Curmudgeon. If I'm not there yet, please feel free to point out the shortcomings & I'll work on the issue. Bah hum bug! Don
  16. Coffee @$2.00 Disposable cup @ $10 would fix the problem
  17. Boobies work and I tied a herd of 'em . The most effective one seemed to be this one This one is a tad worn after landing a bunch. Catch ' ya Don
  18. Heard the same things about cowboys in southern AB. They don't like thier hens molested. Don
  19. Roast, The first one was done last year and fished just great. Unlike other rods, with only 4 flats, they make the rod track "true". The tip wants to run in a straight line with the handle. The taper throws a decent loop. Going to do some more 4 strippers this winter. Regards, Don
  20. Well, how about a 4 strip 7'0" 4 wt. Going to build at least one this winter. They cast well to 60', roll cast like a dream and present the fly softly. Don
  21. Mvd... Many years ago Barry Beck wrote an article on "Touch and Go" fishing. He was promoting it to the extent he was selling a hook c/w a small ball on the pointy end. I couldn't find it in their "web" store. Maybe it didn't do well. Frankly, I thought he was crazy as well. Clearly others worship the Becks inducting them into Fly Fishing Hall of Fame. They are the undisputed champions of the "Grip & Grin" picture. Don
  22. The bucket list has 3 of the threatened species caught. Caught enough bull trout as a kid to satisfy anyone, got two Western Grebes - both fair caught and released, a whack of Athabaska 'Bows but am still missing the pigmy whites. Where does one catch pigmy whites? Don
  23. The real question that should be asked is why after several warnings by enforcement agencies was the mine allowed to continue operating? Don
  24. Most every animal in the bush will "stomp" you given a reason. Moose are the ones that scare me. Be aware of the "attack" cows on Stauffer Creek. Don
  25. Beavers are not the fuzzy little rodents that eat their own *hit but can be dangerous as well! [url=http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/attacking-beavers-a-concern-in-belarus-after-man-killed-1.1396377] Or http://www.13wham.com/template/cgi-bin/archived.pl?type=basic&file=/news/features/top-stories/stories/archive/2014/06/VNJ2OrXK.xml
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