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About LynnF

  • Birthday 09/16/1965

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Rainbow Trout

Rainbow Trout (7/10)



  1. Knowing Jackie as I do, I couldn't help but laugh. You are a master at literary illustration Mr. Reeves. And your wife has birthed 3 of your children which (a) means she is impervious to falling rock kind of pain and ( went easier on you that she probably should have for all your boneheadedness (self admitted...I'm not judging here). Just curious...and no need to answer because I've drawn my own conclusion, but I'm just wondering if you got any after that hike?
  2. this is a GREAT idea (chilling it overnight!) I'm gonna do that for sure. Thanks for all the advice....I'd love a Yeti...but....I'm being real when I say I likely won't spend the $$ on one this year.
  3. Going to buy a new cooler for camping. What's the best one out there? Are the ones that plug into your cig lighter any good?
  4. Canon T2i it is. Thanks very much for the suggestions. And thanks to Brad for selling me one
  5. I'm the furthest thing from a photographer and know NOTHING about cameras, so I need some advice please! I have to go buy a retirement gift this weekend. My ceiling is $1,000. I know that she wants a digital SLR. Could use some suggestions on brand/model that would be most appropriate - nothing too complicated, but something really befitting the occasion. Thanks.
  6. Good on ya....level headed and mature and willing to accept and deal with the consequences of your actions. Many other folks your age and in your position would just take the easy way out and declare bankruptcy. So many kids the age of my oldest (23) do it not once, but more if they can get away with it. No accountability, no repercussions except a 7 year smear that means nothing to them right now anyways. Hope it all works out for you.
  7. Good on ya....level headed and mature and willing to accept and deal with the consequences of your actions. Many other folks your age and in your position would just take the easy way out and declare bankruptcy. So many kids the age of my oldest (23) do it not once, but more if they can get away with it. No accountability, no repercussions except a 7 year smear that means nothing to them right now anyways. Hope it all works out for you.
  8. I did the same thing you did the first 2 years I moved out of my parents' house. It took me 5 years to pay that debt down. And it taught me a valuable lesson...which is why the only money I owe is to the bank for my mortgage. I'm gonna bet you learn the same lesson one way or the other. The temptation to spend, spend, spend instead of putting away money or paying down debt is overwhelming. Gotta keep that in check. I'd like to know what your first/initial/strongest gut feeling is on this. Because that's what I trust first and foremost when it comes to big decisions in life. Sure...analyze/pro/con/discuss/debate/ponder/stew all you want. But in the end, you have go with what FEELS mostly right to you. Otherwise there are regrets. Regrets either way I'm sure, but BIG regrets if you don't listen to that little voice inside. This may be just a woman's perspective, but it's yet to fail me when I need it most.
  9. Yep. My fishing buddy goes with me everywhere. In spirit only. But I know he's there.
  10. The lameness abounds. You gotta do better than that and this to fool this blonde.
  11. Here's the scenario: I have my TV/DVD/PVR running through my receiver into the TV with one HDMI Cable. It's set up on one of those "One" remotes. I want to add another component (XBOX) but don't want to program the remote and do want to run it through my receiver into my TV to get the sound out of my receiver (speakers) and not my TV. I think I should be able to just run an HDMI Cable from the XBox into the back of my receiver and then another one from the back of my receiver into an available output on my TV and as long as I match the appropriate input into the TV it should be good to go, right?
  12. Granny Smith Apples. Core them but leave the bottom of the apple in tact. In the middle stuff brown sugar, raisins and butter. Wrap in 3 layers of foil. Throw in the embers of a campfire for 15 minutes to half hour depending on how hot the fire is. It's like a portable apple pie. Or maybe it just tastes that way after a few adult bevvies.
  13. I have a 5x7 area rug. I also have a household worth of stuff (non big furniture type stuff) from Mike's place in my basement. Let me know if you need anything else in the way of common household kitchen/bath/bed and I will see if I can help some more. You're a good friend...good on ya.
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