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Everything posted by CrisD

  1. A fishing buddy also came across this guy with the centerpin, the next day he went to the store where the guy purchased the pink bass worm and all the pink worms there were scented.
  2. The bad part of getting a starter outfit is once your casting improves you realize that you wasted your money on junk, then you need to go out and purchase the outfit you should have bought in the first place. A standard rod that will do everything on the Bow would be a 6 weight. I was out fishing my new sage FLIght 6wt and i was imazed how well it casts and fishes, a powerful rod yet light and easy to cast. The best part is that it is half the price of SAGE's premium rods.
  3. Made ya look. Here is another peak.
  4. Have You Done Your Part To Save Wild Salmon If you haven't signed up, WHY! Click Here To Sign Alex Morton’s Petition Petition to Protect Wild Salmon.. Petition to Protect Wild Salmon written by Alexandra Morton To: The Fisheries Minister The Honourable Gail Shea and Gordon Campbell, Premier of British Columbia Wild salmon are the backbone of the BC Coast. On February 9, 2009 BC Supreme Court ruled that salmon farms are a fishery and a federal responsibility. The science is in. The feedlot fishery is damaging wild salmon stocks worldwide (Ford and Myers 2008). Fraser sockeye and all southcoast BC salmon and steelhead are now at risk as a result of the Provincial policy of allowing the feedlot fishery to use Canada's most valuable wild salmon habitat . We the undersigned demand that Fisheries and Oceans Canada apply the Fisheries Act to this industry and immediately: − Place observers during feedlot salmon harvest to assess unlawful by-catch; − Examine feedlot salmon as they are cleaned for presence of wild fish in their digestive tract; − Licence vessels transporting aquaculture salmon like all other commercial fishing vessels; − As per Pacific Fishery Regulation "Prohibited Fishing Methods" ban grow lights on fish feedlots to end wild prey species attraction into the pens; - Remove the marine feedlot industry from wild salmon migration routes. The landmark BC Supreme Court decision states, “The inclusion of fisheries in s. 91(12) of the Constitution Act, 1867 was a recognition that fisheries, as a national resource, require uniformity of the legislation”. We insist that the Fisheries Act be applied to the salmon feedlot fishery immediately. Standing by,
  5. We can buy SA lines in Calgary cheaper than this sale. A sharkskin is around 100 cnd in town compared to 99US + shipping + brokerage + tax Plus the shops in town install our lines i think this is a no-brainer
  6. UFA is buying up 15 US Sportsman Warehouse stores News March 10, 2009 Stuart Utgaard, the Chairman and CEO of Sportsman's Warehouse Holdings, today announced that the company is taking two major actions to improve liquidity. 1. 23 stores are being liquidated to reduce bank debt. • Aurora, CO • Coon Rapids, MN • DePere, WI • Henderson, NV • Lafayette, IN • Las Cruces, NM • Las Vegas, NV • Legacy, TX • Memphis, TN • Nampa, ID • New Berlin, WI • Oklahoma City, OK • Pittsburgh, PA • Pocatello, ID • Roanoke, VA • Rogers, AR • Round Rock, TX • St. Cloud, MN • Sioux Falls, SD • Southaven, MS • Visalia, CA • Wichita, KS • Woodbury, MN 15 stores are being sold to UFA Co-op. • Bend, OR • Bozeman, MT • Burlington, WA • Coeur d’Alene, ID • Fargo, ND • Federal Way, WA • Helena, MT • Kennewick, WA • Lacey, WA • Missoula, MT • Portland, OR • Salem, OR • Silverdale, WA • Spokane, WA • Vancouver, WA About UFA Co-operative Limited UFA Co-operative Limited is one of Alberta's most dynamic enterprises. Canada's largest re-seller of diesel products serves rural communities throughout Alberta, B.C. and Saskatchewan with a construction division and an unmatched network of retail stores and petroleum outlets. With more than $1.8 billion in annual revenues and 120,000 active members, UFA is one of Canada's most successful co-operatives.
  7. Maui Jim started making "readers" sunglasses about a year ago. MJ is one of the leaders in polarized sunglass technology, so you have the best sunglasses with a bifocal area so you can tie on those size 16 and smaller flies. I picked up a pair of +2.00 in a bronze lens at CP. Check out http://www.mauijim.com/webapp/wcs/stores/s...1_11101_N__2_3_ And you can barley make out the bifocal line in the picture
  8. The latest News from adopt-a-fry http://www.adopt-a-fry.org/ Hello All: As it stands salmon "farms" are now a public fishery as per the BC Supreme Court decision. I feel certain this door is being pushed shut as fast as possible and so feel a sense of urgency that if we are going to accomplish anything real in the water at this moment of enormous opportunity that it will take all of us to get this done. I am hoping that everyone with a fishing license be it commercial, personal, sport or First Nation will consider signing this. If people want to sign please send me, (Alexandra Morton, wildorca@island.net), your first and last name, your fishery and your town and I will put you on the letter, Please forward this far and wide as fast as you can. Standing by, Alex
  9. How about some Blue Dun Wulffs with the larger feathers
  10. Thanks for the info, i guess i had better get my a$$ in gear and start wrapping the tip section.
  11. Years ago i built a couple of fly rods and you could take them down to Dennis at Auclair rod building to get the guide wrappings epoxyed. To avoid the mess and air pollution in the house it was definately worth the 20 or 25 bucks to get the epoxy work done on the line guides. Are there any rod building guru's out there that still provide this service? Thanks
  12. I have copied this post from another board: A chance for all our voices to be heard at once. Most of us are well aware that steelhead stocks in B.C. are. declining and that very little help is being given to these fish from the government. In light of the upcoming Provincial election, at their monthly meeting, the directors and officers of the Steelhead Society agreed, that there is an important window of opportunity for all BC steelheaders to voice their displeasure with the mismanagement of steelhead stocks. We feel that a mass e-mail campaign is a great way to start the ball rolling. The provincial election is scheduled for May and politicians have their ears open now, more than at any other time, to the voice of the voters. Below you will find a copy of all the current BC MLAs’ email addresses, including those of the premier and the opposition leaders. On Feb. 1, 2009 we are asking all of you who are concerned with the plight of steelhead in the province to email a letter to every MLA in the province. A deluge of e-mails voicing the concerns of voters on one day cannot be ignored. Again, Feb. 1, 2009 is the day. Below is a brief form letter that can be copied and pasted, making it easy for those who are pressed for time or not quite sure what to say. It is recommended that people try and write their own individual letters as those do hold a bit more weight than a form letter. Jason Tonelli, the President of the Steelhead Society, will be writing a separate letter on behalf of the Society that further outlines our concerns. This is a chance to grab the ears of those in government that we should not pass up. We strongly encourage all who are willing to participate to spread the word of this e-mail blitz. I would also like to ask that any discussion that follows this stay positive and constructive. Thank you. Brian Braidwood Vice President Steelhead Society of BC As a steelhead fisherman in British Columbia, I am extremely concerned by the provincial government's complete neglect of the plight of this great fish. Thanks to a steady pattern of government cut backs, there is an incredible lack of core funding available for this resource. After an election promise of the “the best fisheries management, bar none” I would have expected to see more funds made available for protection and enhancement of steelhead in the province. Instead I have seen the opposite. The number of people assigned to steelhead management throughout the province has dwindled to an embarrassing few. A mere fraction of what there once was. Once there were more people working on steelhead management on Vancouver Island then there now are in the in entire Province. "The best fisheries management bar none"? I am still waiting for that to happen. Steelhead are an extremely valuable recreational sport fish. To many, the pursuit of them is a way of life! I, and a multitude of others, travel all across this great province in pursuit of steelhead. Along the way we spend money in local tackle shops, hotels, pubs and restaurants, often in small towns during off-peak seasons. Gas is put in vehicles; boats and motors are purchased. All of this money is spent in the pursuit of steelhead, providing employment and income to local BC residents and businesses. For many of these businesses, steelheaders are the major source of income for much of the off-season. Anglers travel from all over the globe to come to BC and fish for the largest wild steelhead to be found on earth. Will they (and the funds they bring) still come, once the steelhead have been ignored into extinction? The amount of money that recreational fishing contributes to the provincial economy is very significant, but if the fish disappear, so too will that revenue. It seems that the economic benefits of the recreational angling for steelhead are totally ignored by the government when it comes to investing money into the fishery that generates such considerable value! The government insists anglers purchase a fishing license and a steelhead tag in order to fish for steelhead. This should mean that the government is responsible for steelhead, yet the government is ignoring this responsibility! The anglers of this Province have long been fighting for this fish, spending their own money and time with little or no government support. Is this government willing to increase the funding for steelhead protection? Funding for more staff dealing with steelhead issues, funding for necessary habitat work, funding for studying, and stocking steelhead. These fish are in dire straits and need the government’s help. The party that commits to support these fish will be the one supported with a vote from me! scott.fraser.mla@leg.bc.ca mike.dejong.mla@leg.bc.ca john.vandongen.mla@leg.bc.ca dennis.mackay.mla@leg.bc.ca raj.chouhan.mla@leg.bc.ca richard.lee.mla@leg.bc.ca john.nuraney.mla@leg.bc.ca harry.bloy.mla@leg.bc.ca bob.simpson.mla@leg.bc.ca charlie.wyse.mla@leg.bc.ca barry.penner.mla@leg.bc.ca john.les.mla@leg.bc.ca norm.macdonald.mla@leg.bc.ca stan.hagen.mla@leg.bc.ca diane.thorne.mla@leg.bc.ca douglas.routley.mla@leg.bc.ca guy.gentner.mla@leg.bc.ca val.roddick.mla@leg.bc.ca bill.bennett.mla@leg.bc.ca maurine.karagianis.mla@leg.bc.ca rich.coleman.mla@leg.bc.ca claude.richmond.mla@leg.bc.ca kevin.krueger.mla@leg.bc.ca al.horning.mla@leg.bc.ca sindi.hawkins.mla@leg.bc.ca mary.polak.mla@leg.bc.ca john.horgan.mla@leg.bc.ca randy.hawes.mla@leg.bc.ca michael.sather.mla@leg.bc.ca leonard.krog.mla@leg.bc.ca ron.cantelon.mla@leg.bc.ca corky.evans.mla@leg.bc.ca chuck.puchmayr.mla@leg.bc.ca gary.coons.mla@leg.bc.ca claire.trevena.mla@leg.bc.ca katherine.whittred.mla@leg.bc.ca daniel.jarvis.mla@leg.bc.ca ida.chong.mla@leg.bc.ca tom.christensen.mla@leg.bc.ca rick.thorpe.mla@leg.bc.ca richard.neufeld.mla@leg.bc.ca blair.lekstrom.mla@leg.bc.ca bill.barisoff.mla@leg.bc.ca mike.farnworth.mla@leg.bc.ca iain.black.mla@leg.bc.ca nicholas.simons.mla@leg.bc.ca shirley.bond.mla@leg.bc.ca pat.bell.mla@leg.bc.ca john.rustad.mla@leg.bc.ca olga.ilich.mla@leg.bc.ca linda.reid.mla@leg.bc.ca john.yap.mla@leg.bc.ca murray.coell.mla@leg.bc.ca murray.coell.mla@leg.bc.ca david.cubberley.mla@leg.bc.ca george.abbott.mla@leg.bc.ca robin.austin.mla@leg.bc.ca kevin.falcon.mla@leg.bc.ca sue.hammell.mla@leg.bc.ca harry.bains.mla@leg.bc.ca jagrup.brar.mla@leg.bc.ca dave.hayer.mla@leg.bc.ca bruce.ralston.mla@leg.bc.ca gordon.hogg.mla@leg.bc.ca spencer.herbert.mla@leg.bc.ca jenn.mcginn.mla@leg.bc.ca wally.oppal.mla@leg.bc.ca shane.simpson.mla@leg.bc.ca david.chudnovsky.mla@leg.bc.ca adrian.dix.mla@leg.bc.ca carole.taylor.mla@leg.bc.ca jenny.kwan.mla@leg.bc.ca gordon.campbell.mla@leg.bc.ca colin.hansen.mla@leg.bc.ca carole.james.mla@leg.bc.ca rob.fleming.mla@leg.bc.ca katrine.conroy.mla@leg.bc.ca ralph.sultan.mla@leg.bc.ca joan.mcintyre.mla@leg.bc.ca harry.lali.mla@leg.bc.ca
  13. Todd Scharf from Upstream Adventures had some great ostrich at the expo. I picked up some black, purple and orange.
  14. and the other half dozen
  15. Just finished off my first dozen Intruders myself. Look out steelhead
  16. Winston is dreaming about the big one next summer
  17. ... will our wives/girlfriend be wearing the following????
  18. From there website YES Country Pleasures is pleased to announce the line-up for Saturday Seminars for the Winter and Spring of 2009. Each Saturday at 10:00 a.m. we host a free seminar on a fly fishing topic. Come and participate. EXTENDED FOR 2009!!!, AT EACH SEMINAR WE WILL BE DRAWING FOR FREE PRIZES. ONLY THOSE ATTENDING THE SEMINAR WILL QUALIFY. FLY LINES, GEAR, FLY TYING SUPPLIES, ETC. WILL BE GIVEN AWAY AT EACH SEMINAR. IN ADDITION, EVERY TIME YOU ATTEND A SEMINAR, YOUR NAME WILL GO INTO A DRAW FOR A SAGE TCX FLY ROD TO BE HELD ON APRIL 11, 2009. THE MORE SEMINARS YOU ATTEND, THE BETTER YOUR CHANCES
  19. How fast can they build my prize winning rod?
  20. With the loonie dropping below 80 cents US can we excpet higher tackle prices again???? :derby racer: Maybe its time to do some xmas shopping for myself before prices head up.
  21. It must be FLY TYING season!!! Not only is the weather changing, but i also noticed the guys at Country Pleasures stocking their walls with fly tying materials. Some pretty cool barred marabou and barred rabbit strips. Well back to the bench.
  22. Finally the rain stopped and summer is here. It nice to go out and walk the dogs in the evening wearing just a short sleeve shirt. Except now there is a crap load of tiny mosquito ( midge size but with needle noses ). Mayor Dave just raised my taxes up 50% and i probly wont be able to enjoy the backyard unless i take an OFF shower :derby racer:
  23. I worked one summer at the Elks golf course on Nose Creek. They have a dam on the creek so most of the time there will be no fish movement. The head person who applies the limited amout of fertilizer needed told me that more fertilizer from one city block enters the rivers than from the golf course. There is quit a few minows in the rivers and the odd rainbow may head up by mistake after ice out, but the creek is just too warm to be a margainal trout fishery.
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