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Posts posted by rehsifylf

  1. Definately a slump right now. Not a terrible time to have it, but they need to turn it around soon. Tossing away points against god awful teams like Atlanta and Toronto. Other than the first period against Detroit, Kipper has been outplayed by the other goalie in 8 of the last 10 games. Doesn't mean he was always bad, just that the other goalie outplayed him (against NJ he was good, but Brodeur was better). Tonight - well - he was pretty bad.

  2. What role do you think they have Curtis for? He's a back-up goile, so when Kipper needs a rest he comes in plain and simple.


    As for putting Leopald and Pheneuf togather, how do you know how they will play togather unless you put the two togather to see, Not everyone is as smart as you rehsify


    Easy fella. My point was that most coaches will play a stay at home/good around his own net D-man with a more offensive guy. In this case, Phaneuf and Leopold are the most offensive of the blueliners and its a toss up who is worse around their own net (my opinion Dion is better than Jordan in his own end but many would disagree with me).


    I think its no use having a back-up that you can't depend on if needed. Sutter refused to get a proven back-up at the deadline, so if anything happens to Kipper - then Curtis is it. His confidence can't be high now, and my suggestion is to put him in for a game where the players are fresh and he has a better chance of winning. that hasn't happened this year. Would be nice to have a goalie that the coach could put in before a game gets out of hand also, such as a game where the starter lets in 2 of the first 3 shots, or 4 goals on 14 shots - but we don't have that.


    This is the Flames thread and everyone is free to post. If you disagree with my points - no worries, post a counter, no personal shots required. I don't subscribe to the mantra that a true fan can only cheerlead when things are great. Losing to Carolina and Atlanta could very easily come back to haunt this team - 4 points they should have had.


    BTW - anyone listen to the game on 960 today. Who was the drunk guy that had a "few Molsons"- I missed the last name.

  3. the biggest brown i know of being caught in alberta (in the last few years) was on a 000 weight...it's all about how you fight them


    I find the weight of the rod is more a factor when casting, not catching. The strength of tippet more a factor in how difficult it is to land a large fish.

  4. Just once would ne nice if Keenan let Curtis start the first half of a back to back. That first period was criminal to the young guy. Could be 5 nothing if he didn't play great. Funny how Olli and Leopold were tyhe heroes yesterday and the zeros today. Jokinen takes a brutal penalty that leads to the first goal and Leopold back to his old 'sloppy play in his own zone'-self on the third. Play the man. What is Keenan thinking putting Phaneuf and Leopold together?

  5. As I was saying, I'm a HUGE fan of trade dealine deals - way to go Darryl. :wave_smile:


    rickr - was that you? I didn't recognize you without out the Lanny Macdonald 'stashe. I saw an interview with Bert and he said his knee had been bothering him for some time and made it difficult for him to skate fast, expecially when coming back. They asked how long and he said "ever since Pee Wee". Hope the surgery helps.

  6. I've never been a fan of trade deadline moves - I think hog nailed it when he said that Lombardi was a huge portion of the reason our PK has been so good this year. With the number of penalties the zebras call you need at least 3 sets of good penalty killers. I (and many others I think) always thought Lombardi would be a superstar - but on the small ice, he just can shine like he does on the Olympic ice. He may not be a superstar, but he is very good. Olli - we'll see, but he hasn't been the superstar that he gets creds for being. He has 42 points, about the same as Conroy, Bourge, Bert and a few others. If I'm not mistaken though, he has another year on his contract, right? How can the Flames afford that?


    One of the flames trades that made me the happiest was when they shipped Leopold off a few years back. All i can remember is how often he coughed it up in our end. He's been healthy this year but...


    15-Apr-08 Missed 7 games (hip injury).

    28-Mar-08 Hip injury, day-to-day.

    22-Mar-08 Missed 5 games (head injury).

    11-Mar-08 Head injury, day-to-day.

    22-Jan-08 Missed 2 games (illness).

    18-Jan-08 Illness, day-to-day.

    29-Dec-07 Missed 4 games (leg injury).

    19-Dec-07 Leg injury, day-to-day.

    13-Dec-07 Missed 21 games (wrist surgery).

    26-Oct-07 Wrist injury, mid-December.

    16-Oct-07 Missed 2 games (hip injury).

    12-Oct-07 Hip injury, day-to-day.

    22-May-07 Re-signed by the Colorado Avalanche to a two-year contract.

    09-Apr-07 Missed the last 25 games of the regular season (wrist injury).

    17-Feb-07 Wrist injury, sidelined indefinitely.

    26-Jan-07 Missed 17 games (groin).

    13-Dec-06 Groin, sidelined indefinitely.

    02-Dec-06 Missed 25 games (hernia surgery).

    14-Sep-06 Hernia surgery, sidelined indefinitely.

    17-Apr-06 Missed 5 games (groin).

    07-Apr-06 Groin, day-to-day.

    05-Apr-06 Missed 3 games (groin).

    31-Mar-06 Groin, day-to-day.


    I see Bert is out for a month - must remember to call my florist.


  7. Vancouver island all the way!


    Second that. I lived in Comox when I was in the air force. I've also lived in Ottawa, Trenton, Moose Jaw, Winnipeg, Germany, spent 2 summers in Quebec, a year in Torono, and now Calgary. No place came close to Comox - itwas awsome. Skiing, fishing, and golfing in the same day was not rare - great flyfishing streams, incredible weather, and lots of wilderness 20 minutes from your house. If employment wasn't an issue - I'd be there for sure.

  8. I didn't mean to say that YOUR saying frunk driving is ok...


    How about frunk typing?


    Hey hawg - I think it's okay to have strong dislike for a hockey player and keep it when they move to your team. I'd feel the same if Jarko Ruttu ever came here. Lots of people just plain don't like Bertuzzi because of his character and his lack of heart (to me, slamming your stick on the ice when you miss is not passion, its what spoiled kids do, I see it at the rink every week-end). I have no problem with what he did with Moore - and I still can't stand the guy, and it bugs me cause he is the first Calgary Flame I've felt that way about.


    Some guys on other teams you hate becuase they are on the other team, but would love to have on your own - Ryan Smyth would be one for me. Bert isn't like that for me - I just don't like the guy.




    Now - tough luck for Rene Bourque. That guys is awesome, plays will heart, and to me is the difference this year. Unfortunate that both he and Langkow will be out tonight when they play the Oilers. Will be tough for the Flames to score more than 7 goals :devil: Good to see Lundmark get a shot though, He is probably the closest thing to Rene we have.

  9. I'm looking forward to it - live in the NW and this will be by far the closest outdoor shop to me. I understand that BassPro sets up the stores to serve the market they are in, so the store here will be different from one in Michigan or other stores out there. I'd imagine they will see what sells and make adjustments accordingly. At the very least - should be able to order anyting they have on there web-site and not get gouged for cross border shipping, brokerage fees etc.



  10. Agree with rickr points.


    I have to say, though, that my negative opinion of Bert is not based on what happened with Moore on the ice. It's hockey, and lots of guys have done much worse that what he did (Clarke, Richard, Messier, and the list goes on and on).


    I don't like the guy becuase I think he is a prick, who has none of the character traits that I admire in hockey players - other than some serious talent/skill.


    That is an opinion I've formed based on things he has said as much as the things he has done. My opinion is based on what he has said and done throughout his career, but especially the way he has dealt with the Moore aftermath by consistently trying to shift the blame (first to Moore himself - it was payback!, then to Crawford...), and protraying himself as a really nice guy who is the real victim in all this.


    People make mistakes and I tend to judge someone based on what they do after they make a mistake, more so than the mistake they made. I think many people do, and that is probably why Dany Heatly and Craig McT are less villified than Bert. I think they a) showed more genuine remorse, b.) didn't try to rationalize their actions, and c) showed a better pattern of strong character both before and after the specific incidents. Basically - when bad things happen to good people - they tend to get a break, but when bad things happen to jerks/pricks - not too many will cut them any slack.


    It happens in all sports - when a guy is a jerk, the fans will sense it, and if/when the guys screws up (and we all do) it stick to him/her like glue. In baseball it is Bonds and his Steroids, in hockey it is Bert and the Moore thing (...and Avery and his actions/comments)


    Hey - This would be a good time for a poll! Think I'll start one.

  11. crappy back up?? get your head straight. only time you have probably seen him play is when he starts and the team doesnt show up, doesnt say hes a bad goalie at all. i agree with you that they are/might ruin him. cant expect a goalie to play every 3 months and play stellar.


    I agree - I don't think you can put this on the goalie. The fact is that that when Flames score 3 and lose - then you can maybe put it on the goalie. If they score 2 or less - the 'blame' for the loss rests mainly on the other 18 or so players.


    Look at it this way. Since the start of the season when the Flames score 3 or more they are 27-4-2. When they score 2 or less they are 3-16-0. If you go back and look at the 6 losses when they scored 3 or more - goaltending was poor in all of them. Likewise in the 3 wins where they scored 2 or less - guess who was the first star of the game.


    How many times the Flames have lost this year when their goalie gave up 2 or less goals? Saturday was the first time. Any time Kipper has let in 2 or less they have won. So - really - much as the media morons will say that Curtis hasn't gotten the job done, I don't see how you can fault him for that loss - nor can it be said that he hasn't played as well as Kipper.


    I will agree that with excellent goaltending the Flames could likey have won another 4-6 games where they scored 2 or less - but we have to face it - we do not have excellent goaltending game in game out. Kipper is 45th in save percentage and only slightly better than Curtis who is 58th. (Note also that when Kipper had played 6 games he was dead last in the league in save percentage with a GAA of 3.83 - so relatively Curtis is playing better over his first 6 games than Kipper was. This, despite the fact that other than the last game, Curtis was put in when the team was dog tired on the second half of a back-back road game.


    Like I said, I don't think Sutter/Keenan should wait until the rest of the pack catches up to make some statements. Do it now. If it works, great. If not and the pack still catches up, can reverse the moves and at least the guys that got benched/sat down will have gotten more of a message that a GM visit to the dressing room and a broken stick in practice.

  12. Headshaking, I left the game right after the Ducks scored there second goal in the second period. It is absolutely painful to watch at this point. You mix our bad play with having to fight against the refs every game and honestly its not even fun at this point. Personally I think refs suck the fun out of watching hockey in the new NHL.


    Wasn't there - but with it being pay-per-view - knew it would be a godawful game. Didn't sound like the refs were a big part of todays game til half way through the third.


    Words are not working with this team - they keep saying the right things but the play continues to stink. Now is the time for Sutter to send a different message. Bench Lombardi, send Boyd to the minors and bring in Lundmark (Boyd is on a two way right?), put Borque on the first line with Camm, move Iginla to the 2nd (maybe third) line. Bench Bert - he continues to take moronic penalties in the third period when the Flames have a chance.


    Not only have they lost 4 in a row - but three of those to brutal teams, that have not been able to beat anyone lately.


    Edit - 43 seconds 6-4 at the end of the game and not even close to a shot on net. Pathetic.

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