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Posts posted by rehsifylf

  1. I may be urinating into the wind, but every time I hear or read that CO's don't get overtime, and they don't get enough money for gas, I can't help but think of schoolteachers. These people care so much about educating our children, it's uncommon for them NOT to work unpaid overtime, and pay out of pocket for supplies. I'm certainly not saying this is right, just that it would be heartening to see the same level of dedication from our CO's




    Actually. Anyone who is a teacher or has a spouse as a teacher, probably wasn't laughing. The average person has no idea the hours that teachers put in during the school year. They get compensated with the summer off. Why couldn't we run the COs the same way. Pay them a salary based on 2000 hours per year. They could work more in the summer (without time and a half) then get the December through F.eb off

  2. I just got finished from the ICU where there are several patients on ventilators at present - a very rare event in any given year, let alone for the age group of patients (none have grey hair). I


    What - you're telling me that it's not just old people dying? Now I get it. I mean, its one thing when geezers are dropping like flies - but healthy people, thats a different story.


    To Terry H and sarcastic rickr- you missed my points badly so I'll state them more clearly. I never argued that people should not get the flu shot - I even said I get the Flu shot every year - this year will be no different. I don't support the arguments for not getting a shot. As for efficacy - don't you find it surprising that everyone is arguing about whether you should get a shot and even its staunchest proponents (including those on the board) have no idea how effective it is? The predominat position on the boards suggest that if you get the shot you won't get sick (and therefore clog the hospital lines). BTW - anyone been in the past week? It is a complete gong show, more so than usual. Sorry - I think the media focus on this has made things worse in the short term.


    Long term it may help. However - this was a brilliant move by the media. Every year, and I mean every year - the hospitals in Toronto and elsewhere have huge issues with patients dying in ambulances or being turned away. The real reason for this is "The Ontario Hospital Association said that the issue is province wide. On any given day, 2,800 patients who should be in nursing homes or at their own houses take up beds unnecessarily and this leads to about 680 patients waiting for beds that aren't available. " That will happen again this year. However, this year the government and the media can blame the issue on people not getting a flu shot. Well done to them and to those of you that will buy it.



    My points/opinions in my last post were just this:


    1) This year is no different from any other year in Canada other than the media has gone to town on this one IMO. Its true the government then had no choice but to climb on board. Your medical friends were right Terry - people have died from the Flu this year. Just need to find me any lay person (outside of Edmonton) that wouldn't have made the same prediction, and Ill congratulate them. People die every year, but as our compassionate resident forum doctor said in his post, this year is worse because not all the people dying have grey hair (grey haired people are still more important than Africans, though, right?).


    2) People that bring up the deaths of two teenagers as the rationale for this being a more important issue this year. I merely brought up the fact that if protecting children from dying is the important issue, then we could do far more good spending the money on establishing clean water and agriculture in Africa (unless the lives of 5M African children are less important of a few hundred Canadian children). BTW - people in Calgary are doing just (helping to provide clean water and agriculture in Africa). Rickr - if it is not our government's job to help in Africa, then why do we (pretend to) do it? Could it be that all foreign policy is just to appease our guilt and in the end benefit us, not them? I agree wholeheartedly.

  3. I honestly though that tonight the flames played one of their most solid games of the year. they were hitting, dominating the boards, keeping the play in their own zone mostly to to the outside. Colorado had 3 chances all night... but they all found the back of the net... not really kippers fault on any of them either. calgary had no puck luck this game... but I thought they played VERY well... best played game of the season. Outshot the avs 32-14 or something like that.. outchances them 15 to 3 probably... Too bad it was a loss... puck just wouldn't come onto a calgary players stick near the net.... The stripes called a good game tonight even... nothing to say really. Chalk that up to bad luck. Next game!


    I heard two of the Flames cut themselves shaving and another had a hangnail - so last night's loss doesn't count. As for Stripes - not enough viewers on pay per view for them to try and take centre stage. They save the real shows for HNIC.


    Anderson - 1st in Wins, 2nd in save percentage, 1st in shutouts, and tied for 2nd in GAA. Kipper - 3rd last in GAA (28th out of 30), 4th last in Save% (27th out of 30) but tied for 4th in Wins. This team is good and if they ever get goaltending, lights out for the rest of the NW.

  4. Being born in 1981.. i'm pretty naive to Polio. Have had to Google it, basically.


    Couple questions for those of you who lived through those times..


    Was the Polio vaccine fully tested on humans before it was pushed out to the public?


    And how does Polio compare to H1N1 in both prevalance and seriousness of symptoms? Is it fair to compare the two?


    Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the polio vaccine effective at preventing polio? I've not seen efficacy studies on the H1N1 flu vaccine, but pretty sure that getting the shot does not mean you won't get sick. I usually get a flu shot, but have often gotten the flu anyway.


    Regarding the question about reading about the 2 healthy kids in Ontario that died from H1N1 last week. I did read that. Right under the article about the 5.3 million children that died last year from malnutrition. Take the money we're spending on a Flu vaccine in NA that MIGHT work, and use it for establishing agriculture programs in Africa and you would save 1000 times more lives. Of course, those are just African lives, so not nearly as important, right?

  5. Sure couldn't have guessed the second half would go that way. Really shocked that the goaltender interference, phantom slash, missed 4 minute high stick all went against the Flames. Whatever. First half of the game was good (even though the Flames got hosed on two calls).


    Must say that the Oilers are worse than I thought they were. I mean - the refs do everything they possibly can to help you win and you still get owned. How can you get outshot 38-25 when you get a pretty much a full period on the PP including a lengthy 5:3 then a double minor?


    Quinn showed exactly how much class he has - Zero. Sending the missing link after Iginla.


  6. Hey, how about we get together for a day of snagging big brown trout off their redds?

    Just load up your heavy duty spinning outfit with 30lb test, throw on a big-ass treble hook & a splitshot, & we're good to go; don't worry about pinching the barbs down, either! Or, if you'd rather get out of the city, we can do the same with bull trout; bring a big cooler to bring 'em home in...


    Bad idea to transport bull trout, the dragnet of COs in the province will nail you for sure. As long as your illegal activity is confined to near a river, you should be ok.


    Better to just cook 'em out there and feed them to the your dogs (I was fishing Racehorse last week and tried a big bull for shore lunch - it was awful). I didn't have my dog with me, so felt bad about having to just throw it back into the river.

  7. Where is documented proof that our industry is suffering due to bad guides or because we don't have logos and stickers? Where is the proof that shows because I have a sticker, insurance, cpr/fa, show up on an association website, have paid a $500 fee to the gov that I'll be that much better off for it? Don't tell me that because I'm licensed, have insurance, have a sticker on my boat... that I am now a professional guide. No, I'm licensed.


    We've been in business a long time, have always had ins/cpr/fa, done an ok job most days, have a nice little website, always pay my taxes (a fed and prov issue anyway), am involved in many fisheries mgt realms, have my nice little business lic, etc.


    Excellent. Show that we have a problem first, then consider solutions.


    I expect Dave has the quals because a)it makes his business more attractive to clients, and b)he understands that the liability exists to him if he does not. Thats called smart business.

  8. Didn't watch the Spoilers game last night. Only looked at the boxscore this morning. Looks like Col was cruising 4-1 half way throught he second period, then 6 penalties for Columbus to Edmonton's 1. 3 PP goals later, Oilers win. Sounds like a typical NHL game to me.


    And before the Oiler fans get on me, the same thing has happened to both benefit and hurt the Flames this year. I get that. The original point was that the NHL is a joke since the lock-out, because there is a concerted effort to artificially make every gaem close - and special teams (including the shoot-out) make the difference in more than 60% of the games.


    Why do I watch then? Well, every now and again (say 1 in 3 or 1 in 4 games), I see a really good game where the refs aren't the difference.- that I enjoy. Sorta like living in Calgary and planning an outdoor event. 2/3rds of the time the weather is awful, but every now and again you get a really nice day, so you continue to plan and hope for the best.


    If tomorrow's game has less than 4 powerplays (total) - I'll enjoy it, no mater who wins.

  9. Look, is the above points by Clive and Harps not valid though. Forget the the emotionalism of "lets get them"; its not about revenge, and while I can only speak for myself, I'm way over the EKoot.MP.



    Leaving that, the answer is obviously this is about the fish. That's why my mind isn't totally made up, because I struggle seeing how to connect all the dots between creating a bureaucracy and protecting the fish.




    Smitty, it may be a tad easier for you to be over the EK MP than for someone who lives within a few minutes of the Elk, or even someone from Calgary that is half as far away from the affected rivers than someone from Edmonton.


    Nevertheless - there are many, many people (BC residents included) that believe that many of the FMPs in BC are/were spearheaded by guides for their benefit (not the fish) with a veiled proclamation that it was to improve the fishing experience. I think there are valid concerns raised on here suggesting that the licensing issuemight just be an attempt by some to push through an agenda that has nothing to do with improving the fishing experience, and in the end will benefit a select few at the cost of many.


    Some folks feel that developing effective fishery management plans - including having at least an annual meeting in the largest city in the province once in awhile - should be the first order of business before we start spending time, effort, and money, on something that nobody seems to be able to confirm is actually a problem.

  10. The complete BS calls happen on the flames wether or not were winnign or losing. It's a f**in joke this league. Ive never watched another team (and I do follow other teams) in ANY sport that gets jobbed by the officiating as much as the flames do. the Boston red sox are up there, but lately theyve been getting breaks (finally!!).


    the last game against vancouver was a total joke. I could ref better, and I mean that in all seriousness. A call is a call. what about the columbus game with flames players getting hualed down on 2 on 1's???? No calls? come on... stupid.


    glad I play hockey sometimes, so I dont end up watching the sh**tshow the NHL has become.


    Flames - jobbed by the refs? Surely you jest.


    Just because Columbus had 2 shots on net and were completely dominated before the ref called 5 straight penalties on the flames. Happens all the time.


  11. only place your hat looked good. lol


    I like the fish in front of the City - really nicely done.


    Is there a way to show it with some different fonts. Was thinking something simpler and not on an angle. The Font that the GUIDELINE add that is on one of the banners for the forum is more what I was thinking .

  12. I think it's fairly obvious that guiding is a business and should have the same kinds of rules, regulations, and enforcement as any other. Unregulated free market capitalism has been proven wrong and dangerous in so many instances it is a wonder that people will still flat out cringe at the idea of any form of regulation even if that simply means creating certain standards a business must operate by.


    It's like having a river that has absolutely no regulations and saying that people will practice a reasonable amount of catch and release and use barbless hooks, and minimize handling of fish simply because they fish there and, most likely, would like to continue to do so. I think we've already seen how that scenario works and it is the same with the use of any other resource. The invisible hand doesn't work. People, for the most part, are selfish and destructive and will maximize their own immediate benefit if at all possible.


    Sorry - have to disagree. Completely.


    We're not talking about unregulated fishing. The guides and their clients are subject to the same regulations regarding fishing as anyone else, and they are subject to income tax on anything they make regardless of whether they are licensed or not.


    i can't see this working out like everyone imagines. Licensing won't ensure that every guide is good, in fact I expect it will drive out some of the better ones. Teachers are regulated and licensed. Anyone ever heard of a bad teacher?


    Frankly - I get a little tired of the 'capitalism" has caused all of the problems in the world dogma on this forum. Every thread it seems gets to a point where someone starts blaming it all on capitalism. Take a good look at all of the countries that practice true socialism and I doubt you'll find a plce you want to live - if you do, I encourage you to move there and live the dream.

  13. Was it not 5-0 for the Flames again in this one? 5-3 final.. I would've been cringing if I was a Flames fan..


    A win is a win though. And it's always good when it's a division rival.


    The 5-0 lead then collapse with Chicago was very different. In that game the Flames played horrible for two periods, and were lucky to be up 5-0 . Last night they played great all game and easily could have been up more than 5-0. The only thing that had me cringing was that, as a result of Stripes giving Vancouver two 5 on 3s in the last 6 minutes, the performance wouldn't be recognized for the dominating one that it was.


    BTW - when Glencross got 2 for ???? tripping????with less than 6 minutes left in the game, the penalties were 5 against Vcr and 2 against the Flames. It ended 6 for Vancouver, 5 for the Flames. No such thing as even up calls in this league.


    ...and finally, when Redmontnon gets a win against a team that is above .500 - then I'll buy that they have some talent. Thus far - schedule friendly. Flames have 4 more at home this month - other than one against Edmonton, they are all against good teams. If the Flames can stay ahead, Deadmonton plays 7 of 8 on the road to start November - then come home and play Colorado, Chicago, LA, and San Jose, then travel to Vancouver for a Saturday night game. They should be picking out which course they want to buy the earlybird membership for by December 1st.

  14. I agree with you guys somewhat, But thats just not what happens 99% of the time in the NHL. Professional hockey is the only sport I watch that I can predict when and what team is going to get the next penalty. Part of been a good team is having the discipline to know when and when not to take a penalty. Just call the game fairly and let the best team win.


    That was a great game by the Flames. Completely dominated start to finish - and yet the stripes still manage to somehow make it close (100% agree with GreenDarke that there is no other league out there where consistently the stipes affect the outcome - these clowns do it game in game out). The call on Glencross - then the Baumeester call. Give me a break.


    Fortunately this team is so good that even when Kipper lets in two complete sieve goals (how many has he let in like that 1st one? - has to be at least 6 in the past year), and Stripes try to make it close, they still win. The last Vancouver goal - a peewee goalie saves that. It very easily could have been 8-0 Flames at one point. Other than Colorado,no team in the division will give the Flames anything to worry about. Edmonton hasn't beat a winning team yet.

  15. The fact hat this virus has killed over 4,000 people in the last year and they certainly were all not young or old or were immunity deficient... should indicate this is not your average virus!


    The Spanish Flu is estimated to have killed between 50-100 Million in just over 2 years of which half were in the first 25 weeks. Hep B kills 600K people per year. 55 000 people die of rabies each year. A 'normal' flu season leads to 250-300K deaths.


    I admit I'm ignorant on H1N1, but it just doesn't seem to be as big a deal as reports have suggested.

  16. By far the majority of speeding tickets are issued in 'traps' set up on four or six lane roads (like McKnight and Beddington) that have 50 limits. I see them almost everyday on my way home at Beddington and Country Hills pulling over some poor schmuks who are driving the spot for the first time, or simply forgot. They sure are making the roads safe there. Tax collectors in uniform.



  17. My design preference is to create a rod with two different tip sections, one rated a lower weight and one rated higher(patent pending, by the way). That way the rod can provide optimum performance for both weights.



    Cool idea. Don't most blanks come as sets? How do you end up with two tip sections that fit?

  18. Correct me if I am wrong but isn't china buying up alot of the US debt?


    Very good observation bhurt. Japan has about twice as much of the US debt as China but China is coming up fast.


    The size of your debt to GDP is less of an issue than who owns that debt - IMO. Japans Debt to GDP was 194% in 2008 and US was only 72.5% (only about a 1/3) - but Japan's debt is 90% owned by Japanese citizens, the US debt is only 25% owned by US citizens. Which country is better off? With Japan, it is somewhat similar to borrowing money from your children - you pay interest but it helps grow your childrens wealth so they depend less on you later - and in the end - it is more of an investment in your own families future. If you borrow money from somebody elses kids, that doesn't help your kids much later does it? Thing is, your kids have to a) have the money to lend you and B) be willing to lend it to you instead of buying an iPOD. Most Americans spend instead of saving (which is the ONLY reason Canada has the economy we do IMO) - but because they don't save, they don't buy the US debt, someone else does - those interest payments go somewhere else.


    Canada's debt to GDP in the early 90's was rising and I recall much discussion about how bad this was (and I bought that). However, I think the key is - what does the government do with the money it is borrowing? Do they invest it in Assets that will generate GDP. If they invest in the right things, then the GDP will grow faster than the debt and the ratio will go down (without printing money). Canada did that and I will agrue that a main reason our debt to GDP is low today is because we borrowed heavily in the late 80's early 90's to fuel growth. I have this dicussion with my wife on a regular basis. She argues that debt is bad - I say borrowing to invest is good as long as you can earn more on your investment than you have to pay interest (funny thing is she is American and I'm Canadian - go figure).



    I don't claim to be a nobel winner in economics, but I am failry certain that there are more ways to reduce debt/GDP than to print money. My expectation is that the "Global Economic Crisis" will leave the US far stronger coming out of recession than it was going in. Some of the moves they've made over the past year are going to have a major negative impact on the holders of their debt. Like a train wreck, nobody will talk about the political moves made while the bodies are still on the ground, but down the road, many books will be written on the shrewd moves that were made. The investment in banks will have incredible yields for the american people (essentially they bought low and will sell high).

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