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Posts posted by rehsifylf

  1. Maxwell et al,


    Not trying to be hilarious - see this post and the response - it's sad


    See: http://flyfishcalgary.com/board/index.php?showtopic=6632


    But the question remains - how to involve Calgarians. Some recent suggestions include:


    * have the meeting in Calgary

    * notification well in advance

    * a suggestion made @ the Roundtable was rent a bus


    What must be considered is the cost of all the meetings. SRD sponsors the meeting - most of their people are from Edmonton. It does drive the cost of the meeting up to have them elsewhere.







    I missed the post Don. Any reason this was posted in the Not Fishing related topic. As I recall that was when the Three Words Only nonsense was ongoing, so it would have been easy to miss.


    I have to say, that move the meeting should alternate between Calgary and Edmonton. If they have one in Calgary, and make people aware in advance, and they still get no/low turnout, then statements could be made about how disinterested Calgary is. Notifying the fly shops, the fly fishing clubs, and on here and I suspect the turnout would be quite high.

  2. I've got it or @ least some of it.


    To solicit some interest from Calgarians, I going to introduce the following resolutions @ the next Provincial Roundtable [more will be added as I think of them]


    * no fishing within 500 yards of any access point on flowing waters in Alberta.

    * raise the fishing license fees to FF types to $200/yr.

    * limit the access to popular streams to those that were born here

    * no guiding in Alberta - by anyone

    * Mac Boats are required to have large holes drilled in the bottom near the water line. Only by rowing rapidly downstream will the holes stay above the water line.

    * Bud beer will not longer be sold in Alberta - reduces my backpack weight hauling out the trash.

    * digital cameras will not be allowed within 200 yards of flowing water - the time saved by the picture police can be used for help on the item above.


    catch ya'







  3. :clapping: I applaud you in your manipulative attempt to have people believe what you have stated above.


    My interpretation of your post is quite the opposite of what you have stated above. If you had understood the sarcasm and ridicule in my post, and not intentionally tried to come up with an absurd conclusion as to what I believed, you would have realized I was comparing George Bush’s IQ to that of a washed up alcoholic bum musician who obviously would not make a good President. But somehow you have taken this and concluded that I believe you think that George Bush makes a good President of the United States because he has an IQ of 125. Nice, as you would say, “translation” rehsifylf.


    In reality it’s an interesting and comical fact that they have the same IQ, nothing more.


    Maybe you should spend the winter working on your writing skills so all of your responses don’t come out sounding manipulative and narcissistic. <--poke--<


    LMAO. You wound a little tight or what?



  4. I didn't think HNIC could do worse than Garrett for colour, but Crawford is even worse. All the guy said the entire third period, was "We'll see if this young kings team can come back" over and over again. A little different than the Leafs game.


    Might not have been pretty, but when you have <EDIT eight > powerplays against you - I defy any team to play cohesively. Kings had 20 of 41 shots on the powerplay. I think the shot counter was a little genrous - kings went from 34-41 shots in the last minute.


    Really nice the way the kings practically trampled Kipper in the last minute and no call, after Iginla barely touches Labarbera and gets called. A great job by the Zebras to try and make it close.


    Kipper played well tonight.

  5. Eddie Van Halen has an estimated IQ of 125.

    Maybe we should make him president.


    Remember these IQ's are measured on the American scale. You have to divide by 10 to get the equivalent Canadian IQ.


    Once again, Weedy, you seem to be able to read the words but fail to understand the meaning. The message was that I find it humourous that people make fun of George Bush's intelligence, when in reality he is more intelligent than 90% of the population. You read that but somehow translate it to - he believes that George Bush makes a good President of the United States because he has an IQ of 125. So off you go to google someone with the same IQ and suggest he could be president. Maybe you should spend the winter working on your reading comprehension. http://learningdisabilities.about.com/od/i...q4rstrategy.htm


    As for IQ - You are mistaken in your conversion. In Canada, everyone takes the IQ test and when you get the results you take 50 points from those with high IQs and donate them to those with lower IQ.




  6. Not really defending anything aside from mentally challenged folks having the right to not being called retards.


    I think they were referred to as retarded, which the correct term. Here is more info:


    The correct terms in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders are:


    Mild Mental Retardation (IQ 50-69)

    Moderate Mental Retardation (IQ 40-50)

    Severe Mental Retardation (IQ 20-40)

    Profound Mental Retardation (IQ under 20 and/or from Edmonton)

    Mental Retardation Severity Unspecified (an exact IQ can't be determined)

    Borderline Intellectual Functioning (IQ 70 to 83; lower than average but not MR)



  7. Hawgstopper,


    All those Kipper haters wouldn't come on and say anything cause since they were mouthing off about him he has had 2 shut outs and like 4 games I think, but if he has a couple of bad games then they will be on again!


    I will.


    The difference between the first 6 games and the last 4 was that instead of playing horribly, Kipprusoff has played average. His bet performance was Nashville, although he gave up 3 goals on 10 shots in the 2nd - but he was the difference. He remains 31st in save % despite his team winning 5 straight, likewise his GAA is still 3. And unless you can see into the future - he has one shut-out not two.


    He was not the difference in any of the wins except the Nashville win. it could be argued he was the difference against Col, but more because Budaj was poor, Bourque dominated the period, and Col hit the post twice (Calgary also outshot Col 10-2 in the third). The Col game could have gone either way until mid-way through the 3rd.


    Like I said I am a fan of the TEAM - but when players aren't playing up to expectations on a consistent basis, I won't pretend they are. If Kipper has 8 out of 10 games in a row where he plays great (even if team loses), I'll be the first to say so. That does not mean he wasn't stinking it up in the first 5 games. Unfortunately for Kipper, when you're one of the top paid Goaltenders in the league, people will expect you to consistently perform like a top goalie in the leaugue. he has not done this for the past 2 1/2 seasons.

  8. Hey - great Game Edmonton. Best performance in 4 games - took all the way to overtime for you to lose. Too bad about those penalties in overtime.


    Say, did you guys happen to catch the absurdity in the Ottawa game. Apparently one of Buffalo's superstars (Weber) hit one of the Senators lesser players (think his name was Alfredsson or something). Anyway - right after, Mike Fisher goes after Weber and starts a fight. Here's the absurd part. Bufallo did not get a 9 minute power play, even though that seems to be the standard call for this play according to the non biased oiler fans. In fact, the Sens ended up with the power play. Something wrong here, cause the same thing happened in Phoenix the other night with Carcillo jumping in to protect Mueller after Giordano hit him with a clean check. Calgary also did not get the prescribed 9 minute power play - the standard punishment for this offence.

  9. a comeback from down 3-0 to win 5-3 at nashville.

    a good all around effort at PHX on saturday.


    Where's the love? you guys all bitch when things go bad...., but no props for some good games??? They played hard, and iginla stepped it up, which is good becuase he usually doesn't get rolling until about game 15-20 of the seaon. GO FLAMES GO!


    I cant beleive they don't play till tuesday now... colorado's playing great... gonna be a good game.


    The thread seemed to disappear for awhile from the list.


    All we need to do is outshoot teams 19-6 in the second and we can win.

  10. rehsifyl,



    Doesn't have a thing to do with hockey. Hockey is a game - played by kids. The US election gets people killed.


    And a friend said the same thing. He says "Maybe the whole world is controlled by the left wing media". I countered that the right wing may not be able to type or maybe they really doesn't give a flying f... what the world thinks.




    I believe this was in the flames thread this morning. Thats why I asked.


    Sorry Don - but I find it really hard to listen to socialist rhetoric from someone that sells $1500 fishing rods. I just think that a $1500 fly rod is about the best example of capitalist excess that I can think of. Not trying to pick a fight.

  11. Folks,


    Vote for the US candidate:








    How does this relate to hockey? Interesting that Gerogia and Iraq are the twho most in favour of John - Could it be that the rest of the world's opinion on US involvement in those two countries has been shaped by a left wing media?


    Flames dominated last night -


    Hey, if anyone gets a chance - go look at the highlights (they are available on TSN). I could be wrong, and I'm sure Smitty will straighten me out, but almost looked to me like Giordano had a nice clean hit on Muller early on, and, I must be mistaken, but it looked a little bit like Carcillo jumped in to fight Girodano - even though that never happens. And then it looked almost like they each got 5 for fighting and Carcillo two for instigating. Someone please correct me - cause I know that Carcillo 9 minutes and Giordano 0.

  12. But that's not the issue. The only reason that Bourque recieved nine minutes is because he was the instigator which is an automatic 2 minutes. Then he got the five for fighting because he dropped his gloves and pounded the dude like he was on UFC doing a "ground and pound" the 10 minute is an automatic for being the instigator and the other 2 for roughing.....not sure where that came from, but he should have had 7 for sure.


    5 for dropping the gloves - watch the video. Either Rene was wearing 4 gloves, or Sloan dropped them also.


    And Smitty - we all know you are brilliant and not at all biased. Since you brought up Gretzky - Isn't it a good job that no-one ever started a fight when he got hit? Seems to me I was in the crowd in Winnipeg when he got bumped (barely) by Barry Long and Cementhead came from the far corner and broke his nose. Pretty much every time Wayne got hit, someone else jumped in:




    Whether it should or should not happen is not the question, the question is whether it does or does not happen. It happens. Since you like the word absurd, how about this. If on his way, Bourque had stopped to take off his helmet, then proceeded to jump Sloan - he would only have received 7 minutes. That's absurd.

  13. Just to be clear - my comment about the league wanting more powerplays was not a conspiracy theory about the penguin having it in for Canada or Calgary (although I do think Mick McGeough had it in for C-town, but don't have to worry about that anymore). However, the penguin wants more goals. More Power plays = more goals - therefore call more penalties.


    Wiggler and I are right about the Bourque call. Some clown playing in his first (and if he gets to play in 10 games in his career he'll be lucky) game takes a run at Langkow. Langkow is one of our two best players - who went out with a concussion last year if you will recall. I've seen at least 6 other times in the past two years where a star gets hit and someone jumps in to protect him. It is always 2 extra minutes for the guy that jumps in - and 5 each for fighting, regardless of whether the sucker gets any shots in. I defy anyone to find me an instance of 9 minutes consecutive powerplay in the past 20 years of hockey. This isn't like he had possession and was watching his pass, he barely reached out to touch the puck. 2 minutes for instigating and 5 each for fighting - You don't pull that $%it in you first game and then turtle.


    Click here if the movie does not play.


    As for the Flames. Definately their worst game of the season. The difference was that our has-been was better than there has-been. (Iggy's goal was weak!) Overall - I hate watching a game that is non-stop power-plays, but the Flames power-play looked horrible and Washington's was not much good either.


    Now on to more important topics. What happens when the Salary cap goes down next year? Cdn $ is under 80 cents again. All players paid in US $. All Canadian teams make most of their income in CDN dollars, and the Canadian teams make a disproportionate % of league revenue. So ya got a recession (maybe depression) about to hit, that WILL (somebody should tell the penguin) affect revenues accross the league. On top of those losses, Canadian teams will take a 20% hit on the exchange.


    Lets say that the Toronto Make-me-laughs made $100M Cdn in revenue last year - that was $100M US. Lets say this year they make $95m Cdn (good luck on that without Sundin) - well thats only $75M US. Smells like a 25% decline in revenue. My guess - Cap will go down by 10% at least. That can't be good news for Calgary who are at max even with this year's cap. Could it be that our salary cap will barely cover one line and a goalie? :o

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