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Posts posted by rehsifylf

  1. That was another excellent game last night. I don't think they have played a poor game since the Chicago loss. With the exception of what has to be one of the worst PK efforts I've ever seen from any team at any level on the one where Stoll scored, they badly outplayed LA all night. Much rather see the team play well consistently and lose a few than play poorly, get outshot, outplayed, outchanced, and out classed but get a shoot-out win.

  2. 4) The average person must know more and not trust blindly. A multi Trillion Dollar decision is no small matter. It will effect everyone's standard of living and quality of life.



    I was up north at a site this week. Asked several people - senior folks - whether they had heard of this issue. Only 2 of 5 had even heard of it. All 5 had heard about Tiger Woods.


    Its telling. You would think evil people from the oil companies would be all over this, right.


    And to the folks that like to blame all global warming on evil oil companies. Oil would not be required if not for cars, so shouldn't you be blaming the car companies from back east? And of course, cars wouldn't be needed if not for all of us (for those that drive hybrids - they still need fuel, so do buses, and LRT uses electricity made from coal). If you really want a society where the per capita use of oil is at a level sustainable for hundreds of years, such a Utopia exists. Its called central Africa - you should go live there. If you live here, you use more power than most in the world, no matter how many things you do to make yourself feel better about it.


    I'm glad that Sun is more zealous on this issue - it is about time. My children have been inundated with the AGW theories for the past 10 years, and despite my suggestions - they have eaten it up, hook line and sinker without even questioning any of the "science". If they have been this brainwashed, imagine the children in homes where no-one even asks that they make up their own minds on important issues.


    Keep going Sun - you are presenting facts that most people would never see, and the sheer volume of different sources will hopefully open the eyes of some people to at least do their own due diligence.


    One final point - one of the key "arguments" of the AGW side is that oil companies have supported the studies that counter the AGW arguments - therefore it is not credible. Consider that Al Gore left office with a net worth of just over $2M, and by 2007 that net worth had grown to over 100M, mainly from investments in Green Energy companies through a Venture Capital firm he is a partner in. I don't see anything wrong with that, but why is it wrong for oil companies to support something they believe in and make money off of, but not for Mr Gore or Mr Suzuki (who is also a multi millionaire).

  3. A Rebuttal to alot of the deniers claims and some info on who funds them --think Exxon and coal--seems they have credibility problem too. Looks like someone tried to hack into Canadian files too, but were caught- interesting as this appears to be a concerted effort. Climategate indeed.











    I found lots more links, but these will do.


    Regards Mike


    If I say that global climate fluctuation is natural and has been going on since the beginning, and you say it isn't, who is the denier?




  4. Pachauri said it was not clear whether the wording of the emails reflected the scientists' intended actions, but said: "I really think people should be discreet … in this day and age anything you write, even privately, could become public and to put anything down in writing is, to say the least, indiscreet … It is another matter to talk about this to your friends on the telephone or person to person but to put it down in writing was indiscreet. If someone was to say something like this in an IPCC authors' meeting then there are others who would chew him up."


    Is this person serious? What he is suggesting is that it is fine that these scientists were manipulating the process, just not okay that they wrote emails about it. In other words, they didn't follow the proper protocal for a conspiracy to defraud the public.


    Would he suggest that it is okay to beat your wife as long as you don't leave any visible bruises?

  5. ...and finally, when Redmontnon gets a win against a team that is above .500 - then I'll buy that they have some talent. Thus far - schedule friendly. Flames have 4 more at home this month - other than one against Edmonton, they are all against good teams. If the Flames can stay ahead, Deadmonton plays 7 of 8 on the road to start November - then come home and play Colorado, Chicago, LA, and San Jose, then travel to Vancouver for a Saturday night game. They should be picking out which course they want to buy the earlybird membership for by December 1st.


    Oilers record over the period - 7W - 14L.


    If you think the Hemsky news was bad, I heard they're building a donut shop right beside Penner's trailerpark.

  6. The devil is in the details..


    What a great week-end of Sports. Flames win twice, Deadmonton collapses against San Jose then gets their asses handed to them by Vancouver, then the green plague loses the Grey Cup. If San Jose can beat Vancouver tonight, it might be the best sports week-end for me ever.

  7. So interesting how the denial side main tactic is to abuse and name call Gore and Suzuki.


    They must have studied Hitler........the bigger the lie; the easier it is for people to believe.


    There are many sides to this debate. "Denial Side" is a derrogatory term created by one group to refer to another - a form of propoganda.


    I'd say there are at least four different camps here:


    1) Don't believe we are in a Global Warming phase (i.e. believe we are cooling)

    2) Believe we are in a global warming phase but phase not caused/significantly impacted by man

    3) Believe we are in a global warming phase, believe man is the cuase of the warming, and believe we can change the outcome

    4) Believe we might be in global warming, believe man might be a major contributer, but don't believe there is anything we can do to change it


    There are probably more.


    I have nothing against anyone who chooses to pick any camp (except AG - but my dislike for him has nothing to do with the climate change thing). I do have a problem with folks who attack others - calling them 'deniers' or 'studiers of Hitler' because they choose to believe something different, especially when the so-called 'facts' are dubious on all sides.


    I also have an issue with those that make statements like, "The proof is irrefutable", when clearly it is refutable.

  8. Humans produce 150 times more C02 than volcanoes do over the course of a year.



    I'll show you my source if you show me yours.


    how about that big volcano in 1815? The largest volcanic eruption in recorded history is that out Mount Tambora on Sumbawa island, Indonesia. Taking place on 10 April 1815. About 100 km3 (38.6 mi3) of pyroclastic trachyandesite was ejected, enough to qualify as a 7 on the Volcanic Explosivity Index. All vegetation on the island was destroyed. 10,000 people were killed in the pyroclastic flows.


    The eruption ejected enough ash into the upper atmosphere to block part of the light from the Sun for months on end. This caused 1816 to be called The Year Without a Summer, in which crops failed worldwide and at least 300,000 people starved or froze. On the plus side, the atmospheric dust from the volcanic explosion caused interesting optical effects, including the most spectacular sunsets in history.


    Although the explosion of Mt. Tambora was large, it is not the largest volcanic eruption in all of human history — just recorded history. The largest volcanic eruption in all human history is that of the former Mt. Toba. This was about 28 times larger than the 1815 eruption, and it is believed that the global human population may have been reduced to as few as 1,000 breeding pairs in the aftermath of the event.


    What isn't clear is how man could have caused the eruption, because certainly this couldn't have just happened by chance?

  9. Yes because Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and Rush Limbaugh are so much more credible and trustworthy.


    Last I checked I didn't mention anything about suggesting that any politician would be trustworthy. This wasn't an attack of left leaning politicians - I just can't stand the guy. I don't like the others you list either. BTW - I have far more trust in Obama than many other politicians but in the end, he is just a politician and I don't trust any of them. They are like sales guys - they can seem really nice, but in the end, they're trying to sell you something and that is their primary motivation.


    Turn it into a left-wing right-wing debate if you want, but the issue here is not about whether or not there is global warming, it is about the "righteous' side being caught red-handed intentionally deceiving the public, because, even though they can't prove it, they just 'know it to be true' - and they are lying for all the right reasons. As for Gore - it is not about money for him, it is about fame. His 15 minutes were just about up before this opportunity came along.


    The prepondrance of evidence is NOT on his side, because there is NO evidence that man has impacted climate change and NO evidence that we ever can. The preponderance of evidence shows that throughout history on earth, the climate is constantly changing - warming and cooling. It cracks me up that we spend so much time debating whether it is warming or cooling - and what we can do about it - shows just how arrogant humans are.


    BTW rickr - the whole popular vote thing. There are three other presidential candidates that won popular vote and didn't get to be presidient - its how your system works. In 1960 - JFK only got popular vote by .1% over Nixon - yet the victory was a landslide in electoral votes, no-one ever suggested the 1960 results were close. The fact that Al keeps harping on it is one of the reasons I can't stand the guy.


    If anyone but Al Gore was fronting this effort, I'd at least have some confidence that the cause was noble (horribly misguided, but at least noble). I don't think I've ever seen or heard a more whiny politician that I would trustt less (Layton, on his worst days maybe).



  11. http://www.dogwoodinitiative.org/notankers...to-stop-gateway


    Wont take more then two minutes of your time...


    Preview and then send...


    Sorry - I cannot do that.


    To suggest that oil tankers and pipelines are ok anywhere except NIMBY would be hypocritical of me. To support "First Nation" land claims when it is convenient for me to do so would also be hyprocritical, since I do not support the vast majority of land claims in BC the rest of the time.

  12. no kidding. the guys has been the hottest scorer in the league over the last 12 games and he sits and watches dawes and glencross shoot? flames never seem to get as many shootout points as most other good teams. i would like to see dion start the shootout with a 120 MPH slapper from 25 feet out and then follow with iggy and olie.


    The Flames best shoot-out dude, by far, is...Brandon Prust. No kidding, the guy has great moves and incredible hands. Saw him at the skills competition last year. I'd rather see him go try something innovative and highlight-reel worry then see one more weak shot that hits the boards and not the net.


    Good effort from everyone last night for 59 minutes. I like Lundmark - but, come on man, what was that?. If you can get a point even when the other goalie has his best game in 3 years, then you're doing well. Hope they have a good effort against the coyotes tomorrow.


  13. well chalk up two more wins on the back of kipper. Would have been losses if kipper would not have been spectacular both of those games. I'm pretty excited to see him playing the way he is... I feel with him playing that well this team can do anything.


    Love watching the Flames on Hockey Night in Toronto. Kipper played great, but the team also scored five goals and came close another 6 times. Other than the 5th goal, none of those goals were weak ones. TO had a large number of shots from near the blueline with no traffic. I so enjoy a Vancouver Homer anouncer with an Edmonton Homer colour guy on HNIT. The only thing worse was when Maguire was doing the Flames-Hawks series last year. Last night, Price stopped 53 of 55 shots - a better performance than Kipper who stopped 36 of 38 - but guess what, Montreal lost.


    Tuesday's game against Col will be for first place. Too bad Col got clobbered last night, it's never good to face a good team that just got whooped.


    PS - Anyone seen the Oilers Official Thread? It must be way down near the bottom, like the team. I just picked up some awesome tickets to see the Oilers next spring - third row right beside the 18th green.

  14. Send him for counseling. Stealing from a community Lake? WTH? If I didn't read it here, I never would have believed it. I think poachers are like shoplifters. It has nothing to do with the fish.


    Contrary to popular belief, compulsive shoplifters do not steal essential items that they cannot afford. The fact is that they are "adrenalin junkies" who derive a huge "rush" from the thrill of stealing and not getting caught. Most shoplifting addicts will tell you that the thrill of stealing is far more valuable than the item they made off with.


  15. again, wow. what an effort. great to see the flames playing this way. Kipper's back and that's not what the rest of the NHL wants to hear. He's startin to look like the good ol' kipper. :)


    Yes Kipper has played his two best games of the past couple of seasons - in a row. Funny how it was right after Curtis went in and played a stellar game. That hasn't happened since another Curtis went in and played great a couple years back. Kipper needs to be pushed and maybe now he will be.

  16. I can't find any records of a person named Ralph working for big oil before turning to politics? I can find one that was a reporter then Mayor then MLA but none that came from big oil?

    Maybe he gave a false name to throw you off? Maybe he was in politics in BC and moved here?

    Mayor of Calgary - work for big oil. What's the difference?

  17. looks like you got your standing crew on your side again..gee, guess you don't see how you've been abused and raped by ur Albertan government..and that is a sad thing, oh well looks like the corp wins again..hmm..but you are a cowboy, since when have you entered the world of sheep..........


    ..as far as Seniors driving..guess they can until they lose the ability to either..see or function as everyone else..but then again why let kids drive when more than 50% of the accidents are caused by them..and as far as Seniors fishing more..hell man..most of those ppl are fly fishing purists anyways...u know...'catch and release'.....Wolfie


    Wolfie - anyone who has read my posts on the H1N1 thread will know that I'm not "one of Terry's crew". I have to say that i think his points are pretty valid on this one. I don't think seniors should have to pay, but to suggest that he is a corporate raider because he does, makes little sense to me.


    As an aside, and I'm not trying to be disrespectful to you, but I often have to read your posts 3 or 4 times to understand what point you are trying to make. Sometimes after three tries I give up. You seem to try and make complex sentences when maybe you could just use simple statements. English does not appear to be your first language so maybe you are translating from a different language and it loses something.


    One last point. We have a pretty free country here. If you don't like the government and the people who support the government, why don't you move to a place that suits you better? Thats why I moved here from BC.

  18. Sam and Becky are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary.

    Sam says to Becky, "Becky, I was wondering...have you ever cheated on me?"

    Becky replies, "Oh Sam, why would you ask such a question now? You don't

    want to ask that question..."

    Yes, Becky, I really want to know. Please..."

    "Well, all right. Yes, 3 times..."

    "Three? Well, when were they?" he asked.

    "Well, Sam, remember when you were 35 years old and you really wanted to start your own business and no bank would give you a loan? Remember, then one day the bank president himself came over to the house and signed the loan papers, no questions asked?"

    "Oh, Becky, you did that for me! I respect you even more than ever, to do such a thing for me. So, when was number 2?"

    "Well, Sam, remember when you had that last heart attack and you were needing that very tricky operation, and no surgeon would touch you? Then remember how Dr. DeBakey came all the way up here, to do the surgery himself, and then you were in good shape again?"

    "I can't believe it! Becky, you should do such a thing for me, to save my life. I couldn't have a more wonderful wife. To do such a thing, you must really love me, Darling. I couldn't be more moved. So, all right then, when was number 3?"

    "Well, Sam, remember a few years ago, when you really wanted to be president

    of the golf club and you were 17 votes short..?"


  19. A man was stopped by a game-warden in BC recently with two buckets of fish leaving a lake well known for its fishing.

    The CO asked the man, "Do you have a license to catch those fish?"

    The man replied to the officer, "No, sir. These are my pet fish."

    "Pet fish?!" the CO replied.

    "Yes, sir. Every night I take these here fish down to the lake and let them swim around for a while. I whistle and they jump back into their buckets, and I take em home."

    "That's a bunch of BS! Fish can't do that!"

    The man looked at the officer for a moment, and then said, "Here, I'll show you. It really works."

    "O.K. I've GOT to see this!" The warden was curious.

    The man poured the fish into the river and stood and waited. After several minutes, the game warden turned to the man and said, "Well?"

    "Well, what?" the man responded.

    "When are you going to call them back?" the CO prompted.

    "Call who back?" the man asked.

    "The FISH"

    "What fish?" the man asked.


  20. good game for curtis!!!!!! was a good watching game! and the refs finally "won" us a game!!!!!!!!!!


    The refs didn't help much in the first. That 5:3 was a joke. As for the puck over glass, the TSN guys got it wrong. The rule is when the player is in the defending zone, not the puck. While the puck was over the blue line, the player was clearly behind the line - watched it it slow motion. At that point penalties were 7 Calgary, 4 Dallas including a penalty shot so I wouldn't say the refs won it for Calgary. Our goalie was the difference.


    Puck over glass penalty is a stupid rule. As someone said, if you can shoot the puck down the ice intentionally to stop play (icing) what is the difference with shooting it over the glass - both delay the game.

  21. The healthcare system is like a clock. If one cog does down, the system is affected. Even isolated office staff contribute to frontline support. If there was a 30-40% absenteeism in "support staff", there would be a negative impact.


    Sometimes, the right decisions are made for the right reasons, even if they may not be obvious to everyone.


    Agreed - I don't have an issue with any healthcare staff getting vaccinated.


    The reaction to Flames and others getting their shots first is reminiscent of the titanic lifeboats or huricanes in the south. Everyone is all pretty altruistic until the %$^% hits the fan, then true human nature shines through.


    Albertans have nothing to complain about compared to PEI - http://www.theguardian.pe.ca/index.cfm?sid=299166&sc=98.


    BTW - saw on the news last night the cost t the government so far is $478M.

  22. Life expectancy:

    US-male 73, female 80

    Can-male 78, female 83


    Infant mortality, per 1000 births




    Can vs US Health Care Spending


    A couple of quotes:





    I don't know anything about the EPI (source of the health care spending numbers), so I can't vouch at all to the accuracy of their numbers. But I do know from watching debates in the US that the spend in the US is far higher than Canada, and for the extra buck you get lower life expectancy and more infant mortality. Good return on investment, eh? And I know that demographics are far different in the two countries, and that does impact both the life expectancy and infant mortality numbers. You would have to research over time to see if the US extra spend really is impacting these numbers positively in relation to Canada or any other single pay system. But I have followed this debate for many years now and nothing I have seen leads me to believe it is.


    How does this fit in the context of H1N1? Probably doesn't. Just a bit of diversion.




    Had this conversation with a friend from California a few weeks ago.


    It is pretty much impossible to compare the US and Canada. As you siad, the populations are different to begin with and live very differently. Its very possible that if you took the US population and applied Canadian system to them, the costs per capita would be higher and the mortality rates also higher. Lets say I took my car to rickr's bodyshop for repair and it had all four sides smashed in, broken windows, and the engine had been run without oil for 10k kms. My friend takes his car into Sundance car repair because he has a broken headlight. In the end, rickr spends $9000 trying to fix my car and Sundance only charges my friend $100. A week later my car dies and my firends keeps running for years. Is Sundance a better car shop? The per capita spend was much lower and the car had a longer life.


    An interesting article on life expectancy in the US is shown here - http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2006-0...xpectancy_x.htm (okay USA today, but look past that and see who did the research). Key things, Asians live the longest (also eat the healthiest) followed by Northern State caucasions (Canada has alot of them as well as Asians).


    I think orvis is right about lifestyle being a big part of it. Obesity is a huge health issue in both countries but much worse in the US. Found a really cool gif on the rates of obesity in the US and the changes over the past 20 years - hard to believe but it is too large to post - check it out at wikpedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obesity_in_the_United_States.


    As for the spending per capita - the number you quoted are from the WHO I think. However, you can find wildly different numbers reported (probably related to the bias of the group reporting them). Canada's is very hard to determine because the spending comes from so many different places - look at how many different ways you pay for healthcare (Fed taxes, provinical taxes, Gas taxes, private insurance...).



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