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Posts posted by rehsifylf

  1. Don't worry about it Rickr, surely you realize a couple of things:

    1) Canadians are insecure,

    2) Hockey is our passion,


    Beat us in hockey and you get 1+2+defeat=


    tres, tres bitterness.






    Actually rickr, many Canadians are insecure - they are the ones that go around apologizing all the time for things they didn't say and feel that they can speak for all Canadians.

  2. Goaltending (on both sides) and blocked shots is what won that one for the USA. Amazing game.


    Biggest difference was that the US Coach pulled his goalie when he should have. Allen should have been gone by after the second goal and definately after the 3rd.


    That game reminded me of one I watched in 1980. USA outplayed badly but sat back and waited for the other team to get over-aggresive then pounced on weak goaltending. The best team in the tourney was probably Sweeden, followed closely by Canada - USA was a distant third but they knew how to let the other teams beat themselves.


    Funny how just before overtime Gord or Pierre mentioned that the Canadian Coaches had stressed no more drop passes at the blue line in 4:4 and that is exactly what they did.

  3. Definitions:


    Boarding: ....Any unnecessary contact with a player playing the puck on an obvious “icing” or “off-side” play which results in that player being knocked into the boards is “boarding” and must be penalized as such. In other instances where there is no contact with the boards, it should be treated as “charging.”


    42.3 Major Penalty – The Referee, at his discretion, may assess a major penalty, based on the degree of violence of the impact with the boards, to a player or goalkeeper guilty of boarding an opponent (see 42.5).


    42.5 Game Misconduct Penalty - When a major penalty is imposed under this rule for a foul resulting in an injury to the face or head of an opponent, a game misconduct shall be imposed.




    Maybe a game misconduct was not deserved...but rules were followed


    Except that the linesman had waived off icing (one of many bizzare calls in the game) - so it was not boarding. Neither player was near the puck.

  4. I was there. Funny how that phantom hit slammed Kopitars head into the boards. And can someone explain to me how when two guys are racing for a puck on an icing situation the guy in front put himself in a vulnerable position? This stupid rule is going to get someone seriously injured one day. Hell, even Cherry thinks so. Not often anyone from outside Canada agrees with Don, but he's right on this one.


    I was there as well. Anyone who'd like to judge for themselves can go to youtube and watch the hit. After watching it several times at the game and aftewards, I can say that Kopitar's back hit the boards and his head hit nothing (not Phaneuf, not the boards, and not the ice). His helmet came off the after the hit - cause, like many NHL players, he is too cool to fasten the chin strap properly. Anyone in the NHL racing an icing (especially against Dion) needs to be ready for a hit, the fact that he wasn't is his fault.


    Phanuef deserved 2 for interference. Since we are referring to Cherry, ask Don what he thinks of guys that lay on the ice after a hit trying to draw a major penalty, and then come out on the ensuing powerplay.

  5. Green would be a horrible choice for D, sure he has high points but look who is on forwards?


    Green +15, Nieder -10 - Last time I checked Anaheim has 2 forwards on Team Canada. The guy has the most points in the league and higher +/- than any other player on Team Canada. People repeat what they hear from the TSN guys, but if green played for Toronto or montreal - he'd be on the first defense pairing.

  6. How is Beaduer weak, maybe this year but how many olympic gold medals does he have and how many World Series cups does he have and also how many stanley cups does he have?


    Not a shot a Martin, but a shot at Canadian Goaltending in general. One thing we should have learned from 2006 - past accomplishments should not be valued over current performance. Brodeur is having a very good season, but Bryzgalov is lights out as are the #1 goalies for all of the other top teams at the Olympics. BTW - Bordeur has one Olympic Medal in three tries - they failed to win any Medal in 1998 or 2006.


    Bryzgalov is top 5 in all goaltending categories (Despite playing for Phoenix). Same thing for Miller - .933 save percentage tied for first with Tuka Rask (Finland). Brodeur and Luongo are tied for 13th in Save Percentage. The world is overtaking us in goaltending - there is not one Canadian goalie in the top 10 in save percentage in the league. 2 Finns, 2 Swedes, 3 Americans, 3 Russians, and 2 Czechs make up the top 12.


    This was going to be a tough tourney to win any medal in anyway - adding Pronger and Niedermeyer makes me think it will be even that much harder. While I think our forwards are stronger than in 2006, the Russians are still probably the most potent. Speaking of the Russians - look what they did with Kovalev and Khabibulin - they left them off the roster despite having been the stars at the 2006 Olympics.

  7. Well - lets get it going.


    Looks like Stevie Y and crew didn't learn much from Wayne. Don't let friendship cloud your decisions.


    Pronger? Was Brutal in Salt Lake and even worse in Italy. Given the Russian Offense, we needed a better D.


    How can he put Pronger and Niedermeyer on there and leave off Mike Green? Green has one of the highest +/- in the league at +15 and has the most points by s D man (he has more points that Nash!). Niedermeyer is -10 - one of the very worst in the league. I'd put Green, Phaneuf, Bowmeester, AND Reggie (along with about 8 other D Men) well ahead of those two.


    Quote Steve - "We wanted to take the 7 best guys that are playing best this year"


    Big Mistake. They had Iggy who could be Captain. No need to take Niedermeyer - that was all about being Pals with the team management. When the Russions make Pronger and Niedermeyer look brutal and put 6 or 7 past whichever netminder is in, maybe then they'll let hockey canada pick the team.


    Forwards - pretty much as expected but Corey Perry? Eric Staal? No Stamkos?


    My prediction is that weak goaltending and weak defense will haunt this team.

  8. WTF - Arrive three hours before your flight? I head to Phoenix new Year's Day - FLIGHT LEAVES AT 7AM :o I should just walk!


    Do people realize that there is no way, repeat, no way that you will ever be able to prevent someone from bringing down an airplane if they really want to? The security measures are a placebo to make people feel safer, but clearly there are about 50 new methods that just haven't been tried yet.


    In the end - take 1.7 Billion travellers each year and delay them by an extra hour - thats 194,063 years of life you just %$^$%ed with. Assume the average person lives 75 years - thats 2600 lifetimes each year since 2001. They don't have to actually blow up the plane to succeed.


    Still - this bumped the BS about turning over terrorists to the Afghan authorities off the front page, didn't it?

  9. going to the game today and unless the flames pull up their socks it's going to be pretty tough to beat the canucks esp now that they are playing well. i don't like the thought of seeing the hated canucks beating us in the dome....hopefully the flames will get their *hit together today.


    Rare to see a goalie that out of it - I mean, he couldn't find the puck at all. I'd have pulled him after the third goal - it was clear he was in early season form. No way I'd play him against Edmonton.


    I'm sure after the game, they'll talk about defensive breakdowns etc - but the only difference was between the pipes. Last three games, Flames should be 3-0, but Kipper has been the old Kipper.

  10. If your province was currently not part of Canada and it was holding a binding referendum today, would you vote to join the confederation?


    If not part of Canada, what would we be, an independent nation? Or part of another country? If Alberta, BC, and Sask were one country (maybe even throw in Manitoba) - then I'd probably not vote to join. This is different than voting to leave Canada assuming we were already a part - that I probably would not do. I suspect that some who are voting Yes in this Poll are really saying No to voting to leave the Confederation - they are very different questions.


    My rationale is that, if we were a separate country, we'd already have our own federal system including laws, police, government etc. so can't really see any benefit to joining a country that would have Quebec in it - would make more sense to join the US. Between the three provinces, we'd have enough diversity that I doubt we'd become a hard right wing state.


    There is no doubt in my mind that our three province country would be far more prosperous - we'd be larger than Norway, and resource rich, and have two large trading partners. We wouldn't waste more than $4B per year translating documents into French, only to have them never read by 90% of the population. Still would be lots of political grousing between the provinces, but at least each province would pull their own weight. I've grown weary of being bad mouthed by Quebec AND Ontario (the people and the politicians) about our dirty oil as they sit there taking our handouts to the tune of $750 per year for every man, woman, and child in Quebec from Alberta alone. That doesn't even include the money spent in those two provinces on running the federal gov't which probably runs into several more thousand per year for each western taxpayer. England learned something in the late 1700's about taxation without representation.


    Maybe that makes my neck red, but I tried to answer the poll assuming that I had no loyalties to Canada (because I was never a part of it) and considering what reasons I would have to join. For those that voted Yes - I'd be curious to hear what would make you want to join the Confederation now?



  11. The colour guy with Cuthbert on TSN is usually Ray Ferarro. He's on right now with Cuthbert on TSN doing the Canucks v. Capitals game.


    Was it someone else?


    No - it wasn't Ray - although he is pretty good.


    Just watching the game - another brutal PPG against. Bowmeester standing around watching the play again. The more I see, the less I am impressed with that guy in his own end. Give me Pardy or Gio on the PK any day.


    Post Game Edit - what exactly will it take for Jokinen to score? The guy is brutal. Seriously, Dave Semenko had better hands. Maybe next game Jerome can fire it off of Jokinen's head and into the net. That would solve two problems.


    No way they should lose a game they dominate like that.

  12. Man what a weird year. wins in games where the team didn't deserve to win... and lots of losses on games where the flames played very well. Can't figure this team out. Boy they looked awful in the third... I can't understand why teams "sit back" on a lead... I've never seen it lead to anything good.


    Yeah - I was thinking the same thing. It's so obvious to fans that are watching that just getting the puck out of your zone when you're up might work in Pee Wee, but in the NHL it is a recipe for disaster. Yet the Flames do it all the time. The only time they play well in the 3rd is when they are down or tied.


    BTW - I missed the start. Who was the Colour Guy on with Cuthbert? I liked him. So much more enjoyable watching the game on TSN than on CBC - Mark Lee just doesn't get the emotion going, and an ex oiler as Colour Guy - what the %^$% is CBC thinking. The only one worse if Kevin Weekes, but at least he is new so I'll give him a break.


    CBC should cut a deal with the fan 960 and just put Peter and Mike Rogers voice on over the CBC video for Flames games. One way you might be able to do it yourself if you have a PVR is to record the game and start watching it acouple of seconds later so the sound and video match. I think I'm going to try that next game.

  13. All I hear is how great Jay B is game in and game out. That penalty he took at the end of the game was as stupid a play as I've seen any player on any team make this year. I mean - first he slashes the guy and then he cross checks him - while they are up by a goal and on a powerplay until the end of the game. If it was Phaneuf who did that, you wouldn't hear the end of it.


    Jay is good, no doubt about it, but the most highly overrated player on the team I think. Giordano the most underrated.


  14. A couple of Lethbridge hunters are out in the woods when one of them falls to the ground. He doesn’t seem to be breathing, his eyes are rolled back in his head.


    The other guy whips out his cell phone and calls the emergency services. He gasps to the operator: “My friend is dead! What can I do?”


    The operator, in a calm, soothing voice, says: “Just take it easy. I can help. First, let’s make sure he’s dead.”


    There is a silence, then a shot is heard. The guy’s voice comes back on the line. He says: “Okay, now what?”

  15. To the older fogies....do you remember how you grew up? Probably like me. Small house (800 sq ft) with 7 people living in it, single car, one TV, single income. My dad was not at the bottom either. He was a manager for a large newspaper. I'm talking less then 40 yr ago.


    Compare that to today. Two incomes, 1500+ sq ft homes with 2 or 3 people, 2 or 3 cars, flat screens, computers, etc. you get the picture.


    If there is a wealth transfer, I'm thinking we can survive it. Some of us are way too comfy and spoiled and don't even know it. We are a gluttonous society, for sure.


    This is the ends I'm agreeing with, but I'm still very suspicious of the means.


    Now that I agree with!


    Seems like there has never been a time in history without haves and have-nots. The thing is that the haves are becoming a much less exclusive group.

  16. Castus:


    or would your livelihood be impacted by any of those industries being subjected to stringent global policies and agreements in regards to global warming".





    The oil and gas companies would be affected by carbon taxes the same way cable companies would be affected by the Broadcast tax- it would be passed on to the consumers. Anyone that lives in Canada that doesn't think they would be negatively affected by carbon taxes (i.e. we pay other countries tax for producing CO2) is kidding themselves. This includes everyone.


    For example: teachers get paid by the government, the government gets money from taxes and royalties. If the royalties go away (much as Albertans believe they can force O&G companies to produce at a loss, it will not happen) - then a) less money for teachers, and b.) more taxes for everyone (including the teachers that are left).


    When Jimbob deafulted on his mortgage last year - it affected more than JimBob and his bank, right?

  17. A summer job (a good one for students) in terms of payment and easiness was my friends' old job sprayin pesticides for the city. They would drive around and spray all those little patches of grass in the road dividers, grass beside the roads, and all the parks. Basically any public grass was supposed to be sprayed, no matter how little or useless. Totally ridiculous, and you know it all washed out into the river after the rains...... they all quit and later testified against the spraying in some city meetings of some sort...


    Cant imagine that was useful at all.


    But aren't dandelions non native species? I read somewhere that we should be doing everything we can to protect native species, including erradicating non-native ones.

  18. so is anyone who doesnt think the stripes are dictatiing the way some flames games go watching tonights? two flames players get hauled/hooked/held down on a series of scoring chances, and since then colorado has had 5 straight power play chances even though there were more holds/hooks that could have been called against them.... and are up 1-0 after ONE period. Do I dare even watch the second when I know the stripes have been paid to boot this one?


    Merry Christmas Colorado. Giordano's blood not good enough for the Ref. Colorado it brutal. To lose 3 to this team is tough. If Colorado makes the playoffs I'll be surprised - they are even worse than Edmonton.

  19. Wow - what a boobdoggle dog%$^&.


    This is how serious Europe takes the issue.


    "News of the document came as the European Union leaders agreed in Brussels to commit euro 2.4 billion ($3.6 billion) a year until 2012 to a short-term fund to help poor countries cope with climate change. The EU also conditionally lifted its commitment to reduce carbon emissions by 30 percent below 1990 levels over the next decade, depending on better commitments by the United States and Canada."


    For those counting, the European Union has about 500M people. This equates to a contribution of about $7.20 US per person per year. Equivalent to Alberta, with a population of 3.7M pledging $26M per year.


    As for lifting the commitment s- another good one - Blame Canada - a country whose carbon consumption is nearly entirely driven by export products.


    BTW - I know they are a "developing" nation, but can anyone tell me how much China's emission have grown since 1990? And even though China, if you can believe it, is considered to be part of the developing nation group (that is asking for funding from developed nations to help deal with the effects of man-made CO2, guess who is the largest producer in the world of CO2 - and has been for more than 4 years?


    Canada - though well down the list of total CO2 production has been lambasted by the EU/greenpeace, and many of our own citizens because our projected avg annual growth in energy related CO2 emissions is .8% out to 2030. China's project growth during that period is nearly 4X higher at 2.8%. Let me do the math for you on that. In 2006 China had 6,103,493,000 metric tons of CO2 emissions and Canada had 544,680,000 metric tons as of 2006. At a rate of growth of 2.8% in China (and my belief is that it is rising much faster than that right now) - China's GROWTH in CO2 emissions between 2006 and now would be 712, 841, 734 metric tons - or about 28% more than Canada's TOTAL emissions in 2009. And we are going to pay China for our sins?


    Ask yourself why, instead of browbeating the US (that has much lower total emissions than China in 2009), the fine folks in Copenhagen aren't going after China? I think we know the answer to that.


    All is not lost - because China has committed to reducing their "Carbon Intensity" number by 40% in the next 10 years. Carbon intensity is the amount of CO2 produced for each dollar of GDP. Right now, China is only 300% worse than Canada on that, so assuming they live up to their committments on carbon intensity and Canada does as well - then they'd only be about twice as bad as Canada and the US.


    Finally - for anyone who is still reading this - all of my data points are available on the IEA site, and my math is correct, but I intentionally made a massive leap of logic in the calculations to try and reinforce the fact that people will manipualte data to try to prove their points and unless you critically review the logic, you will be misled (think hockey stick).

  20. A poll on a fly fishing site in Alberta of all places can hardly be considered even remotely statistically accurate. For someone who's always out to debunk "bad science" this should be pretty obvious to you. Unless of course you only take the science you disagree with to task and ignore the bad science you agree with...


    I'd say this - the people voting in this poll have probably read the thread and at least seen information on both sides of the debate. Most Canadians have not and are too lazy to bother looking at it for themselves.


    So, I would agree that this poll wouldn't represent the general pop - but it would do a good job of representing the views of people that are at least reasonably informed of the subject.

  21. The same tactic the global warming advocates have been using all along; fear and gross exaggeration based on a percieved outcome that they are trying to match data to.




    Why can't we go back to the good old nuclear winter scare tactics. Maybe if we do drills at school where children hide under their desks to protect them from Global Warming, that will make the parents feel better (and would be as effective as trying to reduce industrial CO2 emissions. Whatever the bogeyman, humans obviously need to be afraid of something that is beyond their control - what better thing than the weather.


    Hey Snuffy - good time to bring up Suns questions about H1N1. Sorry - but I actually went back and read the thread. I encourage others to do so FOR THEMSELVES instead of relying of misreported info from others. Your post suggested that Sun was of the position that H1N1 wasn't a threat and that he was against the shot. Totally innacurate. If people do take the time to go back and re-read the thread, they'll see for themselves how easy it is for people to misreport the facts, and maybe they'll do their own thinking, instead of relying on the others distorted reporting of the facts. BTW- anyone watch the national last night - (according to CBC, but possibly not accuratley reported) Canada will likley have 20M extra Flu Shots that they will have to give away to developing nations - excellent use of my money. Maybe we could have just sent that money over earlier for the developing nations to use for clean water - with a 1000:1 increase in benefit.

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