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Everything posted by ham

  1. ahahahahahahaha oh my god please tell me your joking if your not joking acutually either way thats one of the funniest thing i've seen in a while...nice bob nice...
  2. Seeing the board clown over here is too inconsiderate to post you a link this should help http://flyfishcalgary.com/hatch_chart.php its got the hatches and sizes listed there, you got the right idea those small nymphs and san juans are a good start
  3. put the fly rod away and go skiing...
  4. oh wow how are there 21 bids for that thing! $20,000 for a pretzel? Better be made of gold...
  5. holy crap thats absolutely ridiculous, how can you morally take that many fish...would you not feel like your destroying the place...hmm 50 fish, thats seems fair mabye i should catch 5 more and bring it to a total of 55. Honestly he much be half retarded.
  6. ha the first two are pretty good but the last ones been on this board for a while...sorry gary haha
  7. ahahaha thats pretty funny someones got wayyyyyy to much free time to make that with single shots.
  8. Hahaha i swear theres somethin in those trees by bearspaw everytime I walk down there.
  9. Anyone ice fished the reservoir? Hows the ice? Whats it like? I looked today and it seemed alright, any help would be great.
  10. hahaha did you not read last weeks posts?
  11. I live like 5 mintues from silver springs if were playin there I'm in. I havent been to the silver rink yet but it's normally not that bad. Lets set a date here boys.
  12. Damn mudflap your so miserable...the girls hands are fine haha you come out say "Man hands..." Are you looking for one of the calender girls or what
  13. Glenbow that looks identical to the operation I was on a few months ago when I was in Australia. We went up the coast all the way to Airlie beach, thats a little south of "Canns" As they say it I guess haha. Ya take a cat for a 2 hour ride out to the reef, pretty sweet operation hey? Looks like your havin a blast.
  14. Hes a plug, hang up the skates is what he should do.
  15. ham

    Ice Fishing.

    Chris, cochrane lakes is a shithole. Dont waste your time. It had fish like a million years ago apparently but its all *hit now and i think they developped all around that lake now too. My 2 cents, dont bother with that or so i've heard.
  16. impressive..............ly stupid haha
  17. hahahahahahahha, thats priceless!!! nice find ess. "Well whats out there?" "Water, Birds, Fish" "Is that all?" "And 20,000 tonnes of crude oil.." Thats one of the funniest vids i've seen in a while.
  18. Ya i remember this vid, didnt someone post it a few months ago? Either way its nuts.
  19. Haha the cop pass hey brent? You cant hurt yourself untill theres actually snow COP's open this weekend anyways, enjoy lol.
  20. hahahaha well it was funny while it lasted then.
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