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Everything posted by Taco

  1. The British Pound has tanked and there some good deals to be had outta GB, like a Lightweight flyweight for 186 loonies right now. Reputable online outfit, just go to the upper right corner and set your preferences to Canadian and you get the prices without the VAT and in LoonyBucks. I'm trying to decide which Cascapedia I can sneak past the Bitter Half http://www.harrissportsmail.com/Default.aspx
  2. translation; i em bured und dun't geefe-a a sheet guddemn it
  3. durka durka mohammad jihad durka durka durka allah akbar
  4. Them was good pancakes and I don't think she's a terrorist, Mike 'n the dogs seem to like her.....little crazy maybe but ya need that to survive livin' 'n, workin' in Kalgree
  5. Stay up yonder wher I can keep an eye on yew..... er as Lynn says " Durka Durka Durka"
  6. Best invest your money in a flat of beer first....the great equalizer... Click here if the movie does not play. cause sooner or later they're gonna look like this
  7. heavy users heavy boozers same damn difference. The so-called "drug" problem isn't gonna go away until they take the money out of it.
  8. I'm all about that........... as a quick aside; what the hell does "Durka Durka Durka" mean?
  9. Speakin' of raggyassed, where the hell were you yesserday? don't say work because nobody actually seen you workin, kinda like you'n fissin'
  10. Good food and good company, thanks Lynn and Mike too bad I had to leave early.
  11. and Schneiders bacon....whole strips
  12. Ahh water wooffs, that's a seriously nice peak predator
  13. Lynn, I like new iron as much as the rest of them but I deeply dislike paying for new iron, I'm keeping that truck as long as it stays reliable. Seen one highway driven Cummins that had 750,000 miles on it.
  14. DC ----> Dodge Cummins----->500 ft/lbs/torque + 14/15000 lbs @ 40000K/yr = rebuild every once in a while vs a Toyota that couldn't pull a dick outta a lardbucket but lasts forever except for head gaskets, gotta think about that'n for a while. Nice Manitoba car Double D
  15. I'd be bettin' he's suddenly two nuts lighter
  16. Transfer case on my old DC got overhauled today, good to go for another 1/4 million kilometres, 400,000K and counting, toyota my left testículo
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