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Everything posted by reevesr1

  1. Thanks Chris! Very generous of you. Marc, Might do a handlebar.... or not. Good luck Jonny! This page describes the program further: Movember
  2. Headline is a bit sensational......(gay pokey thing here) A couple of quotes: I greatly enjoyed that. I hope, a hope almost sure to be unfulfilled, that some of the doubters of the effectiveness of vaccines will read this and be intrigued and question the whole anti-vaccine movement. But as the last quoted paragraphs state more eloquently than I can, this is unlikely. Thanks Marc.
  3. Hello Everyone, I am once again participating in a charity to raise funds for Prostate Cancer by growing what is sure to be another hideous 'stache. This is a very personal cause for me. My father, who just happened to be the guy who instilled my love of fishing, passed away from this deadly disease a few years ago. Anything anyone here can do to help would be more than appreciated. Last year, with tremendous help from the ever generous members of this board I was able to raise over $3000 for this worthy cause. I hope this year to raise even more! To donate to my Mo you can either: Click this link Donation Donation Pageand donate online using your credit card or PayPal account, or Write a cheque payable to the ‘Prostate Cancer Research Foundation of Canada', referencing my Registration Number 214113 and mailing it to: Prostate Cancer Research Foundation of Canada Attn: Movember 145 Front Street East Suite 306 Toronto Ontario M5A 1E3 Donations are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. The money raised by Movember is donated directly to the Prostate Cancer Research Foundation of Canada who will use the funds to create awareness and fund research across the country into prevention, detection and treatment, with a goal to ending the threat of prostate cancer. Did you know: Every year around 24,700 Canadian men are diagnosed with prostate cancer and about 4,300 die of the disease, making it the number one cancer threat to Canadian men. 1 in 7 men will develop prostate cancer in their lifetime. All men over the age of 40 are potentially at risk and should talk to their doctor about the disease and early detection. Prostate cancer is 95% curable if detected and treated early. For those that have supported Movember in previous years you can be very proud of the impact it has had and can check out the details at: Fundraising Outcomes. My heartfelt thanks for your continued support, Rick.
  4. Try to keep up with the sarcasm people. Oh, and I saw 3 wolves on the road to Radium this summer. Don't know if they weighed 50lb or not.
  5. Watching others catch fish in your lake would help.
  6. Wolves Kill! Film at 11! From the media, so you probably don't believe it!!
  7. I'll call them and ask them to stop all reporting. That will help. No information is better than hyped information. Just who do those newspaper guys think they are trying to stay alive in a news right now world? First line from the first link: Wouldn't want to know that!
  8. There has never been a incident of wolf attack in North America. Ever. Wolves are noble creatures. A New Avatar? And look nice on shirts.........
  9. I used to live in hurricane country. Any time the government recommended or ordered an evacuation and the hurricane didn't come, it was because the stupid government overreacted and the media over hyped it. Any time the government recommended/ordered an evacuation and the hurricane did come and people get stuck in the path, the stupid government ordered the evacuation too late and the morons in the media did not do enough to get the word out. Oh, and anyone who did not leave and got stuck in their damn house had to be rescued-on the taxpayer dime. Seems to me the gov/media can't win no matter what they do. No matter the outcome it's their fault. Much the same about this flu thing. Depending on the story you read or person you talk to, the gov either is over reacting, under planning, or both. The the media is creating hysteria by reporting the story. I can promise you that no matter the outcome, it will be the media or governments fault. They are easy and convenient targets. Not saying they are not sometimes at fault, I am saying they aren't always at fault. And while I do certainly acknowledge their are worse things happening right now than H1N1, to say that the money would be better spent elsewhere is specious. The money spent on vaccines would never be set aside for some other reason, particularly charities in other countries. It is not the governments responsibility to take care of Africa, as horrible as that may sound. It's the governments responsibility to take care of us. If we want to impact starvation somewhere else, it is up to us to contribute to that. And I do by the way, it is an extremely worthwhile cause.
  10. Unscientific, Thanks. Nice to read from someone on the front line. Hope you convinced some people that maybe getting the vaccine is in their best interest. But I doubt it. Too bad.
  11. I think if you talk to Greg you would find that the final total from the online auctions were down this year fairly substantially. Could be various reasons: -Poor economy -donor fatigue -loss of community (while bigger, the board does not have the sense of community it once did, IMHO) My bet is the economy was the big driver in any loss of donations. Be interesting to see what happens next year. I donated a couple of prizes last year, but did not purchase anything. If the economy looks up, I'll still donate and probably buy something as well. I agree with the posts that we should not have to do this, but until such time as the gov't steps up I can think of worse places to donate my time and money.
  12. Ahh, another subject near and dear to my heart. I used to facilitate different types of risk management meetings. I know I sounded sarcastic about the emotion, but as I've said on this board in the past, emotion clouds our perception of risk. It somehow seems worse, and therefore riskier, to some people to run the risk of dying from the vaccine than dying from not taking the vaccine. Don't know why that is, but it is.
  13. Terry, Why should I listen to Medical Professionals on the subject of Vaccines when I can listen to Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carry on the subject? I mean, they are celebrities and well informed. Emotion generally trumps logic. This is a classic example.
  14. Yes, they were in the Southwest corner. And no, I don't think you need to tell him. I think they were trying to revive their fish, it's just not easy. I've failed on at least one attempt myself.
  15. There was a news piece (probably shouldn't use the word piece or someone might complain and close this thread) about a company that leases homeowners solar panels for 15 yrs and installs them. The owner they did the piece on had her power bills drop by 1/3, so her new bill and the lease rate were significantly less than her old power bill. But I don't think the panels did enough to allow her to sell power back. This was in the states, not exactly sure where.
  16. That sucks. Good on you for calling it in, no use in questioning yourself in telling the poacher. No way you could have anticipated the outcome, so don't waste any time worrying about it. Hopefully good karma will dictate that the fly fisherman you met will turn into a new fishing buddy! And the poacher learned the rules, though I doubt that one. Not much of a man.
  17. I'll still get my shot. Always a fringe element that sees the boogeyman in everything. I'm sure if Polio were still around this same crowd would be telling me not to get the vaccine as it's all a conspiracy. Can we set up an area on the board for Conspiracy Theories? Vaccines, Global Warming and renegade NHL bosses would then have a place to reside. Oh, my wife is a nurse too. Pretty sure she's taking the needle.
  18. I actually meant Pythagoras as I saw a guy at chaparral fishing at one of the access points fly fishing with his kids. They got 2 while I was watching, the second was just huge and his son had a blast catching it! By the way-Please spend some time trying to help these fish recover. They ain't the toughest things in the world. Reviving them is frankly difficult because they are so damn hard to handle due to their size, but try your best!
  19. Watched one get her life ended yesterday in Chaparral. Kid caught it, killed it, and brought it to his mom to cook.
  20. Were you with your kids? Got out with my wife for a bit. Landed one, missed a few. Not paying enough attention. Micro-leaches for me.
  21. Thoughts and prayers sent.
  22. So when the refs are "against" the Flames and the Flames are playing a Canadian team, what exactly is the conspiracy? The NHL hates Southern Alberta? Do you think it is remotely possible that the Flames get more penalties called because they are a physical team and physical teams get more penalties? Nah, what am I thinking? There couldn't be a rational explanation. It must be a conspiracy.
  23. Smitty, Pretty funny conversation, but I think the reality is a bit darker. I did some internet research and found that the NHL has had the referees neurological systems altered to enable the NHL bosses to actually control the motor functions (gotta be able to make that right arm go up remotely) of their referees. The refs also have a device in their vocal cords that allow the NHL to make the call themselves, but make it SOUND like the actual referee is doing it. Genius! And I can't confirm this, but I think a couple of the refs might actually be androids.
  24. That's it. Back to the lake this evening! They may be stupid, but they are BIG!!!!
  25. So I fish with a fly rod. Guess I should start my own board dedicated to it and leave all the fly fishermen to their own! There may be a couple of dozen.
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