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Everything posted by dAm

  1. Would it make you feel better if they were flying a US flag?
  2. Try checking your bios settings to make sure the boot order didn't change. The error you're getting sounds like it's trying to boot from a network drive. If your boot order is correct then your hd has failed.
  3. We used Alberta Movers a couple years ago to move us out to BC. We did it in two stages and both times were very happy with them. Moving locally is a bit different but still doesn't hurt to check with the Alberta BBB on any companies you're considering.
  4. There's two small lakes near Jaffrey off Wardner road down HAHA Creek rd. Not sure if it's any of the above that were mentioned. They both had bass (and the first was stocked with trout from the hatchery up the road) but a few years ago someone introduced Pike into both of them. It was closed after that but after looking at this year's regs it looks like they've been re-opened. What they now contain is anybody's guess. Remember if you're planning on fishing in BC this year you can buy your license online along with any stamps you might want/need.
  5. Get a quote from Western Windows in the NE. They did all our windows a few years ago and we were very satisfied with their service, install and windows. http://www.westernwindows.com/
  6. I've installed a GPS system in few commercial vehicles. I don't remember the brand (I have the manual at work though) but it had a few options. Tracking, remote door lock/unlock and you could also disable the engine remotely. I've heard of newer ones that instead of disabling the engine, it slowly derates it until it will only do like 20mph. That way it's safer than cutting the power completely off if it's flying down the highway.
  7. just a quick FYI. You can now buy your BC fishing license online here http://www.fishing.gov.bc.ca/ the link is in the upper right corner under e-license, there's also a tutorial below that link. Basically you can get whatever you would get from a vendor. ie; license, conservation stamps, classified waters stamp.
  8. Ever wonder where they actually take the temperature measurements? http://wattsupwiththat.wordpress.com/categ...ather_stations/ http://www.norcalblogs.com/watts/weather_stations/ http://www.surfacestations.org/odd_sites.htm
  9. I have a good used copy that's hardly used. Just thumbed through a few times. I'd be willing to trade it for some flies or something plus whatever postage would be from BC if anyone is interested.
  10. should have added my sig to that post
  11. You can find me at or almost any night of the week. I go by [em]dAm and the first ip is our TDM clan server. Stop in anytime.
  12. I have a Frog Boat and it is ideal for one person but not for two. You can get by if the second person is a young kid but it would be pretty cramped with two adults. I've not seen any used ones, the list price for a new one is 1495.00.
  13. That's because the banks have to get their share and it's seldom a fair share. You usually get a better exchange rate from a credit card company or paypal. On Oct 11 I paid for an ebay item through paypal which was 27.49US. Paypal debited my checking account for 27.50Cdn. On Oct 24 a 10.94US item cost me 10.91Cdn. The wife goes goes to the states shopping quite often. She found using her Canadian Tire Mastercard gave her a way better exchange rate than using her debit card. So she pays with that (plus gets her points on the card) and then comes home and pays it off from her checking account right away so there's no interest. So if you buy in the US, using a bank for the transaction is the worst possible way you can do it.
  14. XP Powertoys http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/downloa...ppowertoys.mspx
  15. If you are going to buy a vehicle from a dealer in the states (new or used) keep in mind that it must have working daytime running lights to pass the federal safety inspection here (also the out of province inspection). On some models it's as simple as having the dealer plug in a diagnostic scanner and turning them on, on other models they actually change the country code for the vehicle which turns them on and also puts your dash in metric mode. Try and get that included in the sale because if you wait until you get it here to do it you'll probably have to pay a local dealer 50-100 bucks for a 30 second job. Keep in mind this is not something you can do with a cheapo hand held scanner you use just to extract trouble codes, the scanners that will do it cost thousands of dollars hence the reason a dealer charges just to hook it up. Just do a little google searching for what it takes to activate them on whatever you're thinking about buying and go from there but remember that they HAVE to work to pass inspection.
  16. Last year I broke the top few inches off my 6wt when I got snagged on a small patch of weeds and pulled a little hard. I don't remember damaging it before and had already caught several fish on it that day. It was replaced easy enough but I can see your point once it starts happening a few times.
  17. Starting this fall the BC fishing license will be available online. I don't know much about it yet and haven't even read all of the pdf's so I'm not sure if it will apply to out of province or not. There's more info on it here http://www.gofishbc.com/SiteCM/U/D/472B60A568CDB2FF.pdf and here http://www.gofishbc.com/SiteCM/U/D/898B93485AE99FAA.pdf
  18. If you can see the nest the Raid Foam works wonders.
  19. The fish will be there next week, month, year. The "aging" family member may not be.
  20. I lived in Austin in the 80's and sometime around 87 a small town in Texas got wiped out by a tornado. Waylon Jennings decided to put on a relief concert to raise money to help the townsfolks. I forget how much tickets were but they were cheap. The concert was held at a horse track outside of town. There were probably less than 200 people that showed up. I couldn't believe how few were there. We didn't even cover a 1/4 of the infield where the stage was. This is who performed: Waylon Jennings Willie Neslon Johnny Cash Neil Young Steve Earle and a few others I can't remember. So of all the concerts I've seen, I would have to say this was the best. It was like they were playing just for me because there was hardly anyone else there. Even getting to the stage was no problem. You just walked right up and leaned against it and watched them play 3 feet away. I wish I still had the pictures my ex-wife took that day. Talk about close-ups. Only sad part is that Waylon went in the hole. He didn't even make enough to cover the expenses much less help out the town he threw the concert for. Isn't google amazing? I just found a story about it here. You can see for yourself who else was there. It's the first story on the page. I even found out how much I paid for the tickets. 15.00 each. We did bring some canned goods to donate also.
  21. There's also Jim Smith Lake in Cranbrook which supposedly has smallmouth. There's a couple ponds down HaHa Creek Road that have largemouth and brooders from the hatchery but I think they're closed this year due to someone dumping pike in them last year. I've heard good things about Surveyors so that would probably be your best bet.
  22. Looks like more fun than turtle racing
  23. I find the board shows me I'm logged in until I go to make a post. After typing and hitting submit it tells me I'm not logged in so I have to copy what I just wrote, log in and start over.
  24. I always start one each year but tend to stop adding to it towards the end of May. A few things I always include are barometric pressure, wind direction and water temp. If the wind changes direction during the day and it affects the bite I always include that also. When I think about it I will also include the phase of the moon. If you forget that part and look back at your log and wonder what phase it was in you can go here.
  25. If you want to tangle with some bass on the fly come down to Creston this weekend. I have three days off and can put you on them.
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