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Everything posted by dAm

  1. The wife bought me one of the Mustang collars about 6 years ago. I love it. Usually I forget I even have it on.
  2. Thanks for the link. That was interesting
  3. True. I learned the hard way. UPS will rape you with broker fees. I won't order from anyplace now unless they ship USPS (United States Postal Service). It also helps that I live almost on the Idaho border now and have a US postal box right on the other side. FYI: Cabelas will be opening a new store in Post Falls, Idaho this fall.
  4. Here's another scientific find disputing Algore's view of GW http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1861531/posts but you didn't see much about it in the headlines. Here's a quote from a CTV story about Live Earth
  5. did you ask here?
  6. The grand prize winner will be floating home with a prize pack consisting of: Camping and fishing supplies from Canadian Tire, Trail Gift certificate from Bon ton fashions Leather bike jacket from Barrett Honda/Yamaha ..and golf shoes from Ross Vegas board shop And other great prizes from: Taylor-Wilton in Nelson Taghum Shell Jones Boys Boats Docker's Balfour Pub.
  7. yes that's the lake gravelman hawgstoppah, if you ever plan to be in the neighborhood just let me know when and I can probably put you on some bass. Right now you can drive right to them and step out and catch one. Thanks for the votes guys. If half as many people voted as viewed this thread I should be in good shape.
  8. Yes rusty, that's Duck. So far the bugs haven't been extremely bad. My Buzz Off shirt and hat from Orvis has kept them at bay but it's going to be hot all this week so I expect them to get a lot worse.
  9. The picture I submitted made it to the top ten in the contest. Now I need votes. The poll is here and mine should be number 4 with this caption "This one is going in the net! Now where did I put that net?" Link to the picture is here. The polls are open until next Thursday the 12th. The winner will be announced the following morning.
  10. Right. No PST on fishing license.
  11. Can't answer because I don't live in calgary anymore but just a heads up... next season BC is supposed to make the license available online if all goes as planned.
  12. You can also get a home kit for Sirius for around 69.00 that just comes with a stand, extra antenna and power converter then you stream it through your home stereo. Also if you are a subscriber you can listen to a lot of the channels on your computer via the Sirus website.
  13. I've had Siriuis for a couple years now and no complaints. I got the lifetime membership when I first got it. Or I should say the wife got it for me as a birthday present. it was 499.00 back then. My only suggestion would be to get the US subscription instead of the Cdn one. All you need to do is purchase a subscription and activate it on the web and you can just make up a US address. Doesn't have to match your billing address of your CC. Or if you want a real US address just pm me and I'll give you my PO Box address in Idaho and you can use that. On my truck I don't even need to have the antenna on the roof. It sits inside on my dash and picks up fine. Sirius also has a terrestrial antenna in Calgary now too. Or at least they did when I still lived there. Which meant you didn't loose signal going under bridges or inside metal buildings. I know some guys with pickups that put the antenna under the plastic cowling where the wipers are and run the cable through the firewall. That hides it completely. On a side note: XM and Sirius antennas are interchangeable. So if your ever stuck needing an antenna you can use either one. Also on the Siriius/XM merger, it's just been talked about but there's no definite plans.
  14. Congratulations Lynn!
  15. I saw to guys across the street planting a tree. Hope you're not missing one today.
  16. I think they need to crack down on the PFD bylaw and start handing out some stiff fines instead of just giving out warnings. How many tubers do you see not wearing one and how many times have you seen the patrol boat just come up to them and give a warning instead of a ticket? A PFD may or may not have helped in this case but it certainly would have increased their chances.
  17. rotflmao, that has to be the best reason for a cam yet. Can't wait until daylight. Does the first person to give you a description of the dog get a free box of flies? Glad my suggestion helped.
  18. are you adding the port number when you try to connect from a browser? ie; http://xxx.xxx.xx.x:1024 I would try using port 8080
  19. Also make sure the streaming port is open if you're behind a router. I know you said it was working to begin with but I had one that did the same thing. Worked for weeks then all of a sudden didn't. After some troubleshooting I found I never had the right port open. Not sure how it worked to begin with. What software are you using to stream it? Please don't say it's x10 software. I found the easist to use is Simple Cam but the one I like the best is TinCam.
  20. I bought my first set of Maui Jims at Sun Glasses Hut. I bought my second pair at Costco North.
  21. I have Maui Jim's and I'm very happy with them. Well worth the price in my books.
  22. Looks good to me
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